ValidationText from a MS Access database with Delphi 5
Hi thereI'm trying to display a ValidationText from a MS Access database with Delphi 5. But I don't seem to make it work.
I have a TADOConnection to the database. I also have a TADODataset which I can access my tables with. But I can only get Name, Precision, Required, Size etc from the FieldDef. I am interested in showing (and altering) the ValidationText. But that property is not there.
I tried:
myDataSet.FieldDefs[0].Name (no ValidationText property)
I have done it in VB, where the code is like following:
Dim tmpTbl As TableDef
Set tmpTbl = tmpBas.TableDefs!my_table
tmpTbl.Fields("field1").ValidationText = "My validation text"
What do I do wrong? Is it even possible?
- Mats Magnem
Delphi...yeah! Still learning.
PS : Dere kan godt svare på dansk. Jeg er norsk, men stiller nok spørsmål bedre på engelsk enn på dansk.