C 2 C(plusplus) (sscanf til getline)
Hey, Well, I've made a program coded partly in C and C++. However, I wish that I only use C++here is the program I've made
What I need to do is insted of usin' sscanf I want to use getline to read the data in But I just don't know how to convert the sscanf statement to a getline and Remember that the files being read are a comma separated files.
sscanf(buffer, "%[^,],%[^/r]", postnr, by);
sscanf(buffer, "%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%[^/r]", navn, gade, postnr, by);
sprintf(buffer, "%s,%s,%s,%s", navn, gade, rPostnr.c_str(), rBy.c_str());
Basically, What I want is to convert those lines above usin' getline statement or somethin' else...which I can't think of.
I hope ye can help me out...thank ye very much once again :)