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I've got some good news and I have got some bad news for you.
First the bad news: I don't know why this happens, nor do I have a permanent fix for you!
The good news: I do have a fix, that sets your Plextor to DMA mode in less than 4 seconds, if you follow this instruction.
I had an Asus K7M board, I had The Plextor 12/10/32a as primary on the secondary channel, and a CD as slave on the secondary channel. On this setup I couldn't run both as DMA, the system would freeze during operation, so the Plextor was DMA and the CD was PIO. A few days ago I upgraded to MSI K7T PRO2-a, and on this system both the Plextor and Cd will run DMA simultanusly.
Unfortunately on both systems the Plextor would get reset to PIO on it's own - usually after 'sleep' mode, some kind soul send me a workaround.
You need to find this path in your registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} In my present setup there is 7 keys under this path: 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 Properties
In my old setup the information I needed was in Key: 0002, but when the workaround didn't work with my new MSI board, then I sought the reason why, and found, that key 0002 and 0005 (presumably installed with the new motherboard), had the same information, and that the new motherboard takes it's information from key 0005. So if this doesn't work on the default key 0002, look into one of the other keys, and see if the information is there too, then maybe the system gets the information from there - You will then have to change the line: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0002] to the key with the information in, which on my system is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0005]
The information is (you can copy it, and save as DMA_ON.reg if you want to):
The settings for: "MasterDeviceTimingMode" "MasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed" "UserMasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed" are different for UDMA, DMA and PIO mode.
If you set it like above you will get DMA on both channels, if your Cd on the secondary channel can run UDMA, then change the key: "SlaveDeviceTimingMode"=dword:00008010 which is UDMA.
You could also export the Key above, and just make the necessary changes to "MasterDeviceTimingMode" "MasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed" "UserMasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed" and leave the slave at it's present settings, then save it as a REG file.
Once you have done this, then run the REG file, it will ask you whether you want to add the information to the registry, when you answer YES, you will get a confirmation, that the information has been added to the registry, and then the Plextor is in DMA mode again .... until next time it decides to go into PIO mode. I have a copy of DMA_ON.reg on my desktop, and I use it if the Plextor is in PIO mode, the change happens 'on the fly', no need to reboot.
Sorry I didn't have a permanent solution, hope this makes the pain easier to live with, until someone comes with a BIOS upgrade, IDE Driver or system patch, which permanently solves the problem.
I DO know that once Windows 2000 decides that the Plextor is only PIO mode capable, then nothing 'normal' will pursuade it otherwise. But if it's a fault on Windows side, or that the Plextor gives wrong information to Windows about it self, or the IDE drivers reports the wrong settings - I don't know.
I've noticed, that upgrades of the Plextor Bios and IDE drivers cause a new scan of hardware, and the Plextor once again becomes DMA, but once it's set to PIO with these drivers, then Windows remember this setting and won't let you change it normally.
So even downgrading the BIOS won't reset it to DMA, if Windows once has decided that with this BIOS it's only PIO capable, or with these drivers it's only PIO capable, then 'it's forever'!!
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