Avatar billede petras Nybegynder
09. juni 2004 - 10:38 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Problemer med Ghost

Har netop købt Norton ghost på min skole og vil lave et ghost af en helt ny bærbar. Den kommer med en fejl "19235 error 10" og siger noget med Firewire.
Har een af jer stødt på et lignende problem ?
Avatar billede rossonero Nybegynder
09. juni 2004 - 10:42 #1
Error: "19235 or 19225 - Decompression error" when restoring images to client computers

When using Ghost Multicast Server to restore an image to one or more client computers, at some point during the session all of the client computers receive the message "(19235) - Decompression error" or "(19225) - Decompression error." Sometimes this message appears while performing a Ghost integrity check on the image file.

This problem has a variety of causes. Try each of the following solutions:

If the computer uses a 3Com network interface card, see the document Problems with 3Com 3C905B, 3C905C, and 3C920 network interface cards.
If you are using High compression to create the image file, use Fast compression instead.
Look at the configuration of any router or switch that is between the two computers. Verify that the configuration is correct. In some cases, turning off the Autonegotiation feature of the switch resolves the problem.
If you encounter this error when restoring the image file, recreate the image file and then restore it.
Avatar billede petras Nybegynder
09. juni 2004 - 10:44 #2
Har prøvet dette - virker ikke.
Avatar billede petras Nybegynder
24. august 2004 - 22:18 #3
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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