Avatar billede canon Nybegynder
15. oktober 2004 - 09:40 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

DB'en kører ikke som Domain-users, det virker når man er admin

problem med at DB'en ikke kører som Domain-users, det virker når man logger på som Administrator.
SQLagenten starter men der kommer ikke grønne trekant "play-agtige" ikon.

Jeg har under Computer management/servises gjort at MSSQLSERVER, MSSQLSERVERADHelper, og SQLAgent ikke logger på vha. admin, men i stedet skulle alle have adgang.

Jeg har også gjort flg.
Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer
Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServer.
Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib.

Yderligere har jeg givet domain users adgangt til stedet hvor MSSQLserveren er installeret, under security

Men når jeg tester om den kører, skriver den bare "disconnected" og prøver man at connecte, skriver den "access denied"

Hvis en eller anden har en klar guide til at få det fixet ville det være stort :)

Jeg har prøvet at google'e det, men er kunne kommet til det ovennævnte, som ikke virker
Avatar billede trer Nybegynder
16. oktober 2004 - 22:35 #1
Hmm... Skal lige have det helt klart; Starter SQL Server servicen og forbliver kørende - eller stopper den igen?

Hvis den forbliver kørende, så er det altså blot et spørgsmål om at brugerne ikke kan logge på?

Hvis det er brugerne der ikke kan logge på - så er det sandsynligvis fordi du ikke har givet dem adgang til database serveren! At sætte rettigheder i filsystemet har ikke noget effekt da det ikke er sådan SQL Server (eller andre databaser) authenticerer brugere. Operativsystemet er blot en skal der ligger mellem databasen og hardwaren - og faktisk kan mange databaser gå udenom og f.x. anvende uformatede diske til sine data (aka raw devices).

Hvorom alt er - du skal logge ind på serveren med administrative priviliger (SA fx) og afvikle procedureren "sp_grantlogin [domain\username]" eller "sp_grantlogin [domain\group]" - derefter skifter du til den database du ønsker at give folk adgang til - fx "MyDB" - og afvikler "sp_grantdbaccess [domain\blablabla]".

Nu kan folk komme ind i databasen - og har ret til at tilgå hvad "public" kan se. Du skal derfor grante ret specifikt til de enklte objekter i databasen - i.e. "grant select on mytable to [domain\blablalba]" samt "grant insert ...", "grant update...", "grant delete..." etc.  Hvis du ikke har behov for så finkornet adgangskontrol så brug "sp_addrolemember db_datareader,[domain\blablabla]" for at give læseadgang til alle tabeller og "sp_addrolemember db_datawriter,[domain\blablabla]" for at give skriveadgang til samme.

Og hvis ovenstående smøre ikke hjælper:

Har du sat serveren til Mixed Mode Authentication eller til Windows Authentication Only?

Hvilke netværksprotokoller har du installeret?
Avatar billede canon Nybegynder
30. december 2004 - 17:35 #2
Det lykkedes ved at gøre flg.
Troubleshooting MSSQLServer or SQLServerAgent Services User Accounts

If you have difficulty starting either the MSSQLServer or SQLServerAgent service under a particular user account, you can:

    * Use Windows NT User Manager to verify that the account has Log on as a service rights on the computer. (Both of these must be assigned within the security context of the local computer, not the domain.)

If services are started by someone who is not a member of the Windows NT local administrators group, the service account must have these permissions:

          o Full control of the main Microsoft® SQL Server™ directory (by default, \Mssql).
          o Full control of the SQL Server database files, regardless of storage location.
          o The Log on as a service right. Ensure that all logon hours are allowed in the Logon Hours dialog box.
          o Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer.
          o Selection of the Password Never Expires box.
          o Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServer.
          o Full control of registry keys at and below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib.

If the service does not have the appropriate permissions, certain functionality cannot be accomplished. For example, to write to a mail slot, the service must have a Windows NT domain user account, not just local system, with network write privileges. The service must be a Windows NT account with local administrator privileges to:

          o Create SQL Server Agent CmdExec and Microsoft ActiveX® Script jobs not belonging to members of the sysadmin fixed server role.
          o Use the automatic server restart feature of SQL Server Agent.
          o Create SQL Server Agent jobs to be run when the server is idle.
    * For the MSSQLServer service, right-click the server, click Properties, and then click the Security tab. Under Startup service account, enter the appropriate account and password. If the password is incorrect or has changed, the service cannot be started until the correct password is entered.

Caution  For the MSDTC service only, use Services in Control Panel to reenter the user account password. If the password is incorrect or has changed, the service cannot be started until the correct password is entered. If necessary, change the account's password using User Manager, and then enter that password for the service using Services in Control Panel.

    * For the SQLServerAgent service, expand the server, and then expand Management. Right-click SQLServerAgent, and then click Properties. On the General tab (the default) in the Service startup account section, enter the account and password.
    * Assign the account experiencing the problem to another service. If you still have difficulty starting the MSSQLServer or SQLServerAgent service under a particular user account, assign that account to another service (for example, the Spooler service) and verify that the service can be started successfully. If not, the account is either not configured properly or cannot be validated by the domain controller (for example, if no domain controller is available).

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You can find this in this link in Books Online (Click GO / URL):

On the Internet you can find it here:
Avatar billede canon Nybegynder
03. januar 2005 - 22:47 #3
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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