Har brug for hjælp til oversættelse
Jeg har hårdt brug for hjælp til at oversætte. Det drejer sig om de to midterste afsnit i nedenstående tekst.Jeg hár forsøgt med ordbogen, men kan alligevel ikke få det til at give mening.
Håber der sidder en der ude som fulgte bedre med i skolen end jeg, som vil hjælpe.
Det er som før nævnt kun de to midterste afsnit.
På forhånd tak.
This Clipbook library demonstrates how text can be captured from the Windows Clipboard and formatted. It optionally uses spoken messages to indicate what it is doing in the background. You can download these message sound files by double-clicking on the "Download sounds" Clip.
The example used in this library will format an e-mail message by quoting the text for reply (some E-mail programs handle reply-formatting very poorly, but NoteTab can help).
When this library is activated by double-clicking on the "Start" Clip, NoteTab will capture all text sent to the Clipboard. The way the Clip has been designed, you should first copy the name of the person who sent you the E-mail, then copy the part of the message you want to reply to. The formatted reply text is then stored in the Windows Clipboard -- ready to be pasted into a new E-mail message.
Double-click on the "Stop" Clip or close the library when you have finished capturing E-mails, otherwise any text you copy to the Clipboard will continue to be processed by NoteTab.