Avatar billede danskforum Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 08:16 Der er 6 kommentarer


en der kan/gider oversætte dette ?

det er til et phpbb 2.0.11 forum mod.

// Admin
$lang['admin_main_header'] = 'This control panel will help you maintain and control the online activities.<br />If you are currently having a problem with our MOD, then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk"  target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a> so we may help fix the problem.';
$lang['admin_config_menu'] = 'Online Arcade Configuration Menu';
$lang['admin_cat_menu'] = 'Online Arcade Catagories Menu';
$lang['admin_cat_header'] = 'This control panel will help you maintain the catagories for your online activities.<br />If you are currently having a problem with our MOD, then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a> so we may help fix the problem.';
$lang['admin_tournament_header'] = 'Online Arcade Tournaments Menu';
$lang['admin_tournament_info'] = 'This control panel will help you maintain the tournamants for your online activities.<br />If you are currently having a problem with our MOD, then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a> so we may help fix the problem.';
$lang['admin_moderators_header'] = 'Online Arcade Moderators Options Menu';
$lang['admin_moderators_info'] = 'This control panel will allow you to set-up the moderators options for the catagories sections.<br />If you are currently having a problem with our MOD, then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank class="copyright">www.free-game.co.uk</a> so we may help fix the problem.';
$lang['admin_cat_saved'] = 'Catagory Saved Successfully<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_deleted'] = 'Catagory Deleted<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_not_deleted'] = 'Catagory NOT Deleted<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_icon'] = '<b>ICON</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_icon_info'] = 'Path to the image file for this catagory. If blank No image will be displayed.';
$lang['admin_cat_name'] = '<b>Catagory Name</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_name_info'] = 'The Name of the Catagory. This is displayed after the image as a catagory header.';
$lang['admin_game_special'] = '<b>Special Play</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_special_info'] = 'The Number of games required before special play is enabled. 0=OFF.';
$lang['admin_game_menu'] = 'Online Arcade Game Menu';
$lang['admin_game_editor'] = 'Online Arcade Game Editor Menu';
$lang['admin_game_import'] = 'Online Arcade Game Import Menu';
$lang['admin_editor_info'] = '-:- This control panel allows you to edit Game data. Any game that has been released by <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target="new_window">dEfEndEr</a>, Whoo or Alegis can easily be plugged into your forums and Highscores will be saved. If you would like to convert a game to use this control panel, then ask for help at our <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk/" target="new_window">forums</a>. If you are having trouble with this menu or the Arcade MOD then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank>www.free-game.co.uk</a>.';
$lang['admin_import_info'] = '-:- This control panel allows you to import Game data. If you are having trouble with this menu or the Arcade MOD then please contact us at <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target=_blank >www.free-game.co.uk</a>.';
$lang['admin_game_deleted'] = 'Game Deleted<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_not_deleted'] = 'Game NOT Deleted<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_repaired'] = 'Games Repaired<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_saved'] = 'Game Saved Successfully<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_exists'] = 'Game Name Already Exists - Not Saved<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_score_reset'] = 'All scores have been reset<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_return_games'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Games Menu';
$lang['admin_return_arcade'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Arcade Menu';
$lang['admin_return_import'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Import Menu';
$lang['admin_config_updated'] = 'Online Activities Configuration Updated<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_toggles'] = 'Support Toggles';
$lang['admin_rewards'] = 'Reward system Toggles';
$lang['admin_arcade_config'] = 'Arcade Configuration';
$lang['admin_use_adar_shop'] = '<b>Use the <a href="http://www.phpbb.com" target="newindow">Adar Item Shop</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_adar_info'] = '-:- If you want to reward Items for Highscore bonuses and you have the<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Adar ItemShop, then toggle this to <b>Yes</b>.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE : </b>This will not work with other shops!';
$lang['admin_use_gamelib'] = '<b>Use the Gamelib Javascript Library</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_gl_info'] = '-:- If you are using a game/application that uses Scott Porter`s gamelib,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then toggle this on.';
$lang['admin_use_points'] = '<b>Use the <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target="newindow">Points System</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_pts_info'] = '-:- If you are using the Points System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_use_cash'] = '<b>Use the <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/community/" target="newindow">Cash System</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_cash_info'] = '-:- If you are using the Cash System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_use_allowance'] = '<b>Use the <a href="http://www.free-game.co.uk" target="newindow">Allowance System</a></b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_allowance_info'] = '-:- If you are using the Allowance System then toggle this on so that these MODs<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;can use this reward system for your forums.';
$lang['admin_gl_game_path'] = '<b>Gamelib Games Path</b><br />';
$lang['admin_gl_path_info'] = '-:- This is the directory located in your forums root directory where you wish<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to hold all of your games that use the gamelib.';
$lang['admin_gl_lib_path'] = '<b>Gamelib Javascript Library Path</b><br />';
$lang['admin_gl_lib_info'] = '-:- This Directory is located in your <b>Gamelib Games Path</b> and holds all<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of the gamelib*.js files.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : If your games are locking up or you don`t hear any<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sound then check this directory to make sure there are gamelib files<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in here.';
$lang['admin_games_per_page'] = '<b>Games Per Page</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_per_info'] = '-:- This is how many games you want listed before a new page is needed.<br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : Leaving this blank or <b>0</b> will return errors.';
$lang['admin_page'] = 'Pages';
$lang['admin_game_id'] = 'Game ID#';
$lang['admin_path'] = 'Path';
$lang['admin_adar_config'] = 'Adarian Shop Options';
$lang['admin_adar_shop'] = '<b>Adar Shop</b><br />';
$lang['admin_no_adar_info'] = '-:- The Adarian Shop options are not installed. Please install Adar before<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;setting these options.';
$lang['admin_games'] = 'Games';
$lang['admin_charge'] = 'Charge';
$lang['admin_button'] = 'Button';
$lang['admin_description'] = 'Description';
$lang['admin_reward'] = 'Reward';
$lang['admin_bonus'] = 'Bonus';
$lang['admin_at_bonus'] = 'AT Bonus';
$lang['admin_flash'] = 'Flash';
$lang['admin_score'] = 'Score';
$lang['admin_gamelib'] = 'Gamelib';
$lang['admin_action'] = 'Action';
$lang['admin_move'] = 'Move';
$lang['admin_repair'] = 'Repair Game Index';
$lang['admin_reset'] = 'Reset High Scores';
$lang['admin_at_reset'] = 'Reset ALL TIME Scores';
$lang['admin_up'] = 'Up';
$lang['admin_down'] = 'Dn';
$lang['admin_down_full'] = 'Down';
$lang['admin_delete'] = 'X';
$lang['admin_delete_full'] = 'Delete';
$lang['admin_limit'] = 'Limit';
$lang['admin_at_limit'] = 'AT Limit';
$lang['admin_width'] = 'Width';
$lang['admin_height'] = 'Height';
$lang['admin_cash'] = 'Cash';
$lang['admin_name'] = '<b>Name</b><br />';
$lang['admin_name_info'] = '-:- This is the name of the game you are installing. <br /><br />-:- <b>NOTE</b> : Keep the name of this game limited to one word with no<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;spaces or unusual characters. Anything else will cause errors.';
$lang['admin_game_path'] = '<b>Game Path</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_path_info'] = '-:- This is the path location of your game located within your forum root directory.';
$lang['admin_game_desc'] = '<b>Description</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_desc_info'] = '-:- This is the description of this game that is displayed on the arcade menu.';
$lang['admin_game_charge'] = '<b>Game Charges</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_charge_info'] = '-:- This is how much to charge users to play this game.';
$lang['admin_game_per'] = '<b>Score per point reward</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_per_info'] = '-:- This is the score value the user has to get to receive 1 Reward  <br /><br />-:- <b>Example</b> : A player gets 100 score points. If you put 100 as the value<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for this option, then the player will get 1 Reward Point.';
$lang['admin_game_bonus'] = '<b>Highscore Bonus</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_bonus_info'] = '-:- This is the amount of reward points to give a user if they obtain the highscore.';
$lang['admin_game_gamelib'] = '<b>Use the Gamelib</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_gamelib_info'] = '-:- Set this to yes if this game uses the <b>GameLib</b>.';
$lang['admin_game_flash'] = '<b>Uses Macromedia Flash</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_flash_info'] = '-:- Set this to yes if this is a Macromedia Flash game or has a .SWF extension.';
$lang['admin_game_show_score'] = '<b>Show the scores</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_show_info'] = '-:- Set this to yes if you wish to use scores for this arcade.';
$lang['admin_game_reverse'] = '<b>Reverse Highscore Listing</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reverse_info'] = '-:- Set this to yes if you wish to list the lowest scores first.';
$lang['admin_game_highscore'] = '<b>Highscore Limit</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_highscore_info'] = '-:- This is how many scores you want listed for this game. Leave blank for all.';
$lang['admin_game_size'] = '<b>Window Size</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_size_info'] = '-:- This is how big in pixels, the window will be when a game is started.';
$lang['instructions_info'] = 'Enter this games "How to play" instructions below. HTML Tags will also work in here.<br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs'] = '<b>Reset Highscores</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_hs_info'] = '-:- By setting this to <b>"Yes"</b> the Highscores will reset.';
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs'] = '<b>Reset ALL-TIME Scores</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_reset_at_hs_info'] = '-:- By setting this to <b>"Yes"</b> the ALL TIME Highscores will reset.';
$lang['admin_use_rewards'] = '<b>Use Rewards MOD</b><br />';
$lang['admin_use_rewards_info'] = '-:- If you have a rewards MOD installed [Points/Cash/Allowance]<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;then turn this on to configure your rewards MOD.';
$lang['admin_cheat'] = '<b>Use Cheat Mode</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cheat_info'] = '-:- If turned on, Proxy <b>guests</b> & users logged out during a session, will NOT be able to save high scores.';
$lang['admin_warn_cheater'] = '<b>Display warning to possible cheater</b><br />';
$lang['admin_warn_cheater_info'] = '-:- If turned on, then this will display a message to anyone who might get caught cheating.';
$lang['admin_cheater_warning'] = '<br />You have been reported to the site <b>Admin</b> as a possible cheater.<br /><br /> If you feel that you have not cheated in an online game, then please contact the site Admin.<br />';
$lang['admin_warn_admin'] = '<b>Report cheaters</b><br />';
$lang['admin_warn_admin_info'] = '-:- If turned on the site Admin will get an E-mail notification if someone is caught cheating.';
$lang['admin_cash_default_info'] = '-:- The Arcade MOD uses only 1 reward field. Please enter in a default user<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;reward field for your users. [<b>Cash MOD Only</b>]';
$lang['admin_games_offline'] = '<b>Take Mod Offline</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_offline_info'] = '-:- This will show any uses who try and access the games an offline message';
$lang['admin_default_game_id'] = '<b>Default Game ID Number</b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_game_id_info'] = '-:- When Adding a game, use this game as a default. "0" = All fields empty.';
$lang['admin_cat'] = '<b>Game Catagory</b><br />';
$lang['admin_cat_info'] = '-:- The catagory that the game will be viewed under.';
$lang['admin_default_img'] = '<b>Default Image</b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_img_info'] = '-:- Default games image, this image will be displayed if you do not have a image available.';
$lang['admin_default_txt'] = '<b>Default Guest Text</b><br />';
$lang['admin_default_txt_info'] = '-:- Default text that is displayed to Guests to try to get them to register.';
$lang['admin_tournament_txt'] = '<b>Use Tournament Mode</b><br />';
$lang['admin_tournament_txt_info'] = '-:- Turn on Tournament Option.';

$lang['admin_games_per_admin_info'] = '-:- This is how many games you want listed before a new page is needed in the ACP.';
$lang['admin_games_image_txt'] = '<b>Games Icon Image Size</b><br />';
$lang['admin_games_image_txt_info'] = '-:- Set this to the size you want your games images to be.';
$lang['admin_auto_size_txt'] = '<b>Use Auto Game Size</b><br />';
$lang['admin_auto_size_txt_info'] = '-:- This will overide the config for Flash and Image files, so they load to the correct size.<br />-:- This does NOT effect the AUTO configuration of the FLASH and IMAGE files when adding. ';
$lang['admin_guest_high_txt'] = '<b>Allow Guests to Post a High Score</b><br />';
$lang['admin_guest_high_txt_info'] = '-:- Guests can NEVER post to the AT highscore. This will turn off normal High Scores too.';
$lang['admin_at_highscore_txt'] = '<b>Use the AT HighScore System</b><br />';
$lang['admin_at_highscore_txt_info'] = '-:- Use the All Time HighScore system to hold scores.';
$lang['admin_show_stats_txt'] = '<b>Show the Stats</b><br />';
$lang['admin_show_stats_txt_info'] = '-:- Turn this off to remove the Stats from the pages';

$lang['admin_played'] = 'Hits';
$lang['admin_available'] = 'Offline';
$lang['admin_guest'] = 'Guests';
$lang['admin_image_path'] = '<b>Path to Game Image</b><br />';
$lang['admin_image_path_info'] = '-:- This path can be anywhere.<br />    (if left blank default will be be used, or enter just the ext {.gif})';
$lang['admin_game_level'] = '<b>Guest Access</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_level_info'] = '-:- Allow Guests to play';
$lang['admin_game_offline'] = '<b>Game is Available</b><br />';
$lang['admin_game_offline_info'] = '-:- Is the game available to the users? - allows you to fix the game';
$lang['admin_game_import_ok'] = 'Imported "%s" Games Successfully<br /><br />Skipped "%s" Game Records.<br /><br />';
$lang['admin_game_moderator_info'] = 'The name of the user that is to moderate this area.';

// General
$lang['Edit_Games'] = 'Edit Games';
$lang['None'] = 'None';
$lang['all_games'] = 'All Activities';

// Arcade
$lang['not_enough_points'] = 'You do NOT have enough ' . $board_config['points_name'] . ' to play this game. <br /><br /><a href="java script:parent.window.close();">[Close Window]</a>';
$lang['not_enough_reward'] = 'You do NOT have enough to play this game. <br /><br /><a href="java script:parent.window.close();">[Close Window]</a>';
$lang['game_instructions'] = 'Instructions';
$lang['game_no_instructions'] = 'No Instructions.';
$lang['game_free'] = 'Free';
$lang['game_cost'] = 'Cost';
$lang['game_dash'] = ':';
$lang['game_number'] = '#';
$lang['game_points'] = 'Points';
$lang['game_list'] = $board_config['sitename'] . ' Activities';
$lang['game_score'] = 'Score';
$lang['game_info'] = 'Info';
$lang['game_bonuses'] = 'Bonuses';
$lang['game_best_player'] = 'Best Player';
$lang['game_highscores'] = 'Highscores';
$lang['game_at_highscores'] = 'All Time';
$lang['game_new_high_score'] = '<b>*** Congratulations - New High Score ***</b><br /><br />';
$lang['game_new_at_high_score'] = '<b>* Congratulations - New All Time High Score *</b><br /><br />';
$lang['game_score_saved'] = 'High Score was Saved';
$lang['game_score_updated'] = 'Score was Updated';
$lang['game_score_text'] = '<b>%s</b> your %s<br /><br />';
$lang['game_highscore_off'] = 'Highscores for this game are OFF';
$lang['game_no_score_saved'] = 'You don`t have a score so your score was not saved<br />';
$lang['game_no_high_score'] = 'score did not beat your current best';
$lang['game_score_close'] = 'Close';
$lang['game_cheater'] = 'Busted!';
$lang['game_statistics'] = 'Game Statistics';
$lang['game_played'] = 'Played';
$lang['game_stat_price'] = 'Price to play';
$lang['game_stat_highscore'] = 'Highscore Bonus';
$lang['game_stat_at_highscore'] = 'AT Highscore Bonus';
$lang['game_score_reward'] = 'Score Reward';
$lang['game_all_time_score'] = 'All Time Score';
$lang['game_current_best'] = 'Current Best Player';
$lang['game_highest_score'] = 'Highest Score';
$lang['game_welcome'] = 'Welcome To %s ';
$lang['game_guest_welcome'] = 'Welcome to %s, Please ';
$lang['game_stats'] = 'Game Stats and Information';
$lang['game_tournament'] = 'Tournament';
$lang['Game_Select'] = 'Select Game';
$lang['Active_Tournaments'] = 'There are <b>%s</b> Active Tournaments:';
$lang['at_score_no_guest'] = 'Sorry, Guests can not post to the all time high score<br /><br />Registration is free, and you could hold the game trophy..<br />';
$lang['total_games'] = 'We have <b>%s</b> activities to do in this section.';
$lang['total_games_played'] = 'In total there has been <b>%s</b> games played in this section.';
$lang['games_are_offline'] = 'Sorry, but the Activities are currently unavailable. Please try again later.';
$lang['games_register'] = ' - for access to even more games - ITS FREE.<br />';
$lang['games_top_header'] = 'Top Activities';
$lang['games_bum_header'] = 'Special Play';
$lang['games_catagories'] = 'Section Select';
$lang['games_section'] = 'Section';
$lang['games_total_points'] = 'You have <b>%s</b> %s.<br />';
$lang['games_top_players'] = 'The best players are:<br />';
$lang['game_your_score'] = 'Your Score of "%s" has been submitted for checking.<br /><br />';
$lang['game_hidden'] = 'Hidden';

$lang['remove_fav_data'] = 'Could not remove data from favorites table';
$lang['insert_fav_data'] = 'Could not insert data into favorites table';
$lang['no_fav_topic'] = 'No topic to set as favorite was set';
$lang['favorites'] = 'Favorites List';
$lang['add_fav'] = 'Add To Favorites';

// If anything is changed below this line, then don't be surprised if you don't get very
// good support from the MOD Author. The next few lines deal with error handling & GPL
// licenses. By changing them you could break the law as well as cause errors.
// DO NOT TAKE THIS LINK OUT! Scott Porters Gamelib requires that this link is included
// by anyone using his library. If you don't have any games using gamelib, then turn it
// off and this link will not get displayed!
$lang['game_lib_link'] = '<br />Some of the games here have been created with &copy; <A HREF="http://www.javascript-games.org/gamelib/" TARGET="New_Window">GameLib</A> v2.08<br />Check out <A HREF="http://www.javascript-games.org" TARGET="New_Window">JavaScript Games</A> for more info.';
$lang['activitiy_mod_info'] = 'phpBB Activity / Arcade Mod %s &copy 2004 - dEfEndEr';

// Errors
$lang['no_main_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain main data';
$lang['no_game_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain game data';
$lang['no_cat_update'] = 'Couldn`t update catagory data';
$lang['no_cat_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain catagory data';
$lang['no_cat_data_enter'] = 'No catagory Name or Description - Saved Failed';
$lang['no_game_update'] = 'Couldn`t update game data';
$lang['no_game_total'] = 'Error getting total games';
$lang['no_game_user'] = 'Error obtaining user game data';
$lang['no_game_delete'] = 'Couldn`t delete game';
$lang['no_game_repair'] = 'Couldn`t repair game tables';
$lang['no_game_save'] = 'Couldn`t save game data';
$lang['no_user_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain user data';
$lang['no_user_update'] = 'Couldn`t update user data';
$lang['no_score_data'] = 'Couldn`t obtain scores data';
$lang['no_score_reset'] = 'Couldn`t reset scores data';
$lang['no_score_insert'] = 'Couldn`t insert score';
$lang['no_score_reset'] = 'Couldn`t reset scores';
$lang['no_config_data'] = 'Could not access Online Activities configuration';
$lang['no_config_update'] = 'Failed to update Online Activities configuration for ';
$lang['no_game_data'] = 'ERROR, No Game Data Received<br />';
$lang['no_game_import'] = 'No file to Import / Export<br /><br />';
$lang['no_game_import_found'] = 'Import file not found<br /><br />';
$lang['no_read_game_data'] = 'Error reading from file';
$lang['no_write_game_data'] = 'Error writing to file';
$lang['no_game_data_inform'] = 'ERROR, Reading Game Data from System<br /><br />This Error is caussed by your Proxy settings.<br /><br />Turning off your Proxy will allow you to save scores.<br /><br />Registered users do not have this problem.';
$lang['session_error'] = 'Error creating new session';
$lang['game_invalid_game'] = 'ERROR - Invalid Game Options Received<br /><br />This game was not crated for this version of AMod<br />';
$lang['no_special_play_games'] = 'None Available';
$lang['games_no_guests'] = 'Sorry, You Have NO Access to that Game';
$lang['game_not_compatable'] = 'This game is NOT compatable with this version of Arcade mod<br />';

Avatar billede ambrass Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 08:30 #1
Ikke til 60 point.
Avatar billede danskforum Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 08:34 #2
hvorfor ikke ? er det ikke nok ?
Avatar billede danskforum Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 09:31 #3
er der ikke nogle der kan hjælpe mig ? jeg er virkelig i nød her :S
Avatar billede bufferzone Praktikant
25. november 2004 - 10:06 #4
måske, man har ikke tid i denne uge
Avatar billede danskforum Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 10:09 #5
er der virkelig ikke en der kan hjælpe stakkels lille mig med en oversættelse :S plz :D
Avatar billede danskforum Nybegynder
25. november 2004 - 10:42 #6
så bare glem det ! :D hehe har lige betalt 300kr for en oversættelse :D hehe !
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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