Avatar billede donandres Nybegynder
13. maj 2005 - 09:50 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning


kan i hjælpe mig med at løse problemet?


her er koden i config-filen


// Galleryname
$config['galleryname'] = "Mit Fotoalbum";

$config['admin_username'] = "admin"; // Username for adminpages
$config['admin_password'] = "admin"; // Change this password!!!

$config['dbserver'] = "localhost";    // Your databaseserver
$config['dbuser'] = "***";        // Your mysql username
$config['dbpass'] = "***";        // Your mysql password
$config['dbname'] = "***";  // Your mysql databasename

$config['TABLE_PICTURES'] = "album_pictures";    // Tablename for pictures
$config['TABLE_ALBUMS'] = "album_albums";        // Tablename for albums
$config['TABLE_COMMENTS'] = "album_comments";    // Tablename for comments

// If you don't know what values to use, open the file installation.php in your
// webbrowser. It will give you a suggestion on what to write.
$config['webdir'] = ny/galleri
$config['albumdir'] = /ny/galleri/albums/
$config['fullpath'] = customers/andreasbrun.dk/andreasbrun.dk/httpd.www/ny/galleri

//$config['thumb_method'] = "im";    // Use ImageMagick for thumbnail creation (Best quality)
$config['thumb_method'] = "gd2";  // GD >= 2.0.1. True color!
//$config['thumb_method'] = "gd1";  // GD 1.x

$config['imagemagick_path'] = "/usr/bin/"; // Directory where the command "convert" is located
$config['picture_quality'] = 80;    // Picture quality in %. 100% is best quality.
$config['filetypes'] = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp"); // Allowed filetypes

$config['thumbrows'] = "3";            // Number of rows on thumbnailpage (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
$config['thumbcols'] = "4";            // Number of cols on thumbnailpage
$config['thumb_width'] = "90";
$config['picture_width'] = "400";

$config['number_in_toplist'] = "100"; // Number of entries to show on the statistics page

$config['color_main'] = "#FFe7c6";
$config['color_nav'] = "#a2cafb";
$config['color_form'] = "#a2cafb";
$config['color_form_heading'] = "#cbcbcb";
$config['color_comment_heading'] = "#fed9c2";
$config['color_comment_body'] = "#fff5e1";

$config['ver'] = "0.5";                // PHPhotoalbum version

Avatar billede tofte Juniormester
13. maj 2005 - 09:53 #1
Er ikke den store php haj, men jeg tror du mangler "" om disse linier
$config['webdir'] = ny/galleri
$config['albumdir'] = /ny/galleri/albums/
$config['fullpath'] = customers/andreasbrun.dk/andreasbrun.dk/httpd.www/ny/galleri
Avatar billede tofte Juniormester
13. maj 2005 - 09:53 #2
og også et ;
Avatar billede donandres Nybegynder
13. maj 2005 - 10:02 #3
ja for pokker... smider du lige et svar
Avatar billede donandres Nybegynder
19. juli 2005 - 13:20 #4
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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