Avatar billede camboy.dk Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 15:50 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Automatisk reload af chat vindue

Hejsa !
Jeg har en lille chat på den her adresse: http://www.camboy.dk/chat
Mit problem er at selve chat vinduet ikke opdatere i alle browser, men kun i de sidste nye.

Den side der skal reloade er window.asp, som ser sådan her ud:

<%    Option Explicit %>
<!-- #include file=\"constants.inc\" -->
    \' :@window.asp
    \' Prints all available chatlines out on response stream if user has a valid
    \' session, i.e. hasn\'t been logged out of the system and has a valid chat
    \' identifier.
    \' This script also logs off users if they requested it or if their session
    \' has timed out, e.g. if they haven\'t written anything in the chat window
    \' for a while (default is 5 minutes)
    \' @author    Peter Theill    peter@theill.com
    Response.Buffer = True
    Dim userId
    userId = CStr(Request(\"chatId\"))
    If (NOT isLoggedIn(userId)) Then
        Response.Redirect \"expired.asp\"
    End If

    Dim user, room_
    Set user = getUser(userId)
    Set room_ = getRoom(user.roomId)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">

    <meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' content=\'10; URL=window.asp?chatId=<%= userId %>\'>
    <title><%= APPLICATION_NAME %></title>
    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"chat.css\">

    \' user wants to logoff, so we will have to notify all other users
    \' about this by printing some kind of \'user X is now logging off\'
    \' message.
    If (Len(Request(\"logoff.x\")) > 0) Then
        Dim x
        \' add a leaving message to chatroom
        For x = MESSAGES To 2 Step - 1
            Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & user.roomId & \"_\" & x) = Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & user.roomId & \"_\" & x-1)
        Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & user.roomId & \"_1\") = \"<span class=\'LoggedOut\'><img src=\'images/bp.gif\' height=9 width=9>&nbsp;\" & user.name & \" decided to leave us at \" & Now() & \"</span><br>\"
        \' remove user timestamps and name
        \' by executing this script, we redirect user to login page
        Response.Write \"<script language=\'JavaScript\'>\"
        Response.Write \"  top.location.href = \'default.asp\';\"
        Response.Write \"</script>\"
    ElseIf (Request(\"mode\") = \"message\") Then
        \' a new message has been send to chat. We want this message to
        \' be added our list of messages, indicating which user send it
        Dim textMessage
        textMessage = Request(\"message\")
        \' do not add empty messages to chat
        If (Len(textMessage) > 0) Then
            \' we do not support most tags, however <b>, <i> and <u> ARE supported,
            \' thus we have to make check for these and replace with actual tags
            textMessage = Server.HTMLEncode(textMessage)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;b&gt;\", \"<b>\", 1, -1, 1)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;/b&gt;\", \"</b>\", 1, -1, 1)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;i&gt;\", \"<i>\", 1, -1, 1)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;/i&gt;\", \"</i>\", 1, -1, 1)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;u&gt;\", \"<u>\", 1, -1, 1)
            textMessage = Replace(textMessage, \"&lt;/u&gt;\", \"</u>\", 1, -1, 1)
            \' if chat administrator wants it, we replace smilies with images
            If (USE_IMAGE_SMILEY) Then
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\"O:-)\",  \"<img src=\'images/angel.gif\' width=15 height=23 alt=\'O:-)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\"xx(\",  \"<img src=\'images/dead.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\'xx(\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":-)\",  \"<img src=\'images/smile.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':-)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":o)\",  \"<img src=\'images/clown.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':o)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":-(\",  \"<img src=\'images/frown.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':-(\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":o(\",  \"<img src=\'images/frown.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':o(\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\";-)\",  \"<img src=\'images/wink.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\';-)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\";o)\",  \"<img src=\'images/wink.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\';o)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":-[\",  \"<img src=\'images/angry.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':-[\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":o[\",  \"<img src=\'images/angry.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':o[\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":-]\",  \"<img src=\'images/devil.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':-]\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":o]\",  \"<img src=\'images/devil.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':o]\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":)\",  \"<img src=\'images/smile.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":(\",  \"<img src=\'images/frown.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':(\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\";)\",  \"<img src=\'images/wink.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\';)\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":]\",  \"<img src=\'images/devil.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':]\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":[\",  \"<img src=\'images/angry.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':[\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":D\",  \"<img src=\'images/biggrin.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':D\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":O\",  \"<img src=\'images/oh.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':O\'>\")
                textMessage = Replace(textMessage,\":P\",  \"<img src=\'images/tongue.gif\' width=15 height=15 alt=\':P\'>\")
            End If
            \' build new message - we use tables to make a better formatting
            textMessage= \"<table border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'2\' cellspacing=\'1\' width=\'100%\'>\" & _
                    \"<tr>\" & _
                    \" <td nowrap valign=top class=\'MessageName\'><span class=\'Name\'>\" & user.name & \"</span></td>\" & _
                    \" <td align=justify width=\'100%\'><div class=\'Message\' align=\'justify\'>\" & textMessage& \"</span></td>\" & _
                    \"</tr>\" & _
\'            Response.Write \"<br>userId      = \" & userId
\'            Response.Write \"<br>textMessage = \" & textMessage
\'            Response.Write \"<br>user.roomId = \" & user.roomId
            Call addUserMessage(userId, textMessage)
        End If \' > If (Len(textMessage) > 0) Then
    End If \' > ElseIf ( Request(\"mode\") = \"message\" ) Then
    Dim i, j
    If ((countUsers() = 0) AND CLEAR_ON_EMPTY) Then
        \' clear all messages in all rooms
        For i = 0 TO NUMBER_OF_ROOMS-1
            For j = 1 To MESSAGES
                Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & i & \"_\" & j) = \"\"
    End If
    \' print all messages in this room
        Response.Write \"<a name=\'newestMessage\'>\"
        For i = 1 To MESSAGES
            Response.Write Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & user.roomId & \"_\" & i)
        For i = MESSAGES To 1 Step - 1
            Response.Write Application(\"$CONQUERCHAT:MESSAGES_\" & user.roomId & \"_\" & i)
        Response.Write \"<a name=\'newestMessage\'>\"
    End If

<script language=\"JavaScript\">

    // jump to the hashmark with latest message (top or bottom of document)
    // which depends on the message order selected
    document.location.hash = \"#newestMessage\";

// -->


Hvad kan jeg gøre så det kommer til at virke i alle browsere ?
Avatar billede jolleberg Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 15:52 #1
Sats på at alle har de nyeste browsere det har de også!
Avatar billede camboy.dk Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 16:17 #2
Det svar kan jeg jo ikke bruge til noget ;-)

Der er ifølge min stats. ikke så mange der har de helt nye browsere
Avatar billede tentakkel Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 16:23 #3
Har selvfølgelig ikke så meget med dig spørgsmål at gørre - men hvor har du din chat fra?
Avatar billede camboy.dk Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 16:24 #4
Avatar billede ruderkonge Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 18:17 #5
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">  slettes ;-)
Avatar billede ruderkonge Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 18:18 #6
Du kan anvende java script:

<script language=\"javascript\">
Avatar billede torbenkoch Nybegynder
25. marts 2001 - 20:33 #7
Hvor har du din stats fra??
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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