Error converting data type varchar to numeric - men hvor?
Når jeg forsøger at eksekverer nedenstående INSERT-Query - enten via SQL-Query Analyzer eller direkte fra mit websted, får jeg fejlen:Fra SQL-Query Analyzer
Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
Fra PHP:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric. (severity 16)
Det undre mig dog at jeg ikke får en specifikation (linje, felt-navn eller lign.) på fejlen, som jeg plejer at få, hvis der er noget galt.
Jeg har derfor lidt svært ved at finde ud af hvordan jeg kommer videre herfra.. Hvordan kan jeg finde fejlen
INSERT INTO [navisionTestFirma].[dbo].[A_S TestFirma$Sales Header] ([Document Type], [No_], [Sell-to Customer No_], [Bill-to Customer No_], [Bill-to Name], [Bill-to Name 2], [Bill-to Address], [Bill-to Address 2], [Bill-to City], [Bill-to Contact], [Your Reference], [Ship-to Code], [Ship-to Name], [Ship-to Name 2], [Ship-to Address], [Ship-to Address 2],[Ship-to City], [Ship-to Contact], [Order Date], [Posting Date], [Shipment Date], [Posting Description], [Payment Terms Code],[Due Date], [Payment Discount %], [Pmt_ Discount Date], [Shipment Method Code], [Location Code], [Shortcut Dimension 1 Code],[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code], [Customer Posting Group], [Currency Code], [Currency Factor], [Customer Price Group], [Prices Including VAT],[Invoice Disc_ Code], [Customer Disc_ Group], [Language Code], [Salesperson Code], [Order Class], [No_ Printed], [On Hold],[Applies-to Doc_ Type], [Applies-to Doc_ No_], [Bal_ Account No_], [Job No_], [Ship], [Invoice], [Shipping No_], [Posting No_],[Last Shipping No_], [Last Posting No_], [VAT Registration No_], [Combine Shipments], [Reason Code], [Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group],[EU 3-Party Trade], [Transaction Type], [Transport Method], [VAT Country Code], [Sell-to Customer Name], [Sell-to Customer Name 2],[Sell-to Address], [Sell-to Address 2], [Sell-to City], [Sell-to Contact], [Bill-to Post Code], [Bill-to County], [Bill-to Country Code], [Sell-to Post Code], [Sell-to County], [Sell-to Country Code], [Ship-to Post Code], [Ship-to County], [Ship-to Country Code], [Bal_ Account Type], [Exit Point], [Correction], [Document Date], [External Document No_], [Area], [Transaction Specification], [Payment Method Code], [Shipping Agent Code], [Package Tracking No_], [No_ Series], [Posting No_ Series], [Shipping No_ Series], [Tax Area Code], [Tax Liable], [VAT Bus_ Posting Group], [Reserve], [Applies-to ID], [VAT Base Discount %], [Status], [Invoice Discount Calculation], [Invoice Discount Value], [Send IC Document], [IC Status], [Sell-to IC Partner Code], [Bill-to IC Partner Code], [IC Direction], [Doc_ No_ Occurrence], [Campaign No_], [Sell-to Customer Template Code], [Sell-to Contact No_], [Bill-to Contact No_], [Bill-to Customer Template Code], [Opportunity No_], [Responsibility Center], [Shipping Advice], [Posting from Whse_ Ref_], [Requested Delivery Date], [Promised Delivery Date], [Shipping Time], [Outbound Whse_ Handling Time], [Shipping Agent Service Code], [Receive], [Return Receipt No_], [Return Receipt No_ Series], [Last Return Receipt No_], [Service Mgt_ Document], [Expiration Date], [CP Status], [Auto Created], [Login ID], [Web Site Code], [Allow Line Disc_], [Get Shipment Used], [Date Received], [Time Received], [BizTalk Request for Sales Qte_], [BizTalk Sales Order], [Date Sent], [Time Sent], [BizTalk Sales Quote], [BizTalk Sales Order Cnfmn_], [Customer Quote No_], [Customer Order No_], [BizTalk Document Sent])
VALUES('2', '991000001', '778', '778', 'Test Firma', '', 'Skanderparken 33', '', 'Århus', 'Ole Bole', '', '','Test Firma', '', 'Skanderparken 33', '', 'Århus', 'Ole Bole', '22-01-2005', '22-01-2005', '22-01-2005','Faktura 991000001', '8D', '22-01-2005', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'DANMARK', '', '0', '', '0', '778','', '', 'TB', '', '0', '', '0', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '27601200', '0', '', 'DK', '0', '', '', 'DK','Test Firma', '','Skanderparken 33', '', 'Århus','Ole Bole', '8000', '', 'DK', '8000', '', 'DK', '8000','', 'DK', '0', '', '0', '', '', '','', '', '', '', 'SFAKT', 'SFAKT+', '','', '0', 'DK', '1', '', '0', '0','0', '0', '0', '0','', '', '0', '1', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '01-01-1753', '01-01-1753', '', '', '','0', '', '', '', '0', '01-01-1753', '0', '0', '', '', '1','0', '01-01-1753', '01-01-1753', '0', '0', '01-01-1753', '01-01-1753','0', '0', '', '', '0')
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