Avatar billede karrieremanden Nybegynder
08. maj 2005 - 21:02 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

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Jeg er ved at skille et script af i atomer for at lære lidt mere om perl.

Det script jeg er ved at skille af vil jeg have sat sammen igen til at kunne læse en fil for to "data"´er.

$df = "d:/database/datafil.dat";
open (FILE, "$df");

foreach $line (@users) {
if (($data eq $in{'input'}))
    last;        }
if ($found)    {

lidt om scriptet..
$in{'input'} -> kommer fra et FORM i en html fil

Det jeg ikke lige kan løse er følgende:
hvis DATA ikke er lig med INPUT skal scriptet
udføre &FEJL  som er i bunden af scriptet...

Nogen ide om hvad jeg gøre forkert ?

På forhånd tak.
Avatar billede karrieremanden Nybegynder
08. maj 2005 - 21:03 #1
Glemte at sige...
hvis DATA er ens med INPUT skal scriptet hoppe videre i selve scriptet, hvor der udføres andre funktioner..
Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
08. maj 2005 - 21:37 #2
if (($data eq $in{'input'}))

ændres til:

if (($data ne $in{'input'}))
Avatar billede karrieremanden Nybegynder
08. maj 2005 - 22:59 #3

Nu prøvede jeg at ændre den linie til dit forslag, men nu virker det slet ikke :-(

Scriptet ser således her ud:
$| = 1;
$user_datafile = "d:/server/users/bruger_data.txt";

&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,


&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,

########### TJEK OM BRUGER FINDES###################
$df = "D:/server/config/web20_mail.dat";            #Data fil

open (FILE, "$df");
foreach $line (@users) {

if (($user ne $in{'username'}))    {

    last;        }

if ($found)    {


#$df = "d:/server/config/web20_mail.dat";
#open (FILE, "$df");

#foreach $line (@users) {
#if (($data ne $in{'input'}))  {
#    last;        }
#            }
#if ($found)    {



if ($use_new_users_scripts ne "yes") {
print "<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"2\;URL=$refer\"></head><body $background>";
print "<h2 align=center>Sorry!  The Postmaster has not enabled this option</h2></body></html>\n";
  exit; }

if ($in{'retrieve_password'} ne "")

if ($in{'confpasswd'} ne "")


if ($in{'change_email'} ne "")

sub submit_modification


if ($in{'newpasswd'} ne $in{'confpasswd'}) {
$fake_it = "test";
#$fake_it = $in{'password'};
if ($fake_it eq "")

if ($in{'confpasswd'} ne "") {
$upassword = $in{'confpasswd'};
$encrypt_pw = &sambar_encrypt($in{'confpasswd'});
  } # end if

  open (DATABASE, "<$pwdfile");

  while (<DATABASE>)
    $line = $_;
    chop $line;
    @fields = split (/\:/, $line);

      $old_row = "$line";

  if ($fields[$index_of_username] ne $in{'username'})
      $new_data .= "$line\n";

} else {

      $old_row = "$line";
      for ($i=0; $i <= (@db_user_definable_field_order-1); $i++)
        $index = $db_user_definable_field_order[$i];
        if ($in{$index} ne "")
        $fields[$index_of_encrypt_pw] = $encrypt_pw;
          $new_row .= "$in{$db_user_definable_field_order[$i]}\:"; 
      $new_row .= "$fields[$i]\:";
        } # End of for ($i=1; $i <= @db_user_definable_field_order; $i++);   
      $new_data .= "$new_row \n";

close (DATABASE);

    open (DATABASE, ">$pwdfile");
    print DATABASE "$new_data"; 
    close (DATABASE);

################ Clear the values to use again ###############
$line = '';
$new_data = '';
$new_row = '';
$old_row = '';
$index = '';
$fields = '';
@fields = '';
################ Now do the user data file ###################
$confpasswd = $in{'confpasswd'};
    use MIME::Base64;
    $cgiencrypt_pw = encode_base64($confpasswd);
for ($cgiencrypt_pw) {

  open (DATABASE, "<$user_datafile");

  while (<DATABASE>)
    $line = $_;
    chop $line;
    @fields = split (/\|/, $line);

      $old_row = "$line";

  if ($fields[$index_of_datausername] ne $in{'username'})
      $new_data .= "$line\n";

} else {

      $old_row = "$line";
      for ($i=0; $i <= (@data_user_definable_field_order-1); $i++)
        $index = $data_user_definable_field_order[$i];
        if ($in{$index} ne "")
        $fields[$index_of_password] = $cgiencrypt_pw;
        $fields[$index_of_email] = $new_email;
          $new_row .= "$in{$data_user_definable_field_order[$i]}\|"; 
      $new_row .= "$fields[$i]\|";
        } # End of for ($i=1; $i <= @data_user_definable_field_order; $i++);   
      $new_data .= "$new_row \n";
close (DATABASE);

    open (DATABASE, ">$user_datafile");
    print DATABASE "$new_data"; 
    close (DATABASE);

#end and exit


sub submit_data_email_change {

if ($in{'new_email'} ne "") {
  $new_email = $in{'new_email'};
  } # end if

  open (DATABASE, "<$user_datafile");

  while (<DATABASE>)
    $line = $_;
    chop $line;
    @fields = split (/\|/, $line);

      $old_row = "$line";

  if ($fields[$index_of_datausername] ne $in{'username'})
      $new_data .= "$line\n";

} else {

      $old_row = "$line";
      for ($i=0; $i <= (@data_user_definable_field_order-1); $i++)
        $index = $data_user_definable_field_order[$i];
        if ($in{$index} ne "")
        $fields[$index_of_data_email] = $new_email;
          $new_row .= "$in{$data_user_definable_field_order[$i]}\|"; 
      $new_row .= "$fields[$i]\|";
        } # End of for ($i=1; $i <= @data_user_definable_field_order; $i++);   
      $new_data .= "$new_row \n";
close (DATABASE);

    open (DATABASE, ">$user_datafile");
    print DATABASE "$new_data"; 
    close (DATABASE);

#end and exit

sub retrieve_password {

#open (FILE, "$user_datafile");
# @users=<FILE>;
# close(FILE);
#foreach $line (@users) {
#if (($username eq $in{'username'})&&($passwd ne ""))    {
##if (($username eq $in{'username'})&&($passwd ne "")&&($email =~ "\@"))    {
##if (($name eq $in{'name'})&&($username eq $in{'username'})&&($passwd ne "")&&($email =~ "\@"))    {
#    $found=1;

#use MIME::Base64;
#    $password = decode_base64($passwd);
#    last;        }
#            }

#$df = "d:/server/config/web20_mail";
#$usern = "abcdefghi.web20.dk";
#open (FILE, "$df");

# close(FILE);
#foreach $line (@users) {


#if (($user eq $usern))    {
#if (($user eq $in{'username'}))    {

##if (($username eq $in{'username'})&&($passwd ne "")&&($email =~ "\@"))    {
##if (($name eq $in{'name'})&&($username eq $in{'username'})&&($passwd ne "")&&($email =~ "\@"))    {

#    $found=1;
#    last;        }
#            }
#if ($found)    {
$subj = "Bestilling af kode";
$messagebody .= "Hej $name\n";
$messagebody .= "Du har bedt om at få tilsendt din kode\n";
$messagebody .= "til din hjemmeside hos web20.dk\n\n";
$messagebody .= "Dit bruger navn er :  $username\n";
$messagebody .= "Dit bruger navn er :  $user\n";
$messagebody .= "Din adgangs kode er:  $password $newpass\n\n";
$messagebody .= "Venlig hilsen\n";
$messagebody .= "Web20.dk\n";

&send_mail($from_address, $email, $subj, $messagebody);

sub password_change_success {

    print <<__END_MAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>User Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=000040>
<H2>Password Changed</h2>
<h3>Koden er ændret</h3>

sub password_change_failure {
    print <<__END_MAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>User Not Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=000040>
<H2>Password Error</h2>
<h3>Your password or username did not match</h3>
<b> looking for user : $username

sub email_change_success {
    print <<__END_MAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>User Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=000040>
<H2>Email Changed</h2>
<h3>Your email has been successfully changed</h3>

sub password_mail_success {
    print <<__END_MAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>User Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=FF0000>
<H2>Password Sent</h2>
<h3>Your password has been mailed to the address on record</h3>
<h3>password $password </h3>
<h3>mail $mail </h3>
<h3>navn :$name
<h3>email $email
<h3>email2 $mail
<h3>kode $kode
<BR><a href="/">Return to $sitename</a>


sub password_mail_failure {
    print <<__END_NOMAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>No Users Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=FF0000>
<H2>Invalid Email</h2>
<h3>That did not match or no email address on record to send it to!
<h3>path to pass file :$user_datafile </h3>
<h3>path to pass file :$df </h3>
<b> looking for user : $user </b>
<BR><a href="/">Return to $sitename</a>


sub bad_character {
    print <<__END_RESULTS__;
<TITLE>Bad Character Used</TITLE>
<font COLOR=FF0000>
<H2>Invalid Character</h2>
<h3>One or more of the characters you used is not allowed</h3>
<BR>Use your back arrow to return to the form.


sub getmail {


sub fejl {
    print <<__END_FEJL__;

<font COLOR=FF0000>
<h3>One or more of the characters you used is not allowed</h3>
<BR>Use your back arrow to return to the form.


# Library load and File Lock routines are borrowed from Solena Sol
sub require_supporting_libraries

  local ($file, $line, @require_files) = @_;
  local ($require_file);
  foreach $require_file (@require_files)
    if (-e "$require_file" && -r "$require_file")
      require "$require_file";
      print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
      print "I am sorry but I was unable to require $require_file at line
            $line in $file.  Would you please make sure that you have the
            path correct and that the permissions are set so that I have
            read access?  Thank you.";
    } # End of foreach $require_file (@require_files)
  } # End of sub require_supporting_libraries

#                            get_file_lock                            #
                # The subroutine takes one argumnet, the name to use for
                # the lock file and is called with the following syntax:
                # &get_file_lock("file.name");
sub get_file_lock
  local ($lock_file) = @_;
  local ($endtime);
  $endtime = 20;
  $endtime = time + $endtime;
                # We set endtime to wait 20 seconds.  If the lockfile has
                # not been removed by then, there must be some other
                # problem with the file system.  Perhaps an instance of
                # the script crashed and never could delete the lock file.
  while (-e $lock_file && time < $endtime)
  open(LOCK_FILE, ">$lock_file") || &file_open_error ("$lock_file",
                                                      "Lock File Routine",
                                                      __FILE__, __LINE__);
                # Note: If flock is available on your system, feel free to
                # use it.  flock is an even safer method of locking your 
                # file because it locks it at the system level.  The above
                # routine is "pretty good" and it will server for most
                # systems.  But if youare lucky enough to have a server
                # with flock routines built in, go ahead and uncomment 
                # the next line and comment the one above.
# flock(LOCK_FILE, 2); # 2 exclusively locks the file
#                            release_file_lock                        #
                # &release_file_lock("file.name");
sub release_file_lock
  local ($lock_file) = @_;
# flock(LOCK_FILE, 8); # 8 unlocks the file
                # As we mentioned in the discussion of get_file_lock,
                # flock is a superior file locking system.  If your system
                # has it, go ahead and use it instead of the hand rolled
                # version here.  Uncomment the above line and comment the
                # two that follow.
sub character_check {

# screen username and password for invalid characters
if (($in{'username'} =~ s/"/\\"/g)||
#($in{'username'} =~ s/@/\\@/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/'/\\'/g)||
#($in{'username'} =~ s/_/\\_/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/,/\\,/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/~/\\~/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\*/\\\*/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\;/\\\;/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\:/\\\:/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/!/\\!/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/&/\\&/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\)/\\\)/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\(/\\\(/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\//\\\//g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\"/\\\"/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\$/\\\$/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\+/\\\+/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\|/\\\|/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\%/\\\%/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/\#/\\\#/g)||
($in{'username'} =~ s/=/\\=/g))
{ &bad_character; exit; }

if (($in{'pw'} =~ s/"/\\"/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/@/\\@/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/'/\\'/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/_/\\_/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/,/\\,/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/~/\\~/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\*/\\\*/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\;/\\\;/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\:/\\\:/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/!/\\!/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/&/\\&/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\)/\\\)/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\(/\\\(/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\//\\\//g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\"/\\\"/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\$/\\\$/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\+/\\\+/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\|/\\\|/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\%/\\\%/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/\#/\\\#/g)||
($in{'pw'} =~ s/=/\\=/g))
{ &bad_character; exit; }

## This part disallows usernames that begin with a number or have two numbers together
@character_check = ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9");

foreach $disallow (@character_check) {
if ($in{'username'} =~ "$disallow$disallow") {
  print "You cant do that";
} elsif ($in{'username'} =~ /^$disallow/) {
$disallow = "";

} #end character_check


en leng smøre på små 600 linier.. sorry..
Men det er starten af scriptet jeg ikke få til at makke ret .-(
Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
09. maj 2005 - 08:52 #4
Jep, jeg tror mere end gerne at det ikke fungere, men det har nu intet med min foreslåede ændring at gøre. Du har nemlig masser af ubalancerede tuborg-parenteser, og der er et andet sted hvor du endda har udkommenteret den første del af en if-sætning hvorefter at du har glemt at udkommentere resten. Endelig har du masser af død kode - altså kode som aldrig nogensinde ville blive udført.

Jeg har kogt det ned til det essentielle:

$| = 1;
$user_datafile = "d:/server/users/bruger_data.txt";

&require_supporting_libraries(__FILE__, __LINE__, "./library/cgi-lib.pl", "./library/mail-lib.pl");

# Hvor bliver ReadParse defineret henne?

&require_supporting_libraries(__FILE__, __LINE__, "./library/routine-lib.pl", "./setup_files/setup_file.pl");                       


$df = "D:/server/config/web20_mail.dat";  #Data fil

open(FILE, "$df");
@users = <FILE>;

$found = 0;

foreach $line (@users)
    ($user, $usermail) = split(/\:/, $line);

    if (($user eq $in{'username'}))
        $found = 1;

if ($found)

##### Slut på main #####

# Library load and File Lock routines are borrowed from Solena Sol
sub require_supporting_libraries
    local ($file, $line, @require_files) = @_;
    local ($require_file);
    foreach $require_file (@require_files)
        if (-e "$require_file" && -r "$require_file")
            require "$require_file";
            print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
            print "I am sorry but I was unable to require $require_file at line $line in $file.  Would you please make sure that you have the path correct and that the permissions are set so that I have read access?  Thank you.";
    } # End of foreach $require_file (@require_files)
} # End of sub require_supporting_libraries

sub password_mail_success
    print <<__END_MAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>User Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=FF0000>
<H2>Password Sent</h2>
<h3>Your password has been mailed to the address on record</h3>
<h3>password $password</h3>
<h3>mail $mail</h3>
<h3>navn :$name
<h3>email $email
<h3>email2 $mail
<h3>kode $kode
<BR><a href="/">Return to $sitename</a>

sub password_mail_failure
    print <<__END_NOMAILRESULTS__;
<TITLE>No Users Found</TITLE>
<font COLOR=FF0000>
<H2>Invalid Email</h2>
<h3>That did not match or no email address on record to send it to!
<h3>path to pass file :$user_datafile </h3>
<h3>path to pass file :$df </h3>
<b> looking for user : $user </b>
<BR><a href="/">Return to $sitename</a>
Avatar billede karrieremanden Nybegynder
11. maj 2005 - 09:47 #5
Herj Nielle,

Tak for dit svar :-) Jeg har prøvet dit script af og lagt det i arkivet, dog var jeg nødtil at lave mit oprindelige "forsøgs script" om...

du får alligevel din points :-) Jeg fandt ud af at den måde et kode ord er krypterepå i et andet script ikke kan de krypteres :-( så jeg har måtte lave om på sagerne.

Jeg har fået sammen sat scriptet, men det er som om scriptet ikke hopper rigtigt ud af en løkke.... Jeg vil selv lige rode noget mere med scriptet :-)

Avatar billede nielle Nybegynder
11. maj 2005 - 17:28 #6
Nu kom du jo så godt nok til at tage pointesene selv (bare rolig, bærer ikke nag) - du kan bruge denne her metode:


- Niels
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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