Avatar billede larslars Nybegynder
11. januar 2005 - 15:12 Der er 1 løsning

Eksport af data fra Lotus Notes 6,5 til Outlook 2003

Jeg savner en god guide/program til eksport af email, kontaktpersoner, kalender fra Lotus Notes 6,5 til Outlook 2003.

Nogle der har været igennem denne process?
Avatar billede dr.m Nybegynder
11. januar 2005 - 15:51 #1
3 years ago I migrated 30 users from Notes to Exchange. It was a painful experience.
If I remember right, Microsoft's migration tool was not working right so I had to have all the user notes id files, then migrate one user at a time, but only to a PST file, then drag and drop mails from the pst to a newly created mailbox in Exchange.
That only worked for mails. Address and contacts were moved using a nice tool I found on the web.
I was able to find it in my archive and placed it for you here: www.mike-tech.com/download/NotesToOutlook.zip

See if it's any good.

Again, this was 3 years ago so Microsoft may have come out with a better tool.

I also found this:

It's not free, but looks like it's what you need.
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