26. marts 2001 - 11:03Der er
4 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Jeg har lave en connection til en SQL server men skal have lave en søgning med en SQL string. har lavet en connection sådan { Set DB = CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\") DB.Open \"Driver={SQL Server}; bla bla bla } men hvordan laver jeg en SQl string til databasen ?? f.eks. select * from table where test = \'123\' ????
Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdText Adodc1.RecordSource = \"SELECT navn, Tlf, aar FROM Tabel1 WHERE aar > 0 AND navn like \'Jens%\' order by navn asc\" Adodc1.Refresh
Set adoRST=adoConn.Execute(\"Select * From table where test=\'123\')
While not (adoRST.BOF or adoRST.EOF) For i=0 To adoRst.Fields.Count-1 \'Fields collection er 0 indekseret Debug.Print adoRst.Fields(i).Value & vbTab; Next i Debug.Print \" \" adoRST.Movenext \'gå til næste række i recordsettet. Wend
Jeg har dette fra microsofts help-page og det skulle kunne hjælpe dig.
Sub OpenRecordsetX()
Dim wrkJet As Workspace Dim wrkODBC As Workspace Dim dbsNorthwind As Database Dim conPubs As Connection Dim rstTemp As Recordset Dim rstTemp2 As Recordset
\' Open Microsoft Jet and ODBCDirect workspaces, Microsoft \' Jet database, and ODBCDirect connection. Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace(\"\", \"admin\", \"\", dbUseJet) Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspace(\"\", \"admin\", \"\", dbUseODBC) Set dbsNorthwind = wrkJet.OpenDatabase(\"Northwind.mdb\") Set conPubs = wrkODBC.OpenConnection(\"\", , , _ \"ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;UID=sa;PWD=;DSN=Publishers\")
\' Open five different Recordset objects and display the \' contents of each.
Debug.Print \"Opening forward-only-type recordset \" & _ \"where the source is a QueryDef object...\" Set rstTemp = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset( _ \"Ten Most Expensive Products\", dbOpenForwardOnly) OpenRecordsetOutput rstTemp
Debug.Print \"Opening read-only dynaset-type \" & _ \"recordset where the source is an SQL statement...\" Set rstTemp = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset( _ \"SELECT * FROM Employees\", dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly) OpenRecordsetOutput rstTemp
\' Use the Filter property to retrieve only certain \' records with the next OpenRecordset call. Debug.Print \"Opening recordset from existing \" & _ \"Recordset object to filter records...\" rstTemp.Filter = \"LastName >= \'M\'\" Set rstTemp2 = rstTemp.OpenRecordset() OpenRecordsetOutput rstTemp2
Debug.Print \"Opening dynamic-type recordset from \" & _ \"an ODBC connection...\" Set rstTemp = conPubs.OpenRecordset( _ \"SELECT * FROM stores\", dbOpenDynamic) OpenRecordsetOutput rstTemp
\' Use the StillExecuting property to determine when the \' Recordset is ready for manipulation. Debug.Print \"Opening snapshot-type recordset based \" & _ \"on asynchronous query to ODBC connection...\" Set rstTemp = conPubs.OpenRecordset(\"publishers\", _ dbOpenSnapshot, dbRunAsync) Do While rstTemp.StillExecuting Debug.Print \" [still executing...]\" Loop OpenRecordsetOutput rstTemp
\' Enumerate the specified Recordset object. With rstOutput Do While Not .EOF Debug.Print , .Fields(0), .Fields(1) .MoveNext Loop End With
End Sub
Jeg tror iøvrigt at man skal passe på med at kalde noget table da det vist nok er et beskyttet ord.
Der findes jo bla. en SQL statement der hedder ALTER TABLE ... så prøv at kalde den noget andet. Carstenp
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