jeg har et problem med mit seen script til min bot... den adder ikke nicks i min ini fil hvor den skal hente dem fra.....
#seen on on 1:JOIN:#: { writeini -n seen.ini $nick date I saw $nick joining $chan at $asctime(hh:nntt) on $asctime(dd mmmm yyyy) $+ . } on 1:QUIT:#: { writeini -n seen.ini $nick date I saw $nick quitting IRC at $asctime(hh:nn tt) on $asctime(dd mmmm yyyy) $+ , with the quit message $1- } on 1:PART:#: { writeini -n seen.ini $nick date I saw $nick leaving $chan at $asctime(hh:nntt) on $asctime(dd mmmm yyyy) $+ . } on 1:NICK:#: { writeini -n seen.ini $nick date I last saw $nick changing their nick to $newnick at $asctime(hh:nntt) on $asctime(dd mmmm yyyy) $+ . } on *:TEXT:!seen*:#: { if ($2 ison $chan) && ($nick != $2) { .msg $chan 9 $2- is in the Channel 0(4 $chan 0) | halt } if ($2 == $me) { .msg $chan 9 If I\'m answering the question I\'m in the Channel 0(4 $chan 0) | halt } if ($nick == $2) && ($nick ison $chan) { .msg $chan 9 If you don\'t know where he is your 4Truly Stupid | halt } if ($readini seen.ini $2 date == $null) { .msg $chan 9Sorry 0(4 $nick 0)9 $+ 9 $2- Is not in my Memory. | halt } else { .msg $chan $readini seen.ini $2 date } } on 1:TEXT:!seen*:?: { if ($nick == $2) { .msg $nick 9 If you don\'t know where he is your 4Truly Stupid | halt } if ($readini seen.ini $2 date == $null) { .msg $nick 9Sorry 11( $nick ) $+ 9 $2- Is not in my Memory. | halt } else { .msg $nick $readini seen.ini $2 date } } #seen off
On 1:LOAD:{ .echo -a 4Hi there! :) Thanks for installing this ~seen script. .echo -a If you need any assistance, then look into the Text File that was included in this package. .echo -a To see your options, just right click in your Status or any Channel Window. You can also take a look in the Menubar at the top. .echo -a I wish you happy IRC\'ing :) Enjoy yourself! }
menu status,menubar,channel { Seen Script .SeenScript On: .enable #seenscript | .echo -a 9Notice: Seen Script was enabled. .SeenScript Off: .disable #seenscript | .echo -a 9Notice: Seen Script was disabled. .SeenRecord On: .enable #seenrecord | .echo -a 9Notice: All actions in all channels are now being recorded into seen.ini. .SeenRecord Off: .disable #seenrecord | .echo -a 9Notice: No actions will be recorded into seen.ini }
On 1:TEXT:!seen *:#:{ if ($2 == $me) { /msg $chan $nick $+ , I really think that you need some glasses =) .goto end } elseif ($2 == $nick) { /msg $chan $nick $+ , don\'t tell me that you don\'t even know what your own nick is?!? .goto end } elseif ($2 ison $chan) { /msg $chan $nick $+ , why don\'t you take a look around the channel before looking to me for help? :) $2 is right here in $chan $+ ! .goto end } else { if (($right($2,1) == ]) || ($left($2,1) == [)) { .set %seennick $replace($2,[,@) | .set %seennick $replace(%seennick,],~) } else { .set %seennick $2 } :inifile { .set -u5 %seenaction $readini seen.ini %seennick Action if (%seenaction == $null) { /msg $chan Sorry $nick $+ , but I have not seen $2 } if (%seenaction == join) { .set -u5 %jointime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %joinchannel $readini seen.ini %seennick Channel /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 joined %joinchannel $duration($calc($ctime - %jointime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == part) { .set -u5 %parttime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %partchannel $readini seen.ini %seennick Channel /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 parted %partchannel $duration($calc($ctime - %parttime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == quit) { .set -u5 %quittime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %quitmessage $readini seen.ini %seennick Message /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 quit IRC with the message %quitmessage $duration($calc($ctime - %quittime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == kick) { .set -u5 %kicktime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %kickchannel $readini seen.ini %seennick Channel /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 was kicked from %kickchannel $duration($calc($ctime - %kicktime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == nick) { .set -u5 %nicktime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %nicknew $readini seen.ini %seennick Nick /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 changed his/her nick to %nicknew $duration($calc($ctime - %nicktime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == text) { .set -u5 %texttime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %textchannel $readini seen.ini %seennick Channel /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 was last seen saying something in %textchannel $duration($calc($ctime - %texttime)) ago. } if (%seenaction == action) { .set -u5 %actiontime $readini seen.ini %seennick Time .set -u5 %actionchannel $readini seen.ini %seennick Channel /msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 was last seen performing an action in %actionchannel $duration($calc($ctime - %actiontime)) ago. } } } :end }
det er vel også det vigtigste, selvom det du har kopieret svarer til bloood\'s + plus min lille ændring i writeini ... lol
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