Avatar billede postkort Nybegynder
23. april 1999 - 00:00 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Avanceret søgefunktion

Jeg leder efter et gratis perl-script der kan søge på mit site. Jeg har et kørende nu, som søger i meta-koderne, og jeg kan remme enkelte fil-typer og dir´s ud. Desuden kan jeg bruge + og - foran ordene (ala altavista) Og så har jeg prøvet at sætte flere scrollbokse op efter hinanden, sådan så brugeren har en scrolbox med en masse ord, som han ikke ønsker skal optræde i de fundne dokumenter, og samtidig en identisk scrollbox, blot med de ord der IKKE skal indgå. Men når jeg klikker submit modtager perl-scriptet kun data fra den ene scrollbox, og enda kun et ord (selvom man har valgt et par stykker)
Er det selve opsætningen af formularen mon der er noget galt med, eller bør jeg bare bruge et helt andet søgescript?

*******udsnit af kode*************
<form METHOD="POST" ACTION="search.cgi">
      Klik ud for de ønskede valg:
          <select name="terms" size="4" multiple>
            <option value=" +appelsin">Appelsin skal indgå i opskriften</option>
            <option value=" +torsk">Torsk skal indgå i opskriften</option>
            <option value=" +kartofler">Kartofler skal indgå i opskriften</option>
            <option value=" -torsk">Torsk må ikke indgå i opskriften</option>
            <option value=" -kartofler">Kartofler må ikke indgå i opskriften</option>
      <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Find min opskrift">
Avatar billede jumper Nybegynder
24. april 1999 - 01:40 #1
Hvis du kan smide noget af koden herind, vil det nok hjælpe en del.

Avatar billede postkort Nybegynder
24. april 1999 - 11:19 #2
Her er selve Perl-scriptet


# Intermediate Search, Version 1.1
#    Copyright 1997 by Fluid Dynamics <xav.com>
#    You are free to use the script, but please ask before you
#    distribute it.
# For latest version and help files, visit:
#    http://www.xav.com/scripts/search/
# __________________________________________________________________

$basedir = '/kunder/weblightdk/htdocs/';
# The directory location of all your files.  Remember the trailing
# slash.

$baseurl = 'http://weblight.dk/';
# The URL corresponding to the base directory.

@files = ('opskriften/hjem/*/*.htm',

# These are all the files that will be listed.  The asterisk is a
# wildcard - it will list all files and directories.

$summary_file = '/summaries.html';
# Make this writable (chmod 777 summaries.html) and hide it well!
# It holds the results of everybody's searches so you'll know what
# people are really looking for when they come to your site.  We
# have placed our summary file in a non-web directory so others
# can't see it - you could put it in a hidden or secure directory.

$link_url = '';
$link_title = '';
# Enter the URL and title of your main web page.

$java_toys = 'on';
# If your visitors can't handle Java, better set this to 'off'.

$searchpict = 'http://www.weblight.dk/temp/search.gif';
# The URL of the E3 picture.

$cgi_url = 'search.cgi';
# Change this to the full URL only if your rename this script.

# This array holds info on all the directories and filetypes you'd like
# your visitors to search.  Visit the readme file for more customizing
# information.

# Options for Weighted Search:
# All occurrences of a search term count as one point.  The occurrence
# of a term in the filename, title, META keywords, or META description
# can have added weight (equivalent to a multiplier per hit).  Enter
# the multipliers in the array below - the defaults are (2,2,4,2).  If
# this makes no sense to you, just ignore it and leave the defaults as
# they are - they work pretty well.  Note that this will give extra
# weight to those pages that have a properly formatted title and META
# tags, even if they contain the same basic information.

($name_x, $title_x, $keywords_x, $description_x) = (2,2,4,2);

# No further editing is necessary, but feel free to play around...
# Note that much of the code below is straight HTML, and very easy to
# modify if you know a little about HTML programming.
# __________________________________________________________________

@pairs = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs)
    ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$pair);
    $value =~ tr/+/ /;
    $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $FORM{$name} = $value;

if ($FORM{'terms'})

sub prompt
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOM;

<body background="http://weblight.dk/opskriften/images/baggrunde/visningbag.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#FF0000">
<table border="0" width="420" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="$cgi_url" NAME="searchform">

if ($java_toys eq 'on')
    print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n";
    print "<!-- script hiding...\n";
    print "document.searchform.terms.focus();\n";
    print "// End hiding -->\n";
    print "</SCRIPT>\n";

print <<EOM;
<A NAME="tips"></A>

sub get_files
&bad_base unless (-e $basedir);
foreach $file (@files)
    $ls = `ls $file`;
      @ls = split(/\s+/,$ls);
      foreach $temp_file (@ls) {
        if (-d $file) {
            $filename = "$file$temp_file";
            if (-T $filename) {
        elsif (-T $temp_file) {

sub search
# Convert multiple blank spaces to single spaces:
$FORM{'terms'} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$FORM{'terms'} = " $FORM{'terms'} ";

# Convert NOT statements to minus signs:
$FORM{'terms'} =~ s/ not / -/ig;

# Convert AND statements to plus signs:
$FORM{'terms'} =~ s/ and / \+/ig;

# Strip OR statements (OR is the default):
$FORM{'terms'} =~ s/ or / /ig;

# Strip wildcards (bad, bad things!)
$check = 'true' unless ($FORM{'terms'} =~ /\*/);

# Correct for grouped entries:
@terms = split(/\"/,$FORM{'terms'});
$iterator = 0;
$FORM{'terms'} = "";
$placeholder = '%%%==%%%';
foreach $term (@terms)
    # Do some binary-state switching:
    if ($iterator == 1)

    # The iterator is 0 during grouped states:
    $term =~ s/ /$placeholder/g unless $iterator;
    $FORM{'terms'} .= $term;
# Done correcting for grouped entries - now all "term1 term2"
# queries have the ugly placeholder holding them together instead
# of blank spaces, so they won't get broken up when we do the
# final splitting by spaces.

@terms = split(/\s+/,$FORM{'terms'});
foreach $term (@terms)
    # Skip null entries (first and last)
    next if ($term eq '');

    # Unmask grouped terms:
    $term =~ s/$placeholder/ /g;

    if ($term =~ /^\+/)
        $term =~ s/\+//o;
        $term = '\W' . $term. '\W' unless ($term =~ /^\$/);
        $term =~ s/^\$//;
        $required_terms_present = "you bet";
    elsif ($term =~ /^-/)
        $term =~ s/-//o;
        $term = '\W' . $term. '\W' unless ($term =~ /^\$/);
        $term =~ s/^\$//;
        $forbidden_terms_present = "fraid so";
        $term = '\W' . $term. '\W' unless ($term =~ /^\$/);
        $term =~ s/^\$//;

foreach $FILE (@FILES)
$string = join(' ',@LINES);
$string =~ s/\n//g;

# Extract the title, if there is one:
if ($string =~ /<title>(.*)<\/title>/i)
    $titles{$FILE} = $1;
    for ($i=1;$i<$title_x;$i++)
        $string .= $titles{$FILE};
$titles{$FILE} = $FILE unless $titles{$FILE};

# Extract the description, if there is one:
if ($string =~ /<meta\s+name="description"\s+content="(.*)>/i)
    @cut = split(/\">/,$1);
    $description{$FILE} = $cut[0];
    for ($i=0;$i<$description_x;$i++)
        $string .= $description{$FILE};
    $string2 = $string;
    $string2 =~ s/<title>(.*)<\/title>//ig;
    $string2 =~ s/<([^>]&#124;&#124;\n)*>//g;
    @words = split(/\s+/,$string2);
    for ($i=0;$i<25;$i++)
        {$description{$FILE} .= "$words[$i] ";}
    $description{$FILE} .= "...";

# Extract the keywords, if they exist:
if ($string =~ /<meta\s+name="keywords"\s+content="(.*)>/i)
    @cut = split(/\">/,$1);
    $keywords = $cut[0];
    for ($i=0;$i<$keywords_x;$i++)
        $string .= $keywords;

# Weight the filename as needed:
for ($i=0;$i<$name_x;$i++)
    $string .= "$baseurl$FILE";

# Now that we're done with the special HTML tags, strip HTML tags
# from the file so that they aren't used in the search:

$string =~ s/<([^>]&#124;&#124;\n)*>//g;

# Check for optional terms:
foreach $term (@optional)
    $lowercase = $term;
    $lowercase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $lowercase =~ tr/\\w/\\W/;

    if (($term eq $lowercase) && ($check))
        $include{$FILE} = 'yes' if ($string =~ /$term/i);
        @count = split(/$term/i,$string);
    elsif ($check)
        $include{$FILE} = 'yes' if ($string =~ /$term/);
        @count = split(/$term/,$string);
    $word_count = @count;
    $relevance{$FILE} = $relevance{$FILE} + $word_count;
# Done checking for optional terms.

# Check for required terms:
if ($required_terms_present eq "you bet")
foreach $term (@required)
    $lowercase = $term;
    $lowercase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $lowercase =~ tr/\\w/\\W/;
    if (($term eq $lowercase) && ($check))
        if (($string =~ /$term/i) && ($include{$FILE} ne 'no'))
            $include{$FILE} = 'yes';
            @count = split(/$term/i,$string);
            $include{$FILE} = 'no';
    elsif ($check)
        if (($string =~ /$term/) && ($include{$FILE} ne 'no'))
            $include{$FILE} = 'yes';
            @count = split(/$term/,$string);
            $include{$FILE} = 'no';
    $word_count = @count;
    $relevance{$FILE} = $relevance{$FILE} + $word_count;
# Done checking for required terms.

# Check for s:
if (($forbidden_terms_present eq "fraid so") && ($check))
foreach $term (@forbidden)
    $lowercase = $term;
    $lowercase =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $lowercase =~ tr/\\w/\\W/;
    if (($term eq $lowercase) && ($string =~ /$term/i))
        $include{$FILE} = 'no';
    elsif ($string =~ /$term/)
        $include{$FILE} = 'no';
# Done checking for forbidden terms.

# Allow for wildcard-triggered listing:
$include{$FILE} = 'yes' unless ($check);

# Format for relevance:
if ($include{$FILE} eq 'yes')
    $relevance = sprintf("%.3f",($relevance{$FILE}/1000));
    $HITS{"$relevance$FILE"} = "$FILE";

} # End loop through all files.
} # End search procedure.

sub return_html
# First we build a summary file for the webmaster and the visitor:
$docstring = "$hitcount opskrifter";
$docstring = "en opskrift" if ($hitcount == 1);
$docstring = "ingen opskrifter" unless ($hitcount);

$summary = "<H2><TT>Resultat: $docstring fundet</TT></H2>\n";
$summary .= "<BLOCKQUOTE>\n<PRE>\n";
$summary .= "    Indtastet ord:  " if (@optional);
$i = 0;
foreach $term (@optional)
    $term = "<I>$term</I>" unless ($term =~ /^\\W/);
    $term =~ s/\\W//g;
    $summary .= "$term";
    $summary .= ", " unless ($i == @optional);
$summary .= "\n  Skal indeholde:  " if (@required);
$i = 0;
foreach $term (@required)
    $term = "<I>$term</I>" unless ($term =~ /^\\W/);
    $term =~ s/\\W//g;
    $summary .= "$term";
    $summary .= ", " unless ($i == @required);
$summary .= "\n  Skal ikke indeholde:  " if (@forbidden);
$i = 0;
foreach $term (@forbidden)
    $term = "<I>$term</I>" unless ($term =~ /^\\W/);
    $term =~ s/\\W//g;
    $summary .= "$term";
    $summary .= ", " unless ($i == @forbidden);
$summary .= "\n</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>\n";

print SUMMARY "Search by $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}:<BR>\n";
print SUMMARY $summary;

# Now that the webmaster knows what's going on, we print the
# results for the visitor:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<EOM;
<HEAD><TITLE></TITLE><base target="4"></HEAD>
<body background="http://weblight.dk/opskriften/images/baggrunde/visningbag.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#FF0000">
<table border="0" width="420" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

if ($hitcount > 0)
foreach $key (reverse sort keys %HITS)
    $file = $HITS{$key};
    $size = -s "$basedir$file";
    if ($size > 1500)
        {$size = int($size/1000) . " K";}
        {$size = "$size bytes";}
    $last = &Last_Modified("$basedir$file");
    print "<P><DT><a href=\"$baseurl$file\"><STRONG>$titles{$file}</STRONG></a></DT>\n";
    print "<DD>$description{$file}<BR>\n";
    print "<CITE><A HREF=\"$baseurl$file\">$baseurl$file</A><FONT SIZE=-1>";
    print " - $size - $last</FONT></CITE></DD>\n";
print <<EOM;
Der er ingen opskrifter der indeholder det indtastede ord!

print <<EOM;

sub Last_Modified
# This wonderful snippet was written by Jeff Carnahan of Terminal
# Productions (www.terminalp.com)
$filename = shift;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime((stat($filename))[9]);
@months = (Januar,Februar,Marts,April,Maj,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,December);
return "$mday $months[$mon] $year";

sub bad_base
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "I tried to find the base directory you specified:\n";
print "<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>$basedir</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>\n";
print "But the system told me that it did not exist.\n";

Håber dette hjælper lidt

Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
26. april 1999 - 11:42 #3
Nu stiller du jo 2 spørgsmål, men lad mig svare på det ene.

Grunden til at du kun får den ene værdi med fra en multipel select, er denne.
I løkken hvor parametrene læses, står der dette:

            $FORM{$name} = $value;

Men parametrene for terms kommer på denne måde:


Du får altså overskrevet tidligere værdier (appelsiner) med den sidste
(torsk). Du skal i stedet for (formentlig - utestet), skrive linien således:

            $FORM{$name} = $FORM{$name}." ".$value;

således at du sætter nye værdier efter de gamle med en blank imellem.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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