08. februar 2005 - 15:27Der er
3 kommentarer og 1 løsning
PHProject vil ikke installeres hos surftown.
Hej folkens,
Jeg var ellers lige så glad. Men da jeg begyndte at installere phproject, vil den ikke, jeg fik følgende fejl:
There is no path to store the sessions given in the php.ini. Please run the session test in the tst script env_test.php to check whether sessions work in your environment. If this is not the case then you should define a temp path in the variable session.save_path which has write permissions for the webserver.
På trods af at jeg har .htaccess med følgende kode:
Q: I get the message: "Oops - can't find my session". What do I have to do? A: a) session.save_path (in php.ini) has to point to a valid and existing directory like : "C:\PHP\sessiondata" b) php must have access to the session.save_path. under winnt/iisthe user "iusr_host" must have rwxd-rights to - lets say - "C:\PHP\sessiondata" c) anuser reported that in his case register_globals (in php.ini) has to be "on".
Kan nogen hjælpe mig?
Skal jeg ikke ligge .htaccess der hvor jeg kan se mitdomæne.dk?
a) session path er ligegyldigt, da du har købt et webhotel ,og den derfor allerede er sat.Det du kigger på nu er til brugen af egen webserver. Du kan ikke ændre den path i din .htaccess. b) Det er der også allerede sat hos surftown. c) register_globals er off, pga. sikkerhedsmæssige årsager, og det er den hos stort set alle webhoteller
An error ocurred while creating table: 'dateien' An error ocurred while creating table: 'profile' An error ocurred while creating table: 'todo' An error ocurred while creating table: 'forum' An error ocurred while creating table: 'votum' An error ocurred while creating table: 'lesezeichen' An error ocurred while creating table: 'ressourcen' An error ocurred while creating table: 'termine_res_rel' An error ocurred while creating table: 'projekte' An error ocurred while creating table: 'timeproj' An error ocurred while creating table: 'contacts' An error ocurred while creating table: 'notes' An error ocurred while creating table: 'timecard' An error ocurred while creating table: 'grup_user' An error ocurred while creating table: 'rts' An error ocurred while creating table: 'rts_cat' An error ocurred while creating table: 'mail_account' An error ocurred while creating table: 'mail_attach' An error ocurred while creating table: 'mail_sender' An error ocurred while creating table: 'mail_client' An error ocurred while creating table: 'mail_rules' An error ocurred while creating table: 'logs' An error ocurred while creating table: 'history' An error ocurred while creating table: 'contacts_profiles' An error ocurred while creating table: 'contacts_prof_rel' An error ocurred while creating table: 'users' An error ocurred while creating table: 'termine' Table 'wassim_cbs.db_manager' doesn't exist
Fordi siger FAQ:
Q: I get the following errors after selecting modules: An error ocurred while creating table: 'dateien' ... An error ocurred while creating table: 'termine' A: 1. You forgot to create a new, blank database 2. Your connection parameters do not work properly. 3. Your webserver does not have the right to create the tables 4. your database is not up and running 5. your RDBM (database system) is not compiled properly
så er sagen løst. Man skal selvfølgelig give rettigheder til brugeren. Han skal kunne gøre alt på databasen.
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