Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:04 Der er 11 kommentarer og
1 løsning

NTLDR mangler

Jeg har lige kopieret NTLDR ,boot.ini og NTDETECT.COM over på c: efter at jeg var kommet til at slette NTLDR manuelt i winxp tidl.

Efter at filerne er kopieret og efter normal reboot siger den stadig at NTLDR mangler og kan derfor ikke starte op. Nogen ideer ? Mit Windows ligger i c:\windows\
Avatar billede tomb3 Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:17 #1
Når den skriver NTLDR mangler, der det fordi Windows mangler, eller er beskadiget.
Geinstaller Windows.
Avatar billede halifax Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:27 #2
Nej, du behøver ikke geninstalere Windows. Se denne vejledning

If you get an error that NTLDR is not found during bootup,

If you have FAT32 partitions, it is much simpler than with NTFS.
Just boot with a Win98 floppy and copy the NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM files
from the i386 directory to the root of the C:\ drive.

Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD.
At the first R=Repair option, press the R key
Press the number that corresponds to the correct location for the installation of Windows you want to repair.
Typically this will be #1
Enter in the administrator password when requested
Enter in the following commands (X: is replaced by the actual drive letter that is assigned to the CD ROM drive.
COPY X:\i386\NTLDR C\:
Take out the CD ROM and type exit

Det går ud på at koiere NTLDR fra din XP skive.
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:33 #3
Har jeg prøvet halifax dog kopierede jeg filerne fra en anden xp version til c:\. Giver den et forsøg igen med at kopiere fra cd'en.

Tomb3 ja jeg er godt klar over at en reinstallering af xp ville fixe dette problem, synes bare dette giver sig selv..
Avatar billede halifax Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:36 #4
Hmm... du angiver også at have kopieret boot.ini  Har den et korrekt indhold som passer til din installation?

Fra Recovery Console kan du bruge bootcfg /rebuild
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:40 #5
hmm sikker på det ? Den kommando kan jeg ikke bruge når jeg står i c:\windows\ som jeg havner i.
Avatar billede tomb3 Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:41 #6
boot.ini skulle helst ikke være meget forskellige fra maskine til maskine.

--- cut fra min boo.ini ---
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

Men prøv da repair, havde jeg ikke tænke på.

Btw.. hvem køre også WinXP på FAT32?
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:43 #7
Jeg kører NTFS..
Avatar billede halifax Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:44 #8
Oversift over kommandoer i Recovery Console

Om brug af Recovery Console med screenshots, se
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:49 #9
Gode links du gav mig der tilsidst. Er lige ved at prøve noget så kommer tilbage med svar om lidt.
Avatar billede firebird Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:50 #10
"NTLDR Is Missing" Error Message When You Upgrade or Install Windows XP Over Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium Edition
The information in this article applies to:

    * Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
* Microsoft Windows XP Professional

When you attempt to install Windows XP or to upgrade to Windows XP on a computer that runs Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), you may receive the following error message after the first restart during the installation process:
NTLDR is missing
Press any key to restart
This behavior occurs only if Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me is installed on a large-capacity drive that uses the FAT32 file system.
This behavior can occur if your existing Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me installation was cloned and then applied to a drive that has a different geometry from that of the source drive of the cloned copy.

One possible scenario is as follows: You are running Windows 98 on a 4-gigabyte (GB) drive. After you upgrade, for example to a 30-GB hard disk, you use a third-party disk-imaging utility to make a mirror image of your Windows 98 installation and apply the image to the new drive. At a later time, you then upgrade to Windows XP, installing Windows XP over the cloned image of Windows 98.

For this behavior to occur, the following conditions must exist:

    * The system/boot partition is formatted with the FAT32 file system.
    * The computer boots by using INT-13 extensions (a partition larger than 7.8 gigabytes with a System-ID type of 0C in the partition table).
* Because of the cloning procedure, the Heads (sides) value in the FAT32 BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) does not match the geometry of the physical drive.

The Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me boot code ignores the Heads value in the BPB and starts those programs even though the value is invalid. However, the boot code in Windows 2000 and Windows XP needs this value, and the boot process does not succeed if the value is invalid.
To resolve this behavior, correct the invalid Heads (sides) value in the FAT32 BPB to enable the Windows XP boot process to continue. The easiest way to update the field is to rewrite the Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me boot code by using the following procedure:

  1. Restart the computer by using a Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me startup disk that contains the Sys.com file (this file is included by default).
  2. Make a backup copy of the msdos.sys file in the root directory of your system drive. To do this, type the following commands from the command prompt:
            attrib -h -r -s c:\msdos.sys
  3. rename msdos.sys *.ysy At a command prompt, type sys c:. This command rewrites the Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me boot code with accurate BPB information. If this command runs successfully, skip to step 4.

      If you are using a Windows Me startup disk and you receive an error message, "Cannot find the system file in the standard locations on drive C:", one or more files in the Windows Me installation have been removed. Use the following steps to place the correct files on the drive so that the sys command can locate them:
        1. Start a command prompt by using the following commands (that is, type the commands and press ENTER after each command):
            cd\windows If Windows is installed in a folder other than the Windows folder, adjust the commands accordingly.

        2. Try to switch to the Command folder by using the following command:
            cd command If an error message indicates that the path is not found, use the following command to create the Command folder, and then run cd command again:
        3. md command Switch to the EBD folder by using the following command:
            cd ebd If an error message indicates that the path is not found, use the following command to create the EBD folder, and then repeat the cd ebd command:
        4. md ebd In the EBD folder, use the following commands to copy the Io.sys file from the root of the hard drive and to rename the Io.sys file as Winboot.sys:
                  attrib -s -h -r c:\io.sys
            copy c:\io.sys winboot.sys Winboot.sys is the file that Sys.com needs.

        5. Switch back to drive A, and then run the following commands:
            sys c: Type the following commands, and press ENTER after each command, to restore the original msdos.sys:
            attrib -s -h -r c:\msdos.sys
      copy c:\msdos.ysy c:\msdos.sys Press Y to overwrite the existing MSDOS.SYS file. You should receive a "1 FILE(S) COPIED" verification that the file was overwritten.

  4. Restart the computer to Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me, and then try the Windows XP installation or upgrade procedure again.

      NOTE: Alternatively, after you run the sys c: command, you can boot to the Recovery Console, and then use the fixboot command to rewrite the Windows XP boot code. This procedure enables the original installation to proceed typically.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:50 #11
! Nu virker det .. siger bare ugyldig boot.ini fil.
Avatar billede wezer Nybegynder
04. februar 2005 - 14:53 #12
Beklager dregne men halifax viste den helt konkrete og præcise måde at gøre det på, og supplerede med nogle lækre links jeg ikke selv havde fundet, som gav mig den lille ekstra hjælp jeg behøvede.

Mange tak for rigtig god hjælp!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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