Avatar billede fredand Forsker
16. maj 2004 - 18:45 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Need to create a 3D Gif animation


I need to create a 3D Gif animation, but I have never done it before. So now I would like some advise to do it. I have Photshop, GifAnimator and a old version of 3D-studio Max. It looks like I also can download ULead 3D.

1)The result will be a text that rotates in a 3D  manner. So first I wonder which program is best for this?

2)Do you now any tutorials for this on the net, then please let me know.

Best regards

BTW please give svar so I can reward you!
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16. maj 2004 - 18:47 #1
I think this program was made intentionally for a purpose similar to yours.
Avatar billede osborne Nybegynder
17. maj 2004 - 10:54 #2
1. I would suggest that you create your animation with 3ds Max. It is very simple to make at text (using the Shapes > Text tool, chosing the desired font and write your text in the Front viewport). Then apply an Extrude modifier to that Text (and increase the amount to make it 3D). Next turn on Animate, move the slider to eg. frame 100, select the rotate tool and rotate your text object 360 deg in the Z. Turn off Animate.

2. Render your aniamtion to single frames from Max. Just open the render dialog set the range to 0 to 100, select at filename and then filetype eg. BMP .. and press Render. Then you should get 101 single BMP pictures.

3. Use one of your programs, eg. GIFanimator to collect all these BMP files into a single GIF animation and save your GIF file from that program.

Hope it helps
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
17. maj 2004 - 14:06 #3
It really did!
Thanks mate!
Avatar billede michael-k Nybegynder
17. maj 2004 - 23:03 #4
please give svar so I can....  hehe jojo det lækkert at se at eksperten er blevet international ;)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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