Mener du Acrobat 6 Professionel? I såfald skulle der ikke være problem med at lave knapper og sende en email. Hvis du ikke ønsker email, så skal du bruge f.eks et cgi script som kan håndtere data fra PDF´en.
Som hammerhead siger, kan det sagtens lade sig gøre. Men det er kun brugere, som også har et "Acrobat-købeprogram", der vil kunne bruge formularen på den måde. Fra de gratis Readere kan man ikke f.eks. udfylde en formular og sende den. Readere kan intet, der bare ligner "at gemme".
Man kan "submitte" ikke "maile" en formular fra Readeren. Her et citat fra et internationalt Acrobatforum:
"Submit does not mean "send an e-mail". It means to send to a web server. Reader can submit, but it cannot send e-mails."
Jeg har aldrig prøvet selv, men her mere citat:
"1. Set up the form so it submits to a web server that uses SSL (https) 2. Store the data (FDF, XFDF) on the server securely. 3. Send an e-mail notification to one or more recipients that an application has been submitted. 4. Allow the recipient securely log-in to the server and retrieve the FDF. Make sure data is transferred securely between the server and recipient.
The recipient can easily import the form data into a blank form and view/print/save the form and perhaps update a database with the data.
This is probably the simplest and easiest to implement approach. You could optionally have the web server parse the data and add it to a database for later retrieval, but this is more complicated.
Sending data by e-mail is generally not secure. It can be if the data if first securely encrypted, but this would have to take place on the server. The server would have to:
1. Get the submitted data. 2. Merge it with the corresponding PDF. 3. Encrypt the PDF (using at least 128-bit standard security with Open password). 4. E-mail the secure PDF to the recipients.
There are a number of third-party products that will help with #2 and #3"
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