Avatar billede boegh3 Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 22:27 Der er 8 kommentarer og
1 løsning


Jeg søger en filmanager baseret på php, jeg tænkte på noget i retning af den der er på whitehat.dk, den sakl kunne følgende:
ændre chmod,
redigere filer,
angive fil størrelse,
oprette filer/mappe,
slette filer,
have 5 gennemse felter til upload, som alle aktiveres med en knap,
angive dato for sidste ændring/oprettelse,
mulighed for at flytte/kopiere filer,
Mvh. Boegh
Avatar billede brain Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 22:31 #1
Prøv at check den ud der er i phpGroupWare www.phpgroupware.org.....
Avatar billede boegh3 Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 22:56 #3
Ok, nu har jeg den fra sunewolrd.com, den havde jeg også før men kan ikke få den til at funke,
den kan ses her: http://www.whitehat.dk/boegh/ex/ex/
Hvis der er nogen der gider at se på den vil jeg gerne lægge koden ud her
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
23. februar 2001 - 23:09 #4
Den kan vel ikke ses uden at logge ind ??
Avatar billede repsac Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 23:15 #5
Næhh ... ellers skal vi i hvert fald til at hacke lÅrtet ... ;o)
Avatar billede boegh3 Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 23:17 #6
ja du kan se prog\'et men ikke koden den kommer her:
#        president@suneworld.com
#            11:41 23.02.01
#WebExplorer is a Windows Explorer style file manager
#through your webbrowser, but don\'t let the \"Windows part\"
#of it scare you away! Just upload the file to your designated
#\"admin\" directory on your PHP enabled website, edit the
#variable $basedir to reflect your website, and off you go!!
#This application lets you edit, browse, CHMOD, view, move,
#rename, copy, and create files/directories in any forms/tables
#enabled browser.
#You even have the option to create html skeleton-files.
#PS: Let me stress out that WebExplorer does not have any
#\"built in\" authorization function. Use HTAccess or similar for this
# SETUP:::
#    Edit $basedir = \"/PATH/TO/YOUR/DIR\"; to reflect your site
#PRIVATE Licensing:
#The best things in life are free, and so is WebExplorer if
#plan on using it non-commercial.
#But if you appreciate the product, I would appreciate a
#small donation from you. Either by bank to my Norwegian
#account or by a gift certificate from Amazon.com.
#If you should use it for commercial means though, you have
#to pay a one-time fee of $100. Contact me for details. You
#will then get all upgrades as they are released, and you can
#even ask for customized versions.
#Payment information:
#ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5136 11 55 487
#My postal adress is:
#Sune Alexandersen
#Kongsskogen 62
#1370 Asker
#Please send me a postcard from your country letting me know
#you are using WebExplorer!
#If you are one of the people out there who are dying to
#learn programming, let me tell you one thing;
#It isn\'t as hard as you might imagine. All you need is
#a plain, clear idea of your project and then start!
#New features in this upgrade:
#- All graphics have sizes specified, therefore HTML renders faster
#- Fixed security hole when user entered .. chdir. User could go above the set basedir without this fix.
#- Added support for PHTML, PNG, ZIP and WML as supported filetypes.
#- Added \"save & exit\" and \"restore original\" button in edit mode and \"edit\" button in view mode.
#- Added tiptext (title=\" \") to some links.
#- Added a BACK link when needed
#- Added $webname to title tag.
#- Added a check to see if there is an update available of WebExplorer.
#- Added option to use Cascaded style sheets.
#- The filetype detection is greatly improved. Now it is case-insensitive.
#- The \"select\"\'s on CHMOD now shows the current permissions.
#- Security upgraded in many ways.
#- Opportunity to \"turn off\" features.
#Newest version of this program can be found at www.suneworld.com/programs
#Live long and prosper my friend.
#Kind regards, Sune Alexandersen, president@suneworld.com 11:38 23.02.01
#    7.4.2000
#        Initial release
#    19.5.2000
#        All graphics have sizes specified. HTML renders faster
#        Preview of pictures also have size specified.
#        Fixed security hole when user entered .. chdir. User could go above the set basedir without this fix.
#        Thanks to Chris Kebbel for this heads-up.       
#        Fixed minor spelling errors.
#        Added PHTML and PNG as filetypes
#        Added \"save & exit\" and \"restore original\" button in edit mode and \"edit\" button in view mode.
#    27.5.2000
#        Fine tuned alot of newly added features.
#    15.6.2000
#        Corrected some more spelling errors.
#        Added tiptext (title=\" \") to some links.
#        When working with files, the filename is linked for easy viewing.
#        Better compressed gifs. Thanks to Otto for this.
#        Added a BACK link when needed
#        Added .WML to filetypes. Exciting WAP times (?). Also added compressed files.
#    15.6.2000
#        Added $webname to title tag.
#        Fixed some bad html errors.
#        Added a check to see if there is an update available of WebExplorer.
#    15.6.2000
#        Added option to use Cascaded style sheets.
#    11.7.2000
#        The filetype detection is greatly improved. Now it is case-insensitive.   
#    17.10.2000
#        The select\'s on CHMOD now shows the current permissions.
#    23.2.2001
#        Release of version 2.0
############### Set up some variables and functions

############### Add a slash at the start of the line. NO slash at the end.
$basedir = \"/usr/local/www/whitehat/www/boegh/ex/ex\";
$webname = \"SuneWorld\";
$updatecheck = \"yes\";
$enable_css = \"yes\";
$enable_logout = \"no\";
$allow_move = \"yes\";
$allow_download = \"yes\";
$allow_copy = \"yes\";
$allow_touch = \"yes\";
$allow_rename = \"yes\";
$allow_edit = \"yes\";
$allow_chmod = \"yes\";
$allow_delete = \"yes\";
$allow_upload = \"yes\";
$allow_create_dir = \"yes\";
$allow_create_file = \"yes\";
$allow_display_env = \"yes\";
$not_allowed = \"This action is not allowed. Consult your system administrator.\";
$version = \"2.0\";
############### Size for textarea
if($enable_css == \"yes\")
    $textrows = \"27\";
    $textcols = \"160\";
    $textrows = \"20\";
    $textcols = \"100\";

############### If $wdir (working directory) isn\'t specified, set it as a slash (/)
if(!$wdir) $wdir=\"/\";

############### HTML ender
$html_ender = \"</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr></td></tr><tr><th colspan=\\\"2\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font size=\\\"-1\\\" color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Written by Sune Alexandersen 2001</font></th></tr></table></body></html>\";

############### Calculate image size
function imagesize()
    $size = GetImageSize(\"$image\");

############### HTML header
function html_header(){
    global $basedir;
    global $wdir;
    global $lastaction;
    global $version;
    global $HTTP_REFERER;
    global $action;
    global $webname;
    global $display;
    global $file;
    global $browse;
    global $raw;
    global $image;
    global $fileurl;
    global $enable_css;
    global $allow_display_env;
    global $enable_logout;
    echo \"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\\\" \\\"http://www.w3c.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\\\">\";
    echo \"<HTML>\";
    echo \"<HEAD>\";
    echo \"<TITLE>WebExplorer $version ($webname)</TITLE>\";
    ############### Cascaded Style Sheets
    if($enable_css == \"yes\")
        <STYLE  TYPE=\"text/css\">
            font-family : Arial, Helvetica;
            font-size : 10;
            color : #000033;
            font-weight : normal;
              border-color : #999999;
              border-width : 1;
              background-color : #FFFFFF;
            font-family : Arial, Helvetica;
            font-size : 10;
            color : #000033;
            font-weight : normal;
              border-color : #999999;
              border-width : 1;
              background-color : #FFFFFF;
    echo \"</HEAD>\";
    echo \"<BODY bgcolor=\\\"#C0C0C0\\\" link=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" vlink=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" alink=\\\"#4C4C99\\\">\";
    echo \"<table border=\\\"0\\\" align=\\\"center\\\" cellspacing=\\\"3\\\" cellpadding=\\\"3\\\" width=\\\"600\\\">\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"    <th colspan=\\\"2\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\">\";

    if($allow_display_env == \"yes\")
        echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=env&wdir=$wdir\\\"><img src=\\\"env.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Environment\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></A>\";

    if($enable_logout == \"yes\")
        echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=logout\\\">logout</A>\";

    echo \"      <font size=\\\"6\\\" color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">WebExplorer $version</font>  \";
    echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=help&wdir=$wdir\\\"><img src=\\\"help.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Help\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A>\";
    echo \"    </th>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \" <td width\\\"50%\\\" align=\\\"left\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=root\\\"><font size=\\\"4\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Back to root</font></a></td>\";
    echo \" <td width\\\"50%\\\" align=\\\"right\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir\\\" title=\\\"Refresh current dir\\\"><font size=\\\"4\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$wdir</font><img src=\\\"explore.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></a></td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr></td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";

    ############ We want a BACK link when viewing pictures and raw text.
    if($action == \"show\")
        echo \" <td width=\\\"50%\\\" nobreak><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$lastaction</font></b></td>\";
        echo \" <td width=\\\"50%\\\" nobreak align=\\\"right\\\"><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\"><a href=\\\"$HTTP_REFERER\\\" title=\\\"Back to previous page\\\">Back</a></font></b></td>\";

    ############ We dont want a BACK link
        echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$lastaction</font></b></td>\";

    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"<td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr><td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"<td colspan=\\\"2\\\">\";

############ File size calculations
function display_size($file){
$file_size = filesize($file);
if($file_size >= 1073741824)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . \"Gb\";
elseif($file_size >= 1048576)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . \"Mb\";
elseif($file_size >= 1024)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . \"Kb\";
        $file_size = $file_size . \"B\";
return $file_size;

############ List the files function
function list_files()
    global $basedir;
    global $wdir;   
    global $single;
    global $key;

    global $allow_move;
    global $allow_chmod;
    global $allow_create_file;
    global $allow_create_dir;   
    global $allow_upload;

    global $allow_touch;
    global $allow_delete;

    ################## Load directory into array
    while ($file = readdir($handle))
        if(is_file($file)) $filelist[] = $file;

    ############### List files
        ############### Sort the filelist alphabetically
        while (list ($key, $file) = each ($filelist))

            ############### Registered filetypes. You can add more filetypes here at wish..
            ############### Check what fileformat it is and give it the correct icon and attributes
            $ext = strrchr ( $file , \".\" );

            ############### Image
            if((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".gif\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".jpg\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".png\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".bmp\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".jpeg\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"image.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Image\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"0\";
                $image = \"1\";
            ############### Textfile
            elseif(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".txt\"))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"text.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Text\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"13\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";
            ############### Audiofile
            elseif((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".wav\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp2\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp3\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp4\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".vqf\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".midi\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mid\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"audio.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Audio\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"0\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Webscript
            elseif((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".phps\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php2\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php3\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php4\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".phtml\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".asp\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".asa\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".cgi\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".shtml\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".pl\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"webscript.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Web program\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Apache Webserver security settings
            elseif(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".htaccess\"))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"security.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Apache Webserver security settings\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\" ;
                $browse = \"0\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Web page
            elseif ((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".html\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".htm\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"webpage.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Web page\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### WAP page
            elseif(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".wml\"))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"webscript.gif\\\" alt=\\\"WAP page\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"0\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Compressed file
            elseif((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".zip\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".tar\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".rar\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".gz\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"text.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Compressed file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"0\";
                $raw = \"0\";
                $image = \"0\";
            ############### Unknown
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"text.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Unknown filetype\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";
            ############### List the file(s)
            $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
            $changeddate = date(\"d-m-Y H:i:s\", $lastchanged);
            echo \"<TR>\";
            echo \"<TD align=\\\"center\\\" nobreak>\";
            ############### Make the fileicon clickable for quickviewing
            if($raw == \"1\")
                echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&object=file&browse=$browse&raw=$raw\\\">\";
            if($image == \"1\")
                echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&image=$image&object=file&browse=$browse&raw=$raw\\\">\";
            echo \"$icon</TD>\\n\";
            echo \"<TD nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . htmlspecialchars($file) . \"</font></TD>\\n\";
            echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . display_size($filename) . \"</font></TD>\";
            echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . $changeddate . \"</font></TD><TD align=\\\"right\\\">\";
            ############### CHMOD file?
            if($allow_chmod == \"yes\")
                echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=chmod&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\" title=\\\"Change permission level on $file\\\">\";
            echo \"<font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\";
            printf(\"%o\", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
            echo \"</font>\";
            if($allow_chmod == \"yes\")
                echo \"</A>\";
            echo \"</TD><TD nobreak>\";
            ############### Move file?
            if($allow_move == \"yes\")
                echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=move&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&object=file&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"move.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Move, rename or copy $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></A> \";
            ############### Touch file?
            if($allow_touch == \"yes\")
                echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=touch&wdir=$wdir&touchfile=$fileurl&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"touch.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Touch $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"12\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";

            ############### Delete file?
            if($allow_delete == \"yes\")
                echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"delete.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Delete $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"20\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";
            ############### If the file can be browsed, give it the browse icon
            if($browse == \"1\")
                echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$wdir$file\\\"><img src=\\\"browse.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Browse $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";

            ############### If the file can be edited, give it the edit icon
            if($raw ==\"1\")
                echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir&action=edit&display=1&file=$fileurl&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"edit.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Edit $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";

############ List the directory function
function displaydir()
    global $file;
    global $basedir;
    global $wdir;   
    global $allow_create_file;
    global $allow_create_dir;   
    global $allow_upload;
    global $allow_touch;
    global $allow_delete;
    global $allow_move;
    global $single;
    ############### Draw the head table
        echo \"<TABLE BORDER=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"1\\\" cellpadding=\\\"1\\\" align=\\\"center\\\">\";
        echo \"<TABLE BORDER=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"1\\\" cellpadding=\\\"1\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\";   
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Type</font></th>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Name</font></th>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Size</font></th>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Modified</font></th>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Perm\'s</font></th>\";
    echo \"<th bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Action</font></th>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    ################## Load directory into array
        while ($file = readdir($handle))
            if(is_dir($file)) $dirlist[] = $file;

        ############### List directories first       
            ############### Sort alphabetically
            ############### Walk through array
            while (list ($key, $file) = each ($dirlist))
                ################## Skip the tiresome \".\"
                if (!($file == \".\"))
                    $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
                    $changeddate = date(\"d-m-Y H:i:s\", $lastchanged);
                    echo \"<TR>\";

                    ############### Print PARENT arrow
                    if($file == \"..\")
                        $downdir = dirname(\"$wdir\");
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"center\\\" nobreak><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$downdir\\\"><img src=\\\"parent.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Parent directory\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"20\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></a></TD>\\n\";
                        echo \"<TD></TD>\\n\";
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . display_size($filename) . \"</font></TD>\";
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . $changeddate . \"</font></TD><TD align=\\\"right\\\">\";
                        printf(\"%o\", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
                        echo \"</TD><TD nobreak>\";
                        echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$downdir\\\"><img src=\\\"parent.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Parent directory\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"20\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";

                    ############### List the directory
                        $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"center\\\" nobreak><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"folder.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Change working directory to $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"13\\\"></a></TD>\\n\";
                        echo \"<TD nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . htmlspecialchars($file) . \"</font></TD>\\n\";
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . display_size($filename) . \"</font></TD>\";
                        echo \"<TD align=\\\"right\\\" nobreak><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\" . $changeddate . \"</font></TD><TD align=\\\"right\\\">\";
                        echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=chmod&file=$filename\\\" title=\\\"Change permission level on $file\\\"><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">\";
                        printf(\"%o\", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
                        echo \"</A>\";
                        echo \"</font></TD><TD nobreak>\";

                        ############### Move directory?
                        if($allow_move == \"yes\")
                            echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=move&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"move.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Rename $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></A> \";
                        ############### Touch directory?
                        if($allow_touch == \"yes\")
                            echo \" <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=touch&wdir=$wdir&touchfile=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"touch.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Touch $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"12\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";

                        ############### Delete directory?
                        if($allow_delete == \"yes\")
                            echo \"<A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\\\"><img src=\\\"delete.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Delete $file\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"20\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A> \";
        echo \"</TD></TR>\\n\";
        echo \"</TABLE>\";

        ############### Display forms for different actions
        echo \"<table border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\">\";
        echo \"<TR><TD colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr></td>\";

        ############### Upload file
        if($allow_upload  == \"yes\")
            echo \"<TR><TD><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Upload file</font></td><td>\";
            echo \"<FORM ENCTYPE=\\\"multipart/form-data\\\" METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT NAME=\\\"userfile\\\" TYPE=\\\"file\\\" size=\\\"40\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"upload\\\" VALUE=\\\"Go!\\\"></TD></TR>\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";

        ############### Create directory
        if($allow_create_dir == \"yes\")
            echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\";   
            echo \"<TR><TD><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Create directory</font></td><td>\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"TEXT\\\" NAME=\\\"mkdirfile\\\" size=\\\"40\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"mkdir\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"mkdir\\\"  VALUE=\\\"Go!\\\"></TD></TR>\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";

        ############### Create file
        if($allow_create_file == \"yes\")
            echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\";
            echo \"<TR><TD><font size =\\\"-1\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Create File</font></td><td>\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"TEXT\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" size=\\\"40\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"createfile\\\"> \";
            echo \"<input type=\\\"checkbox\\\" name=\\\"html\\\" value=\\\"yes\\\"><font size =\\\"-2\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">(html template)</font> \";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"createfile\\\" VALUE=\\\"Go!\\\">\";
            echo \"</TD></TR>\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";
        echo \"</TABLE>\";


############### The user pressed CANCEL, set the $action to nothing
if($cancel) $action=\"\";

############### User has entered .. as directory. Potential security breach. Deny access.
if (ereg( $regexp, $file, $regs )| ereg( $regexp, $wdir,$regs ))
    $lastaction = \"ERROR: Directories may not contain the character \\\"..\\\"\";
    echo $html_ender;

############### Upload file
        $lastaction = \"Uploaded $userfile_name to $wdir\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Begin actions code
switch ($action)

############### No $action variable? Display initial page
    case \"\":
        $lastaction = \"Listing directory\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Help
    case \"help\":
        $lastaction = \"Displaying help\";

        if($updatecheck == yes)
            ############### Check to see if there is an update
            $filename = \"http://www.suneworld.com/programs/webexplorer.dat\";
              $fd = fopen ($filename, \"r\");
              $contents = fread ($fd, 1024);
              fclose ($fd);
            ############### There is. Give the user information about this
            if($version < $contents)
                echo\"WebExplorer has detected that an update is available.<br>\";
                echo\"You are currently using ver$version, and ver$contents is out.<br>\";
                echo\"Go to WebExplorers <a href=\\\"http://www.suneworld.com/programs\\\">website</a> to download your fresh copy.</b><br>\";
                echo\"(This feature can be turned of by editing the script (updatecheck section))<br>\";

        <font face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">
        <a href=\"#introduction\">1. Introduction</a><br>
        <a href=\"#installing\">2. Installing</a><br>
        <a href=\"#requirements\">3. Requirements</a><br>
        <a href=\"#filetypes\">4. Description of filetypes</a><br>
        <a href=\"#actions\">5. Description of actions</a><br>
        <a href=\"#bugreport\">6. Bug report</a><br>
        <a href=\"#thanksto\">7. Thanks to</a><br>
        <a href=\"#about\">8. About the author</a><br>
        <a href=\"#licensing\">9. Licensing</a><br>
        <a href=\"#updates\">10. Updates</a><br>
        <h3><a name=\"introduction\">1. Introduction</a></h3>
        I was looking for a good browser-based file manager when
        I thought that I could write my own.
        Since I have never been a programming wiz\', I had
        to learn by doing. I\'m actually quite satisfied with how
        WebExplorer turned out, and I\'d love to hear of anybody
        using it. Drop me a line at <a href=\"mailto:president@suneworld.com\">president@suneworld.com</a>.<br>
        You can always find the newes version of this file at WebExplorers <a href=\"http://www.suneworld.com/programs\">website</a>.<br>
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"installing\">2. Installing</h3>
        Just put all the files into your desired directory
        (example www.yourdomain.com/webexplorer) and edit the
        following line in the scipt:<br>
        to your desired root directory.
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"requirements\">3. Requirements</a></h3>
        A webserver with PHP3 or newer installed. The HTML outputed is ment to be all-browser combatible.<br>
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"filetypes\">4. Description of filetypes</a></h3>
        <i>(Most of the icons are clickable.)</i>
        <table border=\"0\">
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"folder.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"13\"></td>
            <td>Indicates that the object is a folder.<br>
            <i>Click to change to this directory</i></td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"security.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>File is a Apache Webserver security file (.httaccess).<br>
            <i>Click to view source</i></td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"audio.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>File is an audiofile</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"webpage.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\"></td>
            <td>File is either an HTML or HTM file. Wievable directoly in you browser.<br>
            <i>Click to view source</i></td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"webscript.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\"></td>
            <td>File is either an PHP, PHPS, PHP2, PHP3, PHP4, PHTML, ASP, ASA, CGI,
            PL or SHTML file. The file needs to be processed server-side before
            viewable in browser. For example; WebExplorer is an PHP3 file.<br>
            <i>Click to view source</i></td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"image.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\"></td><td>File is either a GIF, PNG or a JPG file. Viewable
            image in any browser.<br>
            <i>Click to view.</i></td>
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>
        <h3><a name=\"actions\">5. Description of actions</a></h3>
        <table border=\"0\">
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"explore.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\"></td>
            <td>Refresh current directory.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"parent.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>Go to parent directory.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"delete.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>Delete the file or directory. You will be prompted for confirmation.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"browse.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>Browse the file in browser.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"edit.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>Edit the file in plain text.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"move.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\"></td>
            <td>Will move the file or directory to a location you specify.</td>
            <td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"touch.gif\" width=\"12\" height=\"16\"></td>
            <td>Will create a new timestamp on the object.</td>
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"bugreport\">6. Bug report</a></h3>
        I found no bugs at release. If you discover any, or have any suggestions, PLEASE report
        them to me at <a href=\"mailto:president@suneworld.com\">president@suneworld.com</a>
        or by using <a href=\"<? echo \"$PHP_SELF?action=bugreport&wdir=$wdir\"; ?>\">this</a> form.<br>
        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"thanksto\">7. Thanks to</a></h3>
        I\'d like to thank all the regulars at #php @ Efnet,
        Stian Grytøyr and Jørn Morten Innselset. I wouldn\'t have made this
        without their invaluable help.<br>
        All of the members of the Webexplorer maillinglist allso deserves a BIG thanks.<br>
        Join the maillinglist at <a href=\"http://www.suneworld.com/programs\">SuneWorld</a><br>

        <a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>

        <h3><a name=\"about\">8. About the author</a></h3>
        Sune Alexandersen was born in 1976 in Norway. Sune has his personal website at
        <a href=\"www.suneworld.com</a>." target="_blank">http://www.suneworld.com\">www.suneworld.com</a>.
        He often use PHP, but this is his first program written entirely in PHP.

        <h3><a name=\"licensing\">9. Licensing</h3>
        The best things in life are free, and so is WebExplorer if plan on using it non-commercial.<br>
        But if you appreciate the product, I would appreciate a small donation from you. Either by bank<br>
        to my <a href=\"http://www.suneworld.com/programs/bankinfo.html\">Norwegian account</a> or by a gift<br>
        certificate from <a href=\"http://www.amazon.com/gift-certificates/\">Amazon.com</a>.<br>
        If you should use it for commercial means though, you have to pay a one-time fee of $100<br>
        <a href=\"mailto:president@suneworld.com\">Contact me</a> for details. You will then get<br>
        all upgrades as they are released, and you can even ask for customized versions.</p>

        <br>My address:
        Sune Alexandersen<br>
        Kongsskogen 62<br>
        1385 Asker<br>
        I would surely appreciate a postcard from your country telling me that you are using WebExplorer!
        I can allso be reached at <a href=\"mailto:president@suneworld.com\">president@suneworld.com</a>.
        <br><a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>
        <h3><a name=\"updates\">10. Updates</a></h3>
        Initial release<p>

        - All graphics have sizes specified. HTML renders faster<br>
        - Preview of pictures also have size specified.<br>
        - Fixed security hole when user entered .. chdir. User could go above the set basedir with this.
        Thanks to Chris Kebbel for this head-up.<br>       
        - Fixed minor spelling errors.<br>
        - Added PHTML and PNG as filetypes<br>
        - Added \"save & exit\" and \"reset\" button in edit mode and \"edit\" button in view mode.<p>

        - Fine tuned a lot of newly added features.<p>

        - Corrected some more spelling errors.<br>
        - Added tiptext (title=\" \") to some links.<br>
        - When editing files, the filename is linked for easy viewing.<br>
        - Better compressed gifs. Thanks to Otto for this.<br>
        - Added a BACK link when needed<br>
        - Added .WML to filetypes. Exciting WAP times (?).<p>

        - RELEASED 1.5

        - After numerous minor updates, version 2.0 is released.

        <br><a href=\"#top\"><b>[Top]</b></a><p>
        echo $html_ender;

############### User pressed ROOT.. Change to root dir
    case \"root\":
        $lastaction = \"Changed to root directory\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Display PHP env
    case \"env\":
        if($allow_display_env == \"no\")
            $lastaction = $not_allowed;
            echo $html_ender;
              $lastaction = \"Displaying PHP environment\";
            echo $html_ender;

############### Change directory
    case \"chdr\":
        $lastaction = \"Changed directory to $wdir\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Touch object (create a new timestamp)
    case \"touch\":
        if($allow_touch == \"no\")
            $lastaction = $not_allowed;
            echo $html_ender;
            $lastaction = \"Touched $touchfile\";
            echo $html_ender;

############### Bug report form
    case \"bugreport\":
        if ($send)
            $lastaction = \"Bug reported. Thank you!\";
            mail(\"president@suneworld.com\",\"Bug report\",\"Name: $name \\nVersion: $version \\n\\nProblem: $problem\");
            echo \"<h3><a href=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=help&wdir=$wdir\\\">Back to help</a></h3>\";
            $lastaction = \"Bug report form\";
            <form action=\"<? echo \"$PHP_SELF?action=bugreport&wdir=$wdir&send=1\"; ?>\" method=\"POST\">
                <td>Your name:</td>
                <td><input name=\"name\" size=\"24\" maxlength=\"30\"></td>
                <td>Your email adress:</td>
                <td><input name=\"email\" size=\"24\" maxlength=\"30\"></td>
                <td>Description of problem(s):</td>
                <td><textarea name=\"problem\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\"></textarea></td>
                <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send\"></td>
        echo $html_ender;

############### Delete file or directory
    case \"del\":
        ############### The user has comfirmed the deletion
        if ($confirm)
            ############### Object is a directory

            ############### Object is a file
            $lastaction = \"Deleted $file\";

        ############### Prompt the user for confirmation
            if($raw == \"1\")
                $lastaction = \"Are you sure you want to DELETE<br><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\\\" title=\\\"View the file in raw format\\\">$file</a>?\";
            elseif($image == \"1\")
                $lastaction = \"Are you sure you want to DELETE<br><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&image=$image\\\" title=\\\"View the image\\\">$file</a>?\";
                $lastaction = \"Are you sure you want to DELETE<br>$file?\";

            echo \"<center><b><font size =\\\"5\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$file&confirm=1\\\">YES!</A></font><br>\";
            echo \"<p><font size =\\\"5\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir\\\">NO!</A></font><br><b></center>\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Change permission level
    case \"chmod\":

        ############### The user has confirmed
        if ($confirm)
            $level = \"0\";
            $level .= $owner;
            $level .= $group;
            $level .= $public;
            $showlevel = $level;
            $lastaction = \"Changed permission on $file to $showlevel\";

        ############### Prompt the user for confirmation
            $lastaction = \"Change permission level on $file\";
            echo \"<font face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\"><center><h4>Current level: \";
            printf(\"%o\", (fileperms($basedir.$file)) & 0777);
            echo \"</h4><FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
            function selections($type)  //  type: 0 Owner, 1 Group, 2 Public
                echo \"<option value=\\\"0\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"0\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">0 - No permissions\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"1\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"1\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">1 - Execute\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"2\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"2\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">2 - Write \";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"3\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"3\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">3 - Execute & Write\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"4\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"4\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">4 - Read\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"5\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"5\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">5 - Execute & Read\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"6\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"6\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">6 - Write & Read\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"7\\\"\"; if (substr($GLOBALS[\"perm\"], $type, 1)==\"7\") echo \"selected\"; echo \">7 - Write, Execute & Read\";
                echo \"</select>\";
            $perm = sprintf (\"%o\", (fileperms($basedir.$file)) & 0777);  // Definition of a variable containing the file permissions
            echo \"<p><h4>Owner<br>\";
            echo \"<select name=\\\"owner\\\">\";

            echo \"<p>Group<br>\";
            echo \"<select name=\\\"group\\\">\";

            echo \"<p>Public<br>\";
            echo \"<select name=\\\"public\\\">\";

            echo \"</h4>\";
            echo \"<p>\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"confirm\\\" VALUE=\\\"Change\\\">\\n\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"cancel\\\" VALUE=\\\"Cancel\\\">\\n\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"chmod\\\">\\n\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" VALUE=\\\"$file\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";
            echo \"</center>\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Move file
    case \"move\":
        ############### The user has confirmed renaming/moving/copying of the object
        if($confirm && $newfile)
            ############### The destination object exists
                $lastaction = \"Destination file already exists. Aborted.\";
                if($do == copy)
                    $lastaction = \"Copied\\n$file to $newfile\";
                    $lastaction = \"Moved/renamed\\n$file to $newfile\";
                echo $html_ender;

        ############### Prompt the user for destination name and action
            if($object == \"file\")
                if($raw == \"1\")
                    $lastaction = \"Moving/renaming or copying <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\\\" title=\\\"View the file in raw format\\\">$file</a>\";
                elseif($image == \"1\")
                    $lastaction = \"Moving/renaming or copying <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&image=$image\\\" title=\\\"View the image\\\">$file</a>\";
                    $lastaction = \"Moving/renaming or copying $file\";

                echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<select name=\\\"do\\\">\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"copy\\\">Copy\";
                echo \"<option value=\\\"move\\\">Move/rename\";
                echo \"</select> \";
                echo \"($file)\";
                echo \"<h4>To</h4>\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"TEXT\\\" NAME=\\\"newfile\\\" value=\\\"$file\\\" size=\\\"40\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\\n\";           
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"move\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" VALUE=\\\"$file\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<p>\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"confirm\\\" VALUE=\\\"Do\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"cancel\\\" VALUE=\\\"Cancel\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"</FORM>\";
                echo $html_ender;
                $lastaction = \"Renaming $file\";

                echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<h4>From</h4>\";
                echo \"$file\";
                echo \"<h4>To</h4>\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"TEXT\\\" NAME=\\\"newfile\\\" value=\\\"$file\\\" size=\\\"40\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"move\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" VALUE=\\\"$file\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<p>\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"confirm\\\" VALUE=\\\"Do\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"cancel\\\" VALUE=\\\"Cancel\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"do\\\" VALUE=\\\"move\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"</FORM>\";
                echo $html_ender;

############### Edit file
    case \"edit\":

        ############### Function for saving the file.
        function savefile()
            global $basedir;
            global $file;
            global $code;

        function buttons()
            global $file;
            global $wdir;
            echo \"<center>\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" VALUE=\\\"$file\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"edit\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"RESET\\\" VALUE=\\\"Restore original\\\"> \";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"save\\\" VALUE=\\\"Save\\\"> \";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"saveexit\\\" VALUE=\\\"Save & Exit\\\"> \";
            echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"cancel\\\" VALUE=\\\"Cancel / Exit\\\"> \";
            echo \"</center><BR>\\n\";
        ############### The user is done editing. Return to main screen
                $lastaction = \"Edited <a href=\\\"$file\\\" title=\\\"View the file\\\">$file</a>\";

        ############### Save the file, but continue editing.
                $lastaction = \"Saved <a href=\\\"$file\\\" title=\\\"View the file\\\">$file</a>, still editing.\";
            echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
            echo \"<TEXTAREA NAME=\\\"code\\\" rows=\\\"$textrows\\\" cols=\\\"$textcols\\\">\\n\";
            echo htmlspecialchars($contents);
            echo \"</TEXTAREA><BR>\\n\";
            echo \"<center>\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";

        ############### Display file in textarea
            if($raw == \"1\")
                $lastaction = \"Editing <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$file&browse=$browse&raw=$raw&image=$image&fileurl=$fileurl\\\" title=\\\"View the file in raw format\\\">$file</a>\";
            elseif($image == \"1\")
                $lastaction = \"Editing <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&image=$image\\\" title=\\\"View the image\\\">$file</a>\";
                $lastaction = \"Editing $file\";
            echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
            echo \"<TEXTAREA NAME=\\\"code\\\" rows=\\\"$textrows\\\" cols=\\\"$textcols\\\">\\n\";
            echo htmlspecialchars($contents);
            echo \"</TEXTAREA><BR>\\n\";
            echo \"</FORM>\";
        echo $html_ender;

############### Display file
    case \"show\":

        ############### Display file in textformat
        $filelocation = $wdir.$file;   

        $lastaction = \"Displaying $file\";

        ############### It is a picture, display it. The filename needs to be either relative to the current document, or an absolute filesystem path.
        if($image == \"1\")
            $size = GetImageSize($DOCUMENT_ROOT.$file);
            echo \"<center><img src=\\\"$file\\\" $size[3]></center>\";

        ############### It is text, display it.
            $single = \"yes\";
#            displaydir();
        echo $html_ender;

############### Create directory
    case \"mkdir\":
        ############### Is the action allowed?
        if($allow_create_dir == \"no\")
            $lastaction = $not_allowed;
            ############### The directory already exists.
                $lastaction = \"The directory $wdir$mkdirfile allready exists.\";

            ############### Create directory
                $lastaction = \"Created the directory $wdir$mkdirfile\";
            echo $html_ender;

############### Create file
    case \"createfile\":
        $filelocation = $wdir.$file;

        ############### The user is done editing. Return to main screen
        if($done == \"1\")
            $lastaction = \"Created $file\";

#            if($convert == \"yes\")
#                  {
#                $code = str_replace (\"\\n\", \"<BR>\");
#                }

        ############### Display a textarea that will be the file

              ############### The file allready exists
                  $lastaction = \"$file allready exists.\";

            ############### Give the user a textarea to write the contents of file
                $lastaction = \"Creating $file\";
                echo \"<FORM METHOD=\\\"POST\\\" ACTION=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"file\\\" VALUE=\\\"$file\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"action\\\" VALUE=\\\"createfile\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"wdir\\\" VALUE=\\\"$wdir\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"HIDDEN\\\" NAME=\\\"done\\\" VALUE=\\\"1\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<TEXTAREA NAME=\\\"code\\\" rows=\\\"$textrows\\\" cols=\\\"$textcols\\\">\\n\";

                ############### The user selected to use a html template. Put it inside the textarea
                    echo \"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\\\">\\n\\n\";
                    echo \"<html>\\n\";
                    echo \"<head>\\n\\n\";
                    echo \"    <title>Untitled</title>\\n\";
                    echo \"</head>\\n\";
                    echo \"<body>\\n\\n\";
                    echo \"</body>\\n\";
                    echo \"</html>\";
                echo \"</TEXTAREA><BR>\\n\";
                echo \"<center><INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"confirm\\\" VALUE=\\\"Create\\\">\\n\";
                echo \"<INPUT TYPE=\\\"SUBMIT\\\" NAME=\\\"cancel\\\" VALUE=\\\"Cancel\\\"><br>\";
                $ext = strrchr ( $file , \".\" );
                if(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".txt\"))
                    echo \"<input type=\\\"checkbox\\\" name=\\\"convert\\\" value=\\\"yes\\\"><font size =\\\"-2\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">(convert line returns to BR)</font> \";                   
                echo \"</center><BR>\\n</FORM>\";
        echo $html_ender;
#        president@suneworld.com
#            11:41 23.02.01
#WebExplorer is a Windows Explorer style file manager
#through your webbrowser, but don\'t let the \"Windows part\"
#of it scare you away! Just upload the file to your designated
#\"admin\" directory on your PHP enabled website, edit the
#variable $basedir to reflect your website, and off you go!!
#This application lets you edit, browse, CHMOD, view, move,
#rename, copy, and create files/directories in any forms/tables
#enabled browser.
#You even have the option to create html skeleton-files.
#PS: Let me stress out that WebExplorer does not have any
#\"built in\" authorization function. Use HTAccess or similar for this
# SETUP:::
#    Edit $basedir = \"/PATH/TO/YOUR/DIR\"; to reflect your site
#PRIVATE Licensing:
#The best things in life are free, and so is WebExplorer if
#plan on using it non-commercial.
#But if you appreciate the product, I would appreciate a
#small donation from you. Either by bank to my Norwegian
#account or by a gift certificate from Amazon.com.
#If you should use it for commercial means though, you have
#to pay a one-time fee of $100. Contact me for details. You
#will then get all upgrades as they are released, and you can
#even ask for customized versions.
#Payment information:
#ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5136 11 55 487
#My postal adress is:
#Sune Alexandersen
#Kongsskogen 62
#1370 Asker
#Please send me a postcard from your country letting me know
#you are using WebExplorer!
#If you are one of the people out there who are dying to
#learn programming, let me tell you one thing;
#It isn\'t as hard as you might imagine. All you need is
#a plain, clear idea of your project and then start!
#New features in this upgrade:
#- All graphics have sizes specified, therefore HTML renders faster
#- Fixed security hole when user entered .. chdir. User could go above the set basedir without this fix.
#- Added support for PHTML, PNG, ZIP and WML as supported filetypes.
#- Added \"save & exit\" and \"restore original\" button in edit mode and \"edit\" button in view mode.
#- Added tiptext (title=\" \") to some links.
#- Added a BACK link when needed
#- Added $webname to title tag.
#- Added a check to see if there is an update available of WebExplorer.
#- Added option to use Cascaded style sheets.
#- The filetype detection is greatly improved. Now it is case-insensitive.
#- The \"select\"\'s on CHMOD now shows the current permissions.
#- Security upgraded in many ways.
#- Opportunity to \"turn off\" features.
#Newest version of this program can be found at www.suneworld.com/programs
#Live long and prosper my friend.
#Kind regards, Sune Alexandersen, president@suneworld.com 11:38 23.02.01
#    7.4.2000
#        Initial release
#    19.5.2000
#        All graphics have sizes specified. HTML renders faster
#        Preview of pictures also have size specified.
#        Fixed security hole when user entered .. chdir. User could go above the set basedir without this fix.
#        Thanks to Chris Kebbel for this heads-up.       
#        Fixed minor spelling errors.
#        Added PHTML and PNG as filetypes
#        Added \"save & exit\" and \"restore original\" button in edit mode and \"edit\" button in view mode.
#    27.5.2000
#        Fine tuned alot of newly added features.
#    15.6.2000
#        Corrected some more spelling errors.
#        Added tiptext (title=\" \") to some links.
#        When working with files, the filename is linked for easy viewing.
#        Better compressed gifs. Thanks to Otto for this.
#        Added a BACK link when needed
#        Added .WML to filetypes. Exciting WAP times (?). Also added compressed files.
#    15.6.2000
#        Added $webname to title tag.
#        Fixed some bad html errors.
#        Added a check to see if there is an update available of WebExplorer.
#    15.6.2000
#        Added option to use Cascaded style sheets.
#    11.7.2000
#        The filetype detection is greatly improved. Now it is case-insensitive.   
#    17.10.2000
#        The select\'s on CHMOD now shows the current permissions.
#    23.2.2001
#        Release of version 2.0
############### Set up some variables and functions

############### Add a slash at the start of the line. NO slash at the end.
$basedir = \"/usr/local/www/whitehat/www/boegh/ex/ex\";
$webname = \"SuneWorld\";
$updatecheck = \"yes\";
$enable_css = \"yes\";
$enable_logout = \"no\";
$allow_move = \"yes\";
$allow_download = \"yes\";
$allow_copy = \"yes\";
$allow_touch = \"yes\";
$allow_rename = \"yes\";
$allow_edit = \"yes\";
$allow_chmod = \"yes\";
$allow_delete = \"yes\";
$allow_upload = \"yes\";
$allow_create_dir = \"yes\";
$allow_create_file = \"yes\";
$allow_display_env = \"yes\";
$not_allowed = \"This action is not allowed. Consult your system administrator.\";
$version = \"2.0\";
############### Size for textarea
if($enable_css == \"yes\")
    $textrows = \"27\";
    $textcols = \"160\";
    $textrows = \"20\";
    $textcols = \"100\";

############### If $wdir (working directory) isn\'t specified, set it as a slash (/)
if(!$wdir) $wdir=\"/\";

############### HTML ender
$html_ender = \"</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr></td></tr><tr><th colspan=\\\"2\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\"><font size=\\\"-1\\\" color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Written by Sune Alexandersen 2001</font></th></tr></table></body></html>\";

############### Calculate image size
function imagesize()
    $size = GetImageSize(\"$image\");

############### HTML header
function html_header(){
    global $basedir;
    global $wdir;
    global $lastaction;
    global $version;
    global $HTTP_REFERER;
    global $action;
    global $webname;
    global $display;
    global $file;
    global $browse;
    global $raw;
    global $image;
    global $fileurl;
    global $enable_css;
    global $allow_display_env;
    global $enable_logout;
    echo \"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \\\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\\\" \\\"http://www.w3c.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd\\\">\";
    echo \"<HTML>\";
    echo \"<HEAD>\";
    echo \"<TITLE>WebExplorer $version ($webname)</TITLE>\";
    ############### Cascaded Style Sheets
    if($enable_css == \"yes\")
        <STYLE  TYPE=\"text/css\">
            font-family : Arial, Helvetica;
            font-size : 10;
            color : #000033;
            font-weight : normal;
              border-color : #999999;
              border-width : 1;
              background-color : #FFFFFF;
            font-family : Arial, Helvetica;
            font-size : 10;
            color : #000033;
            font-weight : normal;
              border-color : #999999;
              border-width : 1;
              background-color : #FFFFFF;
    echo \"</HEAD>\";
    echo \"<BODY bgcolor=\\\"#C0C0C0\\\" link=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" vlink=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" alink=\\\"#4C4C99\\\">\";
    echo \"<table border=\\\"0\\\" align=\\\"center\\\" cellspacing=\\\"3\\\" cellpadding=\\\"3\\\" width=\\\"600\\\">\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"    <th colspan=\\\"2\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" bgcolor=\\\"#4C4C99\\\">\";

    if($allow_display_env == \"yes\")
        echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=env&wdir=$wdir\\\"><img src=\\\"env.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Environment\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></A>\";

    if($enable_logout == \"yes\")
        echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=logout\\\">logout</A>\";

    echo \"      <font size=\\\"6\\\" color=\\\"white\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">WebExplorer $version</font>  \";
    echo \"    <A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=help&wdir=$wdir\\\"><img src=\\\"help.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Help\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\"></A>\";
    echo \"    </th>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \" <td width\\\"50%\\\" align=\\\"left\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?action=root\\\"><font size=\\\"4\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">Back to root</font></a></td>\";
    echo \" <td width\\\"50%\\\" align=\\\"right\\\"><A HREF=\\\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir\\\" title=\\\"Refresh current dir\\\"><font size=\\\"4\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$wdir</font><img src=\\\"explore.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\"></a></td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr></td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";

    ############ We want a BACK link when viewing pictures and raw text.
    if($action == \"show\")
        echo \" <td width=\\\"50%\\\" nobreak><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$lastaction</font></b></td>\";
        echo \" <td width=\\\"50%\\\" nobreak align=\\\"right\\\"><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\"><a href=\\\"$HTTP_REFERER\\\" title=\\\"Back to previous page\\\">Back</a></font></b></td>\";

    ############ We dont want a BACK link
        echo \" <td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><b><font size=\\\"3\\\" color=\\\"#4C4C99\\\" face=\\\"arial, helvetica\\\">$lastaction</font></b></td>\";

    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"<td colspan=\\\"2\\\"><hr><td>\";
    echo \"</tr>\";
    echo \"<tr>\";
    echo \"<td colspan=\\\"2\\\">\";

############ File size calculations
function display_size($file){
$file_size = filesize($file);
if($file_size >= 1073741824)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . \"Gb\";
elseif($file_size >= 1048576)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . \"Mb\";
elseif($file_size >= 1024)
        $file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . \"Kb\";
        $file_size = $file_size . \"B\";
return $file_size;

############ List the files function
function list_files()
    global $basedir;
    global $wdir;   
    global $single;
    global $key;

    global $allow_move;
    global $allow_chmod;
    global $allow_create_file;
    global $allow_create_dir;   
    global $allow_upload;

    global $allow_touch;
    global $allow_delete;

    ################## Load directory into array
    while ($file = readdir($handle))
        if(is_file($file)) $filelist[] = $file;

    ############### List files
        ############### Sort the filelist alphabetically
        while (list ($key, $file) = each ($filelist))

            ############### Registered filetypes. You can add more filetypes here at wish..
            ############### Check what fileformat it is and give it the correct icon and attributes
            $ext = strrchr ( $file , \".\" );

            ############### Image
            if((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".gif\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".jpg\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".png\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".bmp\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".jpeg\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"image.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Image\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"0\";
                $image = \"1\";
            ############### Textfile
            elseif(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".txt\"))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"text.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Text\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"13\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";
            ############### Audiofile
            elseif((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".wav\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp2\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp3\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mp4\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".vqf\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".midi\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".mid\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"audio.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Audio\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"16\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"0\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Webscript
            elseif((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".phps\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php2\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php3\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".php4\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".phtml\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".asp\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".asa\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".cgi\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".shtml\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".pl\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"webscript.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Web program\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"15\\\">\";
                $browse = \"1\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Apache Webserver security settings
            elseif(!strcasecmp ($ext, \".htaccess\"))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"security.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Apache Webserver security settings\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" width=\\\"15\\\" height=\\\"16\\\">\" ;
                $browse = \"0\";
                $raw = \"1\";
                $image = \"0\";

            ############### Web page
            elseif ((!strcasecmp ($ext, \".html\")) || (!strcasecmp ($ext, \".htm\")))
                $icon = \"<IMG SRC=\\\"webpage.gif\\\" alt=\\\"Web page\\\" border=\\
Avatar billede boegh3 Nybegynder
23. februar 2001 - 23:23 #7
Undksyld har eksperimenteret med .htaccess
brugernavn: ekspertendk pass: 1234
Avatar billede warpsnet Nybegynder
26. februar 2001 - 21:20 #8
Som aftalt afsendt og klar til brug :-)
Avatar billede boegh3 Nybegynder
26. februar 2001 - 21:37 #9
Til dem der nu undrer sig lidt, det er blevet lavet over ICQ!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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