Det er ret simpelt, men jeg vil gerne vide hvilken version af Notes du benytter.
Hvis man automatisk ønsker at vedhæfte firmanavnet / logo til en Notes mail er der følgende muligheder : Inbound Letterheads - Det er den "normale" metode man benytter, men det er ikke at anbefale, da de jo optager båndbredde uden egentlig nogen fordel. Udover at være tungt går disse letterheads desuden ikke ud gennem MTA til internettet, og så ka' det ligesom også være ligemeget, - ik' !.
Signatur-fil : Dette er en ny mulighed i R5 og kan oprettes som en lille htmlfil, der vedhæftes enten automatisk eller efter ønske.
Kører du på 4.6x eller 4.5x kan du oprette en memo-form for ekstern kommunikation, som inkluderer en formel der tilføjer firma-detailjer i bunden af bodyfeltet
Jeg kører Notes version 5.01 mod en 5.0 server. Vi kører kun med Notes som internt kommunikations program, så jeg har ikke brug for at sende via internettet (endnu).
Efter din beskrivelse tror jeg, at det bliver "Inbound Letterheads" som bliver aktuelt. Fortæl endeligt mere.
Ok, - istedet for at bruge tid på at forklare detaljerne, fandt jeg denne technote fra Lotus Support. (#172359) Håber du kan bruge svaret
How can a custom Letterhead be added to the Notes R5 mail template?
The Elements
In Notes Release 5.0, Letterhead graphics are made up of two Image Resources: a main element, and a background. The main element is the image that appears to the left of the address information on the form. The background image is tiled behind the address information.
What You'll Be Modifying - The Calendar Profile and Memo Forms
You must modify the Calendar Profile form and the Memo form in order to add customer Letterheads.
Within the Calendar Profile form, you must add your additional Letterhead choices to the DefaultLogo listbox field (see list below in Supporting Information section). When adding additional Letterhead styles, it is suggested that you use the alias format naming convention currently used. It is also suggested that you start numbering your custom Letterheads at a value of 50, so as not to interfere with the Letterhead numbers that ship with the Mail template.
You must also alter the formula for the BGTableColor field, in both the Calendar Profile form and the Memo form. This must be altered in both forms as the field is Computed for Display, and not actually saved in the Calendar Profile document. The BGTableColor formula logic relies on the fact that the Letterhead choices have aliases that all start with StdNotesLtr. For example, the Pony Express letterhead has an alias of StdNotesLtr17. The formula strips all of the alias name except the number, which is then used to identify which of the six (6) canned backgrounds is used. The canned backgrounds have names of bg_0, bg_1 ... bg_5. When creating additional custom backgrounds, you must use the existing naming convention. It is suggested that additional background image resources are numbered 10 and greater (for example, bg_10).
Steps To Create a Custom Letterhead:
1. Create an Image Resource for the main element. The recommended size is 88 pixels high and 70 pixels wide (although a size as large as 90 x 85 should fit in most cases). Change the alias so that the name conforms to the established naming convention (for example, StdNotesLtr##). Note that when working with Windows Paint, you can set the size of the object by using the menu option: Image, Attributes. Pels is synonymous with Pixels.
Note: In reply chains, the main element will be taken off of the background and will appear on its own. So, it is important that your main element look good on a white background, as well as on the neutral background. Make sure there are no white or dark "halos" appearing around the main element when it appears on either white or textured backgrounds.
2. Create an Image Resource for the background. As the background is tiled, it does not have a specific size requirement. Change the name and the alias so that it conforms to the established naming convention (for example, bg_##).
3. Edit the Calendar Profile form's DefaultLogo listbox field and add the new graphic choice with its alias. For example: "Our letterhead|StdNotesLtr50"
4. Edit the Calendar Profile form's formula for the BGTableColor field. You must alter the logic to include a check for the new Letterhead's number.
For example:
Given our new Letterhead alias of StdNotesLtr50, and a new background image resource of bg_10 (for example), our modified formula for the BGTableColor field would need to check for a value of 50 and return a value of 10.
The end of the current formula is as follows: ... Image = 3:4:13:24; @Return(BG_IMAGE_PREFIX + "5"); @Return(BG_IMAGE_PREFIX + "0") )
The modified formula checks for the new Letterhead number and returns the appropriate background number: ... Image = 3:4:13:24; @Return(BG_IMAGE_PREFIX + "5"); Image = 50 @Return(BG_IMAGE_PREFIX + "10") @Return(BG_IMAGE_PREFIX + "0") )
(See the full formula for the BGTableColor field in the Supporting Information section below.)
5. The adapted BGColorTable formula needs to be copied and pasted into the Memo form's BGColorTable field.
Supporting Information:
Full Formula Used for BGTableColor Field:
Below is the full formula used for the BGTableColor field.
List of Letterheads (and their aliases) that shipped with Notes release 5.0:
Bouncy Earth|StdNotesLtr1 Buck Rogers Mail|StdNotesLtr2 Computer Chip|StdNotesLtr3 Decco|StdNotesLtr4 Falling Spheres|StdNotesLtr5 Frank Lloyd|StdNotesLtr7 From The Desk|StdNotesLtr8 Gateway|StdNotesLtrGateway Geometry |StdNotesLtr9 Gray Gradient with Lines|StdNotesLtr13 Green and Yellow Diamond|StdNotesLtr14 Leaves|StdNotesLtr6 Marquee|StdNotesLtr34 Metal Plate|StdNotesLtr15 Pencil and Grid|StdNotesLtr16 Plain Text|StdNotesLtr0 Pony Express|StdNotesLtr17 Post Mark|StdNotesLtr33 Primitive|StdNotesLtr20 Purple Geometry|StdNotesLtr18 Slashed Lines with Globe|StdNotesLtr21 Squiggle with Backdrop|StdNotesLtr22 Squiggly Line|StdNotesLtr23 Tacks|StdNotesLtr24 Tape|StdNotesLtr25 Teal and Yellow Lines|StdNotesLtr26 Three Dimensional Relief|StdNotesLtr27 Torn Paper|StdNotesLtr28 Triangle with Dots|StdNotesLtr30 Triangles|StdNotesLtr29 Wild Confetti|StdNotesLtr32
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