hm... vet du hvordan man gør d når man bruker TMMAudioPlayer? er ikke akkuratt mester i programmering, og har nettop begynt å lære meg om multimedia... (er selvlært, går ikke på høyskole ellr no...)
// TThreadTimer -> TComponent // A timer replacement that uses a thread to manage the timer events.
// Feel free to modify and use this code. // The only thing I ask, is that you leave my name in the source file.
// Please note that I provide this code as an example, and I // make no warranties whatsoever on the results of using this code. // Meaning: Whatever happens because you've used this code, is your own // responsibility.
// Also note that I have NOT tested this code very thoroughly, I just // wrote it in response to several newsgroup messages requesting information // on how to implement SysTray icons.
// Thule Air Base, Greenland, May 30. 2000 // Jens Borrisholt
constructor TThreadTimer.Create; begin inherited; FPriority := tpNormal; end;
//Changing the Enabled property calls either Start or Stop protected methods.
procedure TThreadTimer.setEnabled(b: boolean); begin if b then Start else Stop; FEnabled := bRunning; end;
// Starting the timer creates an instance of TTimerThread and launches the thread.
procedure TThreadTimer.Start; begin if bRunning then Exit; bStop := false; with TTimerThread.CreateTimerThread(self) do begin Priority := FPriority; Resume; end; bRunning := true; end;
//Stopping the timer just sets the stop flag to //true, the TTimerThread's Execute method will //then end and the thread will be destroyed.
procedure TThreadTimer.Stop; begin bStop := true; bRunning := false; end;
//Execute method for the spawned thread. Just //repeats while the timer is enabled, and calls the //timer object's OnTimer event.
procedure TTimerThread.Execute; var SleepTime, Last: integer; begin while not tt.bStop do begin Last := timeGetTime; Synchronize(DoExecute); SleepTime := tt.FInterval - (Integer(timeGetTime) - Last); if SleepTime < 10 then SleepTime := 10; sleep(SleepTime); end; end;
//This method is called within the TTimerThread's //Execute, using the Synchronize method. This is //because we need to call the event handler from //the main VCL thread.
procedure TTimerThread.DoExecute; begin with tt do begin if Assigned(FOnTimer) then FOnTimer(tt); end; end;
lol.. nå fikke jeg ikke kompilert pga at jeg ikke hadde masks.dcu (jeg spør IKKE om å få den filen, siden jeg har fått vite at det ike er lov)...
anntar jeg må skrinlegge prosjektet til jeg har råd til en bedre delphi versjon...
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