Avatar billede palle22 Nybegynder
15. marts 2005 - 20:13 Der er 1 kommentar

Tjene penge på firefox??

Jeg er kommet på den her bølge, så jeg kan tjene penge mens jeg surfer. Der går penge ind på min konto derinde, og ham der har skrevet det følgende siger det virker, men kan jeg regne med at få mine penge tror I?

1. For the matter of principles everyone should already own Mozilla Firefox. It's not only faster, more reliable than Internet Explorer but it is fully customizable and it has way more features than IE. In case you don't have Firefox already you can download it from http://www.getfirefox.co..

2. First place you should go now is this: https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extens...pplication=fire fox&version=1.0&os=Windows&category=Developer%20Tools&numpg=50&id=59 ...

Click on the Install Now link and install the extension. Once it is done, restart your firefox browser. Then go on and download this dll file: http://downloads.mozdev.org/minimizetotr...ray/msvcr71.dll ...

Save it to your Windows\System32 folder. If the file exists, you dont have to download the file. Then install this extension: http://minimizetotray.mozdev.org/installation.html ... Sometimes when u try to install this extension it seems like "nothing is happening". This is because the site is not hosted by Mozilla. If this is the case, check the top of your firefox browser, near the address bar, and see if there's some "security warning" type of thing, that might pop up!

3. Presumably you now have installed these two addons. Now, start firefox, click on "Tools", select "User Agent Switcher" and choose Internet Explorer 6. NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO DO STEP 3 EVERY TIME YOU START FIREFOX IN ORDER TO EARN MONEY. IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS! If you do not do this, the company WILL detect you are using Firefox and the pages will not load up. This plugin makes the Surfjunky website detect your firefox as IE6 Smile

4. Now, go onto http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=palle22 and sign up & register for an account. It takes about 1-2 minutes to register and it is completely free. Basically, this site pays YOU to allow its sponsors' advertisements to rotate in one tab of your browser (see below how to set up firefox so that you will not even notice that the ads are going on the background). To start out with, you will get 0.45$ per hour and slowly the rate increases to 0.75$/h. That means that should you keep your computer on for 24/7 you would get 0.45*24=10.8$ per day to start out with, and eventually you will end up receiving 0.75*24=18$/day. Try calculating yourself how much this would make in a week.. or a month, even if you didn't keep your computer on at nights?

In reality, if you use Internet Explorer the advertisements would pop up on your screen all the time, annoying the hell out of you!

// Some background information

You may find yourself thinking that how is this profitable for the firm? Well, the firm's purpose is to make money by showing advertisements to its users by popping them up on your screen every 30 seconds, in which case you might perhaps click on some of them. But I'm sure all of us have better things to do like play some 5on5s, WoW, chat, or go outside to chill with friends?

It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? And how can the firm make money out of this? Well, the advertisements that rotate every 30 seconds on the Internet Explorer users' screens are advertisements for different companies. It is cheaper for these companies to pay users that 0.45$ per hour for watching pop up commercials every 30 seconds instead of buying expensive TV advertisements or magazine adverts! But lets go ahead to get you started!

// End of background information

5. Once you have registered at http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=Dulli, log into your account and click on the button on the left that says "Earn Money" and once that page loads, right click on the link "Click Here To start the Surf Junky browser" and select "Open Link In A New Tab" so it doesn't open in a new window. NOTE: DO NOT KEEP MORE THAN 1 TAB/WINDOW OF SURF JUNKY OPEN OR ELSE YOUR BALANCE WILL START TO REDUCE INSTEAD OF INCREASE!


6. Now, to make sure that the page doesn't cause any disruption to you whatsoever, click on "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Web Features" -> Advanced" in Firefox. Uncheck the two boxes that say "Move or resize existing windows" and "Raise or lower windows". (Make sure you have JavaScript enabled. It's enabled by default so if you don't know what it is, you will have it on already. These settings make sure that the advertisements on the background don't resize or move your windows, and thus they won't cause any disruption to you!

If the page stops loading for some weird reason, just reload the page by right clicking the bottom frame and selecting "Refresh". If you happen to close the page by accident, just go to SurfJunky, login and click on the earn money symbol again.

7. If you get lots of "TIME OUTS" or that the page won't load, heres the solution for you:

Open firefox and write about :config in the address bar and press enter. Now scroll down until you find a line which says "browser.xul.error_pages.enabled". Double click this line so its value becomes true. The line will turn bold when you have double clicked it. Close firefox and download this Toolkit.jar file: http://sb32.teinix.net/toolkit.jar ... Go to your FireFox's chrome folder (f.x. C:\Programs\MozillaFirefox\Chrome) and rename the old Toolkit.jar to, for example, Backup-toolkit.jar. Then copy the new, downloaded Toolkit.jar into this folder and start firefox. This toolkit.jar has been edited so that if one page gives a time out or won't load, firefox will automatically try to reconnect to this site until it is successful.

8. SurfJunkey pays the money you earn once a month, on or before the 15th day of each month. The minimum you have to earn to receive a payment for each month is 25$, which is easy to achieve in just 3 days of having your computer on 24/7. But even if you do not achieve 25$ in 1 month, don't worry. Lets say you earned 20$ for the first month. This money is carried over to the next month, and once you have the minimum 25$ or more it will be sent to you.

SurfJunkey uses the following payment methods:

- Cheque's (Haven't tested)

- PayPal (Tested, it worked, got the money)

- StormPay (Haven't tested)

- e-Gold (Haven't tested)

NOTE: Remember to click on Account Settings once registered and select the method you want to use. Personally, I would recommend PayPal as it is the safest way to transfer money on the internet! If you select PayPal as the method, your paypal account will be your chosen email address for logging into Paypal.

Paypal Instructions:

When you are registering it asks for your credit card/debit card number (Dankort, for example). If you don't have one, just press cancel. You may add one later if you wish. The credit card is used for paying things on eBay.com, in case you want to buy stuff from there. Note: you can ALSO pay WoW's playing time with PayPal so this is the easiest way to earn the money needed to play WoW. Alternatively you can transfer the money to your bank account with ease.

9. On SurfJunkey's page, click on Account Settings, and uncheck all boxes except for "News..", "Art..", and "Education..". These are the 'safest' sites, i.e. they will give you the least if any time outs. Specifically gambling and Entertainment category seem to give lots of timeouts so avoid these!

10. If you are experiencing problems where the page seems to get stuck in the rotation, you can download another extension which is called "ReloadEvery". (http://reloadevery.mozdev.org/) ... Install this extension, restart firefox, and then launch the SurfJunky tab just as instructed in step number 5. Then, right click on the BOTTOM FRAME (i.e. where the ads load) and select from the context menu Reload Every... and select 15 minutes. This is usually the time by which the sites have stopped rotating and u need a refresh. If u do it WHILE the sites are still rotating it will give you an error page saying "you are trying to have more than 1 surfjunky browser open at once!"

Personally I have received 35$ for last month, but I wasn't very active in using surfjunky. One of my good friends, who introduced me to this program, made over 80$ last month alone! Easiest way to make money ever. Now go outside and play.

Ved I om det faktisk virker? Eller kan jeg snarest vente 1000 spam mails istedet for penge??
Avatar billede ouch Nybegynder
21. marts 2005 - 15:30 #1
Om det virker ved jeg ikke, men det er nok en dum ide at prøve at snyde deres website. Desuden er link'sne fyldt med referencer til eksisterende brugere så de i hvert fald for procenter/indkomst af hvad du tjener, hvis du tilmelder dig gennem de links (Multi Level Marketing).
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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