Javascipt der pauser asx-film fra en anden frame
Hej..Jeg sidder og leger med lidt streaming video og det virker sådan set fint.
Knapper og player-vindue er opbygget vha. et javascript vis kode jeg har indsat i det nedenstående. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at få videoklippet til at pause ved et klik i en anden frame i mit frameset.
Video-javascriptet er f.eks. i midten i et frameset og når man så klikker på et link, billede eller noget i f.eks. en topframe eksempelvis pauser filmen i midterrammen. Jeg ved godt at pausefunktionen selvfølgelig er i mit script nu, men kun så det virker i den ramme hvor film og kode er. Det skal siges at jeg bestemt ingen Javascript-haj er.
Håber I kan hjælpe mig på forhånd tak - her er koden:
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
var sBaseUrl = \"pre_player.asp\";
var iPlayState = 2; // Since we autostart the player on load, assume this is 2
// 0 = Stopped, 1 = Paused, 2 = Playing
var sPrevButtonImg = \"\"; // Used in onMouseOver and onMouseOut events
var bPrevImageSet = false; // Don\'t set more than once (IE will do this, which sets incorrect image name)
// Since Netscape and IE use different document object models, we\'ll
// set up a abbreviation named Player that points to the appropriate
// reference method
var Player;
var sContentUrl = \"test.asx\"; // Default clip name
// If we made a specific request for a clip, it\'s in the searchstring
var sUrlArgs =;
var sClip = argValue(\"clip\");
if (sClip.length > 1) sContentUrl = sClip;
function retrieveArgValue (iValue) {
var sTemp = sUrlArgs.indexOf (\"&\", iValue);
if (sTemp == -1) sTemp = sUrlArgs.length;
return unescape(sUrlArgs.substring(iValue, sTemp));
function argValue (sValue) {
var sName = sValue + \"=\";
var iNameLen = sName.length;
var iUrlLen = sUrlArgs.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < iUrlLen) {
var j = i + iNameLen;
var sLowerCaseStr = sUrlArgs.substring(i, j).toLowerCase // Convert to lower case
var sLowerCaseName = sName.toLowerCase; // Convert to lower case
if (sLowerCaseStr == sLowerCaseName) { // Compare the converted strings
return retrieveArgValue (j); // return arg after = sign (mode=audio, for example)
i = sUrlArgs.indexOf(\"&\", i) + 1;
if (i == 0) break;
return \"\"; // Return empty string, not a null, if empty
function SetPlayerReference() {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
Player = eval(\'document.PlayerDiv.document.NSPlay\'); // Netscape Player object
}else {Player = eval(\'document.all.NSPlay\');} // IE Player object
function ToggleSlider() {
var oImage; // Create a variable that will reference the player
// Choose a method to reference the slider button, based on the
// document object model of the browser involved
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
oImage = eval(\'document.DivSlider.document.Slider\');
}else {oImage = eval(\'document.all.Slider\');}
// Determine which state button is in, then toggle
if (bToggleLeft == true) { // Boolean variable to store button state
oImage.src = \'Images/SlideRight.gif\'; // Swap the image
bToggleLeft = false; // Toggle the variable value
} else {
oImage.src = \'Images/SlideLeft.gif\'; // Swap the image
bToggleLeft = true; // Toggle the variable value
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") != \"-1\") {
// An attempt to make IE quit displaying hourglass cursor
ToggleSlider.returnValue = false;
function renderASXInfo(){
// Since Netscape and IE use different document object models, we\'ll
// set up a abbreviation named Player that points to the appropriate
// reference method
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
Player = eval(\'document.PlayerDiv.document.NSPlay\');
}else {Player = eval(\'document.NSPlay\');}
// The following variables are filled from the player values
var sTitle = Player.GetMediaInfoString(8);
var sAuthor = Player.GetMediaInfoString(9);
var sCopyright = Player.GetMediaInfoString(10);
var sMoreInfo = Player.GetMediaInfoString(11);
var sTempCategory = \"\";
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// This section is Netscape-specific
// (again, due to document object model differences)
// NS requires that we doc.write into the DIV, while
// IE requires that we set the innerHTML property
document.Title.document.write(\'<FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\" SIZE=4><B>\' + sTitle + \'</B></FONT>\');
document.Copyright.document.write(\'<FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\" SIZE=2>\' + sCopyright + \'</FONT>\');
document.Author.document.write(\'<FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\" SIZE=2>\' + sAuthor + \'</FONT>\');
document.MoreInfo.document.write(\'<FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica\" SIZE=2>\' + sMoreInfo + \'</FONT>\');
} else {
// This section is for IE
document.Title = \"\"
if (sTitle) document.all.Title.innerHTML = sTitle;
if (sCopyright) document.all.Copyright.innerHTML = sCopyright;
if (sAuthor) document.all.Author.innerHTML = sAuthor;
if (sMoreInfo) document.all.MoreInfo.innerHTML = sMoreInfo;
NetscapeLoop(); // Recurse every two seconds, if we\'re Netscape
function NetscapeLoop(){
// This loop is called from ScriptFrame.renderASXInfo()
// Because Netscape\'s event model doesn\'t listen to events that \"bubble up\"
// from embedded objects (the player, in this case), we have to periodically
// inspect the current properties of the player.
// Every two seconds, we update the screen with what\'s playing
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
function ButtonOver(sBtnName) {
// Called by onMouseOver
var oButton; // Reference to button
// Tired of different object models yet?
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
oButton = eval(\'document.\' + sBtnName + \'.document.\' + sBtnName + \'Btn\');
}else {
oButton = eval(sBtnName + \'Btn\');
var sImageName = \'images/\' + sBtnName + \'_Over.gif\';
if (bPrevImageSet == false) {
sPrevButtonImg = oButton.src; // Save the image name for use in onMouseOut
bPrevImageSet = true; // To prevent setting with the mouseover image
oButton.src = sImageName;
function ButtonOut(sBtnName) {
// Called by OnMouseOut
var oButton; // Reference to button
// Tired of different object models yet?
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
oButton = eval(\'document.\' + sBtnName + \'.document.\' + sBtnName + \'Btn\');
}else {
oButton = eval(sBtnName + \'Btn\');
oButton.src = sPrevButtonImg; // Restore the image path we saved in onMouseOver
bPrevImageSet = false; // Restore permission to set onMouseOver image
function ButtonClick(sBtnName) {
var oButton; // Reference to button. Must specifically set due to MouseOut logic
// Tired of different object models yet?
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
oButton = eval(\'document.\' + sBtnName + \'.document.\' + sBtnName + \'Btn\');
}else {
oButton = eval(sBtnName + \'Btn\');
var sImageName = \'images/\' + sBtnName + \'_On.gif\';
oButton.src = sImageName; // Set the button image
sPrevImageSet = false; // Reset the flag
sPrevButtonImg = oButton.src; // So onMouseOut doesn\'t restore an old image
function ButtonOff(sBtnName) {
// Called from various functions to set specific button images to \"off\"
var oButton; // Reference to button
// Tired of different object models yet?
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
oButton = eval(\'document.\' + sBtnName + \'.document.\' + sBtnName + \'Btn\');
}else {
oButton = eval(sBtnName + \'Btn\');
var sImageName = \'images/\' + sBtnName + \'_Off.gif\';
oButton.src = sImageName; // Set the button image
function SetButtonPlayState() {
// set all buttons to appropriate state, based on current play state
if (iPlayState == 0) { // Stopped
if (iPlayState == 1) { // Paused
if (iPlayState == 2) { // Play
function StopNsPlayer() {
if (iPlayState > 0) {
iPlayState = 0;
SetButtonPlayState(); // Reset button states
function StartNsPlayer() {
if (iPlayState < 2) {
iPlayState = 2;
SetButtonPlayState(); // Reset button states
function PauseNsPlayer() {
if (iPlayState == 2) {
iPlayState = 1;
SetButtonPlayState(); // Reset button states
function Next() {
function Previous() {
function PlayClip(sClipName) {
location.href = sBaseUrl + \'?clip=\' + sClipName;
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" FOR=\"NSPlay\" EVENT=\"NewStream()\">
// Netscape doesn\'t support the FOR=\"NSPlay\" statement, so it fires this code just once
// on window initialization. We force the code to wait three seconds in order to
// give the plugin time to instantiate. You may need to increase the wait period
// on slow machines
// IE fires this code on each NewStream() event that bubbles up from the player
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
setTimeout(\'SetPlayerReference();\', 2500);
} else {
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
document.write(\'<BODY bgColor=\"White\">\');
} else {
document.write(\'<BODY bgColor=\"Black\">\');
<body bgcolor=\"#000000\">
<basefont face=\"Arial, Helvetica, Sans Serif\" size=\"4\" color=\"black\">
<div ID=\"Previous\" NAME=\"Previous\" STYLE=\"Position: absolute; Left:243px; Top:375px;\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Only include an HREF for Netscape -- IE stops playing when HREF click is detected (instead of restarting)
document.write(\'<A HREF=\"java script:Previous()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\\\'Previous\\\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\\\'Previous\\\')\">\');
<img ID=\"PreviousBtn\" Name=\"PreviousBtn\" SRC=\"images/Previous_Off.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" OnClick=\"java script:Previous()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Previous\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Previous\')\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
<div ID=\"Stop\" NAME=\"Stop\" STYLE=\"Position: absolute; Left:245px; Top:318px;\">
<a HREF=\"java script:StopNsPlayer()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Stop\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Stop\')\">
<img Name=\"StopBtn\" SRC=\"images/Stop_Off.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Stop\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Stop\')\">
</a> </div>
<div ID=\"Pause\" NAME=\"Pause\" STYLE=\"Position: absolute; Left:305px; Top:316px;\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Only include an HREF for Netscape -- IE stops playing when HREF click is detected
document.write(\'<A HREF=\"java script:PauseNsPlayer()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\\\'Pause\\\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\\\'Pause\\\')\">\');
<img Name=\"PauseBtn\" SRC=\"images/Pause_Off.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" OnClick=\"java script:PauseNsPlayer()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Pause\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Pause\')\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
<div ID=\"Play\" NAME=\"Play\" STYLE=\"Position: absolute; Left:275px; Top:346px;\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Only include an HREF for Netscape -- IE stops playing when HREF click is detected (instead of restarting)
document.write(\'<A HREF=\"java script:StartNsPlayer()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\\\'Play\\\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\\\'Play\\\')\">\');
<img Name=\"PlayBtn\" SRC=\"images/Play_On.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" onClick=\"StartNsPlayer()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Play\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Play\')\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
<div ID=\"Next\" NAME=\"Next\" STYLE=\"Position: absolute; Left:298px; Top:373px;\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Only include an HREF for Netscape -- IE stops playing when HREF click is detected (instead of restarting)
document.write(\'<A HREF=\"java script:Next()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\\\'Next\\\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\\\'Next\\\')\">\');
<img ID=\"NextBtn\" Name=\"NextBtn\" SRC=\"images/Next_Off.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" OnClick=\"java script:Next()\" onMouseOver=\"ButtonOver(\'Next\')\" onMouseOut=\"ButtonOut(\'Next\')\">
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
function SetVol(iValue) {
// Since Netscape and IE use different document object models, we\'ll
// set up an Object named Player that points to the appropriate method
var Player;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
Player = eval(\'document.PlayerDiv.document.NSPlay\');
}else {Player = eval(\'document.all.NSPlay\');}
ChangeVolume(Player, iValue);
var VolImg;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
VolImg = eval(\'document.VolDiv.document.images.Volume\');
}else {VolImg = eval(\'Volume\');}
VolImg.src = \'images/Vol\' + iValue + \'.gif\';
function ChangeVolume(oObject, iValue) {
var iNewVal = -600; // Set to default value for NSPlay
if (iValue == 1) iNewVal = -10000;
if (iValue == 2) iNewVal = -1500;
if (iValue == 3) iNewVal = -850;
if (iValue == 4) iNewVal = -600;
if (iValue == 5) iNewVal = -350;
if (iValue == 6) iNewVal = -210;
if (iValue == 7) iNewVal = -1;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Netscape plugin requires that we call a method
} else {
// In IE we set a property
oObject.Volume = iNewVal;
// Because our ImageMap has HREFs, we must retsart the player
// Substituting OnClick would negate the need to restart, but
// then Netscape wouldn\'t recognize our click events.
<!-- The following map uses HREFs to make Netscape happy. In an IE-Only Environment Use OnClick instead. HREF pauses the player on each click (at least, in IE), so you have to restart it in your script code.-->
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
// Include an HREF for Netscape because it doesn\'t recognize OnClick
// But if you use HREF for IE, the click event stops the player. So use OnClick instead
document.write(\'<MAP NAME=\"VolControl\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,199,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(1)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,175,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(2)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,148,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(3)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,124,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(4)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,99,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(5)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"22,74,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(6)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,49,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(7)\">\');
} else {
document.write(\'<MAP NAME=\"VolControl\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,199,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(1)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,175,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(2)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,148,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(3)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,124,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(4)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,99,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(5)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"22,74,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(6)\">\');
document.write(\'<AREA SHAPE=\"circle\" COORDS=\"27,49,7\" OnClick=\"java script:SetVol(7)\">\');
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(\"IE\") == \"-1\") {
document.writeln(\'<DIV ID=Clips NAME=Clips STYLE=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; color: Black; POSITION: absolute; LEFT: 520px; TOP: 25px; Z-INDEX: 10\">\');
} else {
document.writeln(\'<DIV ID=Clips NAME=Clips STYLE=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; color: White; POSITION: absolute; LEFT: 520px; TOP: 25px; Z-INDEX: 10\">\');
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<div NAME=\"PlayerDiv\" BGCOLOR=\"darkblue\" STYLE=\"POSITION: absolute; z-index: 10; left: 41px; top: 30px; overflow: hidden; width: 256px; height: 240px\" id=\"PlayerDiv\">
<!-- Lots of properties listed in the IE side of the object. There is no need to include all of these, because each property has a default value. They\'re here for your reference. Tip: Use the player in VB to see all properties and methods//-->
<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
// You must put entire object inside a document.write just to set the filename property
// Otherwise IE chokes. A better solution would be to use ASP code to set the filename
document.writeln(\'<OBJECT ID=NSPlay Name=NSPlay \');
document.writeln(\' CLASSID=\"CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95\" \');
document.writeln(\' CODEBASE=\",1,52,701\" \');
document.writeln(\' standby=\"Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components...\" \');
document.writeln(\' type=\"application/x-oleobject \"\');
document.writeln(\' bgcolor=\"Black\" \');
document.writeln(\' >\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AudioStream\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AutoSize\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AutoStart\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AnimationAtStart\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AllowScan\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AllowChangeDisplaySize\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"AutoRewind\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Balance\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"BaseURL\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"BufferingTime\" VALUE=\"5\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"CaptioningID\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ClickToPlay\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"CursorType\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"CurrentPosition\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"CurrentMarker\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"DefaultFrame\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"DisplayBackColor\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"DisplayForeColor\" VALUE=\"16777215\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"DisplayMode\" VALUE=\"3\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"DisplaySize\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Enabled\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"EnableContextMenu\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"EnablePositionControls\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"EnableFullScreenControls\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"EnableTracker\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Filename\" VALUE=\"\' + sContentUrl + \'\"> \');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"InvokeURLs\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Language\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Mute\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"PlayCount\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"PreviewMode\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Rate\" VALUE=\"1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SAMILang\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SAMIStyle\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SAMIFileName\" VALUE=\"\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SelectionStart\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SelectionEnd\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendOpenStateChangeEvents\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendWarningEvents\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendErrorEvents\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendKeyboardEvents\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendMouseClickEvents\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendMouseMoveEvents\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"SendPlayStateChangeEvents\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowCaptioning\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowControls\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowAudioControls\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowDisplay\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowGotoBar\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowPositionControls\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowStatusBar\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"ShowTracker\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"TransparentAtStart\" VALUE=\"1\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"VideoBorderWidth\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"VideoBorderColor\" VALUE=\"Black\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"VideoBorder3D\" VALUE=\"0\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"Volume\" VALUE=\"-640\">\');
document.writeln(\' <PARAM NAME=\"WindowlessVideo\" VALUE=\"-1\">\');
document.writeln(\'<EMBED type=\"application/x-mplayer2\" \');
document.writeln(\' pluginspage=\"\" \');
document.writeln(\' id=NSPlay \');
document.writeln(\' Name=\"NSPlay\" \');
document.writeln(\' DisplaySize=\"0\"\'); // Fit To Size
document.writeln(\' AutoSize=\"-1\"\');
document.writeln(\' BgColor=\"Black\" \');
document.writeln(\' ShowControls=\"-1\" \');
document.writeln(\' ShowTracker=\"0\" \');
document.writeln(\' ShowDisplay=\"0\" \');
document.writeln(\' ShowStatusBar=\"-1\" \');
document.writeln(\' VideoBorder3D=\"0\" \');
document.writeln(\' width=208 \');
document.writeln(\' Height=192 \');
document.writeln(\' src=\"\' + sContentUrl + \'\" \');
document.writeln(\' autostart=\"-1\" \');
document.writeln(\' DESIGNTIMESP=\"5311\" \');
document.writeln(\'> \');
document.writeln(\'</EMBED> \');
....jeg ved godt koden er lang - undskyld.
MVH Bambino