Avatar billede akr Nybegynder
20. april 1999 - 00:00 Der er 7 kommentarer

Hente filer direkte fra access via ftp

Hvordan får jeg lavet en makro i Access 97 som automatisk henter en kommasepareret fil der er uploaded på nettet ?
Avatar billede postkort Nybegynder
28. april 1999 - 11:52 #1
Ummidelbart tror jeg ikke dette kan lade sige gøre, med mindre Access selv indeholder en form for FTP conector.

Avatar billede brian_d Nybegynder
10. maj 1999 - 13:40 #2
Skriv en funktion der ordner problemet..

Function getfile()
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "importtable", "www.xxx.dk/WS_FTP.LOG"" target="_blank">ftp://usr:pwd@www.xxx.dk/WS_FTP.LOG"
End function

Avatar billede brian_d Nybegynder
11. maj 1999 - 10:14 #3
Hov ovenstående var jo mit svar :o)
Avatar billede akr Nybegynder
15. juni 1999 - 08:25 #4
Der er ikke noget af dette der virker....
Avatar billede macjensen Nybegynder
28. juli 2000 - 09:45 #5
Import or link (read-only) data on an FTP or HTTP Internet server
Note  You cannot import from or link to a Microsoft Access database, a text file, or an ODBC data source when importing or linking to an FTP or HTTP server. For a general summary of data sources you can import or link, click .

Open a database, or switch to the Database window for the open database.

To import data, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Import.
To link data, on the File menu, point to Get External Data, and then click Link Tables.

To import or link from an HTTP server, type the Internet address in the File Name box. For example, to link the file Jansales.html on the //pubweb HTTP server, type http://pubweb/jansales.html.
To import or link from an FTP server, either type the Internet address in the File Name box, or click the arrow to the right of the Look In box, and then click FTP Locations. In the list of FTP locations, double-click the location of the item you want, and then double-click the item.


Although you can\'t import or link a text file by using the Import command, you can use the TransferText action or method.

Microsoft Access copies the entire file to the Microsoft Internet Explorer cache folder on your local machine. Therefore, this process may take some time because potentially large amounts of data are being transferred through the Internet.

A linked table is a data snapshot of the original, remote data source at the time you linked. You will not see updates to the data made at the remote location while the table is open, but the next time you open it, Microsoft Access refreshes the local copy in the cache folder.
12. august 2001 - 23:03 #6
Hej akr,

Skulle du ikke tage og lukke dette spørgsmål? Det er over 2 år gammelt! Der er folk, som har brugt tid på at svare dig...

Avatar billede tfswebguy Nybegynder
09. oktober 2009 - 13:53 #7
Husk at lukke spørgsmålet
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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