asp til excel fejl
hej hvorfor kan jeg ikke få dette til at give noget outputpå en windows 2003 server med office 2003
' Create Object
Set MyExcelChart = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' show or dont show excel to user, TRUE or FALSE
MyExcelChart.Application.Visible = True
' populate the cells
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B2:k2").Value = Array("Week1", "Week2", "Week3", "Week4", "Week5", "Week6", "Week7", "Week8", "Week9", "Week10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B3:k3").Value = Array("67", "87", "5", "9", "7", "45", "45", "54", "54", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B4:k4").Value = Array("10", "10", "8", "27", "33", "37", "50", "54", "10", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B5:k5").Value = Array("23", "3", "86", "64", "60", "18", "5", "1", "36", "80")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value="Internet Explorer"
' Select the contents that need to be in the chart
' Add the chart
' Format the chart, set type of chart, shape of the bars, show title, get the data for the chart, show datatable, show legend
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartType = 97
MyExcelChart.activechart.BarShape =3
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasTitle = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartTitle.Text = "Visitors log for each week shown in browsers percentage"
MyExcelChart.activechart.SetSourceData MyExcelChart.Sheets("Ark1").Range("A1:k5"),1
MyExcelChart.activechart.Location 1
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasDataTable = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True
der kommer ikke noget på skermen overhoved