Avatar billede svjensen Nybegynder
31. januar 2005 - 22:49 Der er 4 kommentarer og
1 løsning

SPAW editor på localhost

Jeg anvender SPAW editor med stor succes på forskellige sites.

For at kunne udvikle lokalt inden upload, har jeg installeret IIS og PHP (4.3.7.) og vil gerne kunne anvende SPAW, men her løber jeg ind i problemer.

Jeg får følgende fejl:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: spaw_wysiwyg in C:\Documents and Settings\Vinther Jensen.LAPTOP.000\Dokumenter\web\lms\editor.php on line 71

Det er i denne linie fejlen opstår:
$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg('spaw1',$contents,'dk' /*language*/, 'full' /*toolbar mode*/,'default' /*theme*/,'550px' /*width*/, '250px' /*height*/, 'css/lms.css' /*stylesheet file*/);

Her er lige hele 'editor.php' filen:

// ================================================
// SPAW PHP WYSIWYG editor control
// ================================================
// Control usage demonstration file
// ================================================
// Developed: Alan Mendelevich, alan@solmetra.lt
// Copyright: Solmetra (c)2003 All rights reserved.
// ------------------------------------------------
//                                www.solmetra.com
// ================================================
// $Revision: 1.3 $, $Date: 2003/04/29 17:12:04 $
// ================================================

// this part determines the physical root of your website
// it's up to you how to do this

if (!ereg('/$', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']))
    $_root = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/';
$_root = "http://localhost/lms/";
//    define('DR', $_root);
//    unset($_root);

// set $spaw_root variable to the physical path were control resides
// don't forget to modify other settings in config/spaw_control.config.php
// namely $spaw_dir and $spaw_base_url most likely require your modification
//    $spaw_root = DR.'spaweditor/';
    $spaw_root = $_root.'spaweditor/';

// include the control file
include $spaw_root.'spaw_control.class.php';

// here we add some styles to styles dropdown
$spaw_dropdown_data['style']['default'] = 'No styles';
$spaw_dropdown_data['style']['style1'] = 'Style no. 1';
$spaw_dropdown_data['style']['style2'] = 'Style no. 2';




$filename = $_GET['fil'];
$fd = fopen ($filename, "rb");
$contents = fread ($fd, filesize ($filename));
fclose ($fd);
<form name=minform action="editor.php?action=do" method=post>
<input type=hidden name="txtfilnavn" value="<? echo $filename; ?>">
$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg('spaw1',$contents,'dk' /*language*/, 'full' /*toolbar mode*/,'default' /*theme*/,'550px' /*width*/, '250px' /*height*/, 'css/lms.css' /*stylesheet file*/);
<input type=submit value=Send>


Jeg ved at der er "hul igennem" til 'spaw_control.class.php', hvor den pågældende class defineres. Hele filen kommer her:

// ================================================
// SPAW PHP WYSIWYG editor control
// ================================================
// Main control class
// ================================================
// Developed: Alan Mendelevich, alan@solmetra.lt
// Copyright: Solmetra (c)2003 All rights reserved.
// ------------------------------------------------
//                                www.solmetra.com
// ================================================
// v.1.0, 2003-03-25
// ================================================

if ($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] == "localhost")
    $spaw_root = "http://localhost/lms/spaweditor/";

include $spaw_root.'config/spaw_control.config.php';
include $spaw_root.'class/toolbars.class.php';
include $spaw_root.'class/lang.class.php';

// instance counter (static)
$spaw_wysiwyg_instCount = 0;

class SPAW_Wysiwyg {
  // controls name
  var $control_name;
  // value
  var $value;
  // holds control toolbar mode.
  var $mode;
  // editor dimensions;
  var $height;
  var $width;
  // language object
  var $lang;
  // theme (skin)
  var $theme;
  // editor stylesheet
  var $css_stylesheet;
  // toolbar dropdown data
  var $dropdown_data;
  // toolbars
  var $toolbars;
  // constructor
  function SPAW_Wysiwyg($control_name='richeditor', $value='', $lang='', $mode = '',
              $theme='', $width='100%', $height='300px', $css_stylesheet='', $dropdown_data='')
    global $spaw_dir;
    global $spaw_wysiwyg_instCount;
    global $spaw_default_theme;
    global $spaw_default_css_stylesheet;
    $this->control_name = $control_name;
    $this->value = $value;
    $this->width = $width;
    $this->height = $height;
    if ($css_stylesheet == '')
      $this->css_stylesheet = $spaw_default_css_stylesheet;
      $this->css_stylesheet = $css_stylesheet;
    if ($theme=='')
      $this->theme = $spaw_default_theme;
      $this->theme = $theme;
    $this->mode = $mode;
    $this->dropdown_data = $dropdown_data;

  // sets _mode variable and fills toolbar items array
  function setMode($value) {
    $this->mode = $value;
  // returns _mode value
  function getMode() {

  // set value/get value
  function setValue($value) {
    $this->value = $value;
  function getValue() {

  // set height/get height
  function setHeight($value) {
    $this->height = $value;
  function getHeight() {

  // set/get width
  function setWidth($value) {
    $this->width = $value;
  function getWidth() {

  // set/get css_stylesheet
  function setCssStyleSheet($value) {
    $this->css_stylesheet = $value;
  function getCssStyleSheet() {
  // outputs css and javascript code include
  function getCssScript($inline = false)
    // static method... use only once per page
    global $spaw_dir;
    global $spaw_inline_js;
    global $spaw_root;
    global $spaw_active_toolbar;

    if ($spaw_inline_js)
      // inline javascript
      echo "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
      echo "<!--\n";
      echo "var spaw_active_toolbar = ".($spaw_active_toolbar?"true":"false").";\n";
      echo "//-->\n";
      echo "</script>\n";
      // external javascript
      echo "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
      echo "<!--\n";
      echo "var spaw_active_toolbar = ".($spaw_active_toolbar?"true":"false").";\n";
      echo "//-->\n";
      echo "</script>\n";
      echo '<script language="JavaScript" src="'.$spaw_dir.'spaw_script.js.php"></script>'."\n\n";
  // checks browser compatibility with the control
  function checkBrowser()
    global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS;
    // check if msie
    if (eregi("MSIE[^;]*",$browser,$msie))
      // get version
      if (eregi("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+",$msie[0],$version))
        // check version
        if ((float)$version[0]>=5.5)
          // finally check if it's not opera impersonating ie
          if (!eregi("opera",$browser))
            return true;
    return false;
  // load language data
  function getLang($lang='')
    $this->lang = new SPAW_Lang($lang);
  // load toolbars
  function getToolbar()
  $this->toolbars = new SPAW_Toolbars($this->lang,$this->control_name,$this->mode,$this->theme,$this->dropdown_data);
  // returns html for wysiwyg control
  function getHtml()
    global $spaw_dir;
    global $spaw_wysiwyg_instCount;
    global $spaw_active_toolbar;
    $n = $this->control_name;
    // todo: make more customizable

    $buf = '';
    if ($this->checkBrowser())
      if ($spaw_wysiwyg_instCount == 1)
      // theme based css file and javascript
      $buf.= '<script language="JavaScript" src="'.$spaw_dir.'lib/themes/'.$this->theme.'/js/toolbar.js.php"></script>';
      $buf.= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$spaw_dir.'lib/themes/'.$this->theme.'/css/toolbar.css">';

      $buf.= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="'.$this->getWidth().'">';
      $buf.= '<tr>';

      $buf .= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_top_design" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" colspan="3">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('top');
      $buf .= '</td>';

      $buf .= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_top_html" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" colspan="3" style="display : none;">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('top','html');
      $buf .= '</td>';
      $buf .= '</tr>';

      $buf.= '<tr>';

      $buf.= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_left_design" valign="top" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" >';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('left');
      $buf .= '</td>';

      $buf.= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_left_html" valign="top" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" style="display : none;">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('left','html');
      $buf .= '</td>';
      $buf .= '<td align="left" valign="top" width="100%">';
      //$buf.= '<input type="hidden" id="'.$n.'" name="'.$n.'">';
      $buf.= '<textarea id="'.$n.'" name="'.$n.'" style="width:100%; height:'.$this->getHeight().'; display:none;" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_editarea"></textarea>';
      $buf.= '<input type="hidden" id="SPAW_'.$n.'_editor_mode" name="SPAW_'.$n.'_editor_mode" value="design">';
      $buf.= '<input type="hidden" id="SPAW_'.$n.'_lang" value="'.$this->lang->lang.'">';
      $buf.= '<input type="hidden" id="SPAW_'.$n.'_theme" value="'.$this->theme.'">';
      $buf.= '<input type="hidden" id="SPAW_'.$n.'_borders" value="on">';

        $buf.= '<iframe id="'.$n.'_rEdit" style="width:100%; height:'.$this->getHeight().'; direction:'.$this->lang->getDir().';" onLoad="SPAW_editorInit(\''.$n.'\',\''.htmlspecialchars($this->getCssStyleSheet()).'\',\''.$this->lang->getDir().'\');" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_editarea" frameborder="no" style="direction : "></iframe><br>';
      $buf.= "\n<script language=\"javascript\">\n<!--\n";
      $tmpstr = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$this->getValue());
      $tmpstr = str_replace("\r","\n",$tmpstr);
      $content = explode("\n",$tmpstr);
      $plus = "";
      foreach ($content as $line)
        $buf.="setTimeout('document.all.".$n.".value ".$plus."=\"".str_replace('"','&quot;',str_replace("'","\'",$line))."\";',0);\n";
        $plus = "+";

      $buf.="setTimeout('document.all.".$n.".value = document.all.".$n.".value.replace(/&quot;/g,\'\"\');',0);"."\n";

//      $buf.='setTimeout("alert(document.all.'.$n.'.value);",0);'."\n";

//      $buf.='setTimeout("'.$n.'_rEdit.document.body.innerHTML += document.all.'.$n.'.value;",0);'."\n";
//  $buf.='setTimeout("SPAW_toggle_borders(\''.$n.'\',this[\''.$n.'_rEdit\'].document.body,null);",0);'."\n";

      $buf.= '//--></script>';

      $buf.= '</td>';
      $buf.= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_right_design" valign="top" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('right');
      $buf .= '</td>';

      $buf.= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_right_html" valign="top" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" style="display : none;">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('right','html');
      $buf .= '</td>';
      $buf.= '</tr>';
      $buf.= '<tr><td class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar"></td>';

      $buf .= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_bottom_design" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" width="100%">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('bottom');
      $buf .= '</td>';

      $buf .= '<td id="SPAW_'.$n.'_toolbar_bottom_html" class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar" width="100%" style="display : none;">';
      $buf.= $this->toolbars->get('bottom','html');
      $buf .= '</td>';
      $buf .= '<td class="SPAW_'.$this->theme.'_toolbar"></td></tr>';
      $buf.= '</table>';
      // show simple text area
        $buf = '<textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="'.$n.'" style="width:'.$this->getWidth().'; height:'.$this->getHeight().'">'.$this->getValue().'</textarea>';
    return $buf;

  // outputs wysiwyg control
  function show()
    echo $this->getHtml();


Avatar billede alister_crowley Nybegynder
31. januar 2005 - 22:53 #1
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: spaw_wysiwyg in C:\Documents and Settings\Vinther Jensen.LAPTOP.000\Dokumenter\web\lms\editor.php on line 71

Betyder at classes spar_wysiwyg ikke er i din kode.
Jeg mener at der er forskel på store og små bogstaver ved brugen af classes.
Avatar billede svjensen Nybegynder
31. januar 2005 - 22:58 #2
Det var også en af mine første tanker, men så vidt jeg lige kan overskue det, så er det skrevet på samme måde alle steder (SPAW_Wysiwyg) til trods for at fejlmeddelelsen skriver det hele med småt.
Avatar billede alister_crowley Nybegynder
31. januar 2005 - 23:17 #3
hov, fejlen er din $root.
include virker ikke på urls, og derfor skal du ikke definere en url, men en alm. PATH aka. /path/to/ og heri ligger spaw_control.class.php
Avatar billede swaxi Nybegynder
01. februar 2005 - 14:06 #4
der er ikke forskel på store og små bogstaver i PHP4
vil i øvrigt kraftigt råde dig til, at installere apache frem for IIS, da der er forskel på de to (og kører bedst under apache)
Avatar billede svjensen Nybegynder
25. juni 2008 - 10:55 #5
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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