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13. februar 2001 - 08:31 Der er 13 kommentarer og
1 løsning

VirusAlarm iflg. TV2 nyhederen her til morgen

Tjek lige http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/index.php3?id=7336

og pas på Jeres PC\'er.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
13. februar 2001 - 08:33 #1
Brug evt. et program, som lydia til at tjekke jeres post inden i lukker den ind på PC\'eren.
Avatar billede NanoQ Nybegynder
13. februar 2001 - 08:39 #2
Fik denne i morges:

This press release comes from F-Secure. For more
information on F-Secure\'s mailing list policy,
see end of message.

Anna Kournikova -themed e-mail worm spreads at record-breaking speeds

ESPOO-Finland, February 13, F-Secure Corporation (HEX:FSC),  a leading
provider of centrally-managed, widely distributed security solutions is
alerting computer users worldwide about a new, rapidly spreading e-mail
worm. Known as \"Onthefly\", this worm sends itself in an Anna Kournikova
-themed attachments in e-mails titled as \"Here you have,;o)\". Ms. Kournikova
is known as an international tennis star.

When the attachment is clicked, the virus sends itself via e-mail to all
addresses found from Outlook address book. The virus uses encryption to hide
itself.  The virus was named \"Onthefly\" because it sets a registry key with
this name. It is also known with the name \"SST\".

\"Early propogation reports indicate that this virus is spreading faster than
many of the biggest viruses we saw last year\", comments Mikko Hypponen.
\"It\'s seems to be spreading almost as fast as LoveLetter\". LoveLetter is
regarded as the biggest ever virus case, with estimated 15 million infected

Because of the big number of e-mails being generated by the virus, it can
overload and crash e-mail servers. The virus activates on January 26th, when
it opens up the web page of a Dutch computer shop, which apparently has
nothing to do with the virus.

F-Secure Anti-Virus is capable of detecting, stopping and removing the
Onthefly virus. The detection of this virus was added on February 12.

About F-Secure Corporation
F-Secure Corporation is a leading provider of centrally managed security for
today\'s mobile, wireless enterprise. The company offers a full range of
award-winning, integrated anti-virus, file encryption, distributed firewall
and VPN solutions for workstations, servers, gateways and mobile devices.
F-Secure products are uniquely suited for delivery of Security as a
Service(tm) which provides invisible, reliable, always-on, and up-to-date
security for the most widely distributed user base. Whether provided by
corporate IT or delivered by service providers, F-Secure solutions extend
policy-based security and instant alerts to all devices where information is
created, stored or accessed. Founded in 1988, F-Secure Corporation is listed
on the Helsinki Stock Exchange [HEX: FSC]. The company is headquartered in
Espoo, Finland with North American headquarters in San Jose, California, as
well as offices worldwide.

For more information, please contact:

Mikko Hyppönen, Manager,Anti-Virus Research
F-Secure Corporation
Pl 24
FIN-02231 Espoo
Tel. +358 9 2520 5531
Fax +358 9 2520 5001
Gsm 358 400 648 180
E-mail: Mikko.Hypponen@F-Secure.com


Avatar billede snowball Novice
13. februar 2001 - 13:16 #3
Avatar billede NanoQ Nybegynder
13. februar 2001 - 13:21 #4
igen sidder jeg og godter mig over, at vi kører Groupwise... :)))
Avatar billede snowball Novice
13. februar 2001 - 13:27 #5
Vi kører Notes (no comment ;)) så vi er heller ikke så hårdt ramt ;)

Avatar billede mushie Nybegynder
13. februar 2001 - 15:11 #6
Det er da utroligt.

Hvor mange firmaer har brug for at kunne sende og modtage VBS-filer.

Scan dog for dem på mailserveren.

Folk vil bare ikke tage ved lære.
Avatar billede parazite Nybegynder
13. februar 2001 - 15:15 #7

Og gæt hvad jeg LIGE har fået ind i mailboxen! *LoL*

Dog hedder den her .bbs... mystisk!
Avatar billede parazite Nybegynder
13. februar 2001 - 15:21 #8
*LoL* OK - den jeg fik, der hed .bbs, var lavet af en af mine venner. Et tomt txt-doc, han renamede for at skræmme mig og en anden. Mystikken = solved. :o)
Avatar billede fcs Novice
13. februar 2001 - 18:17 #9
kharder>> Husk lige at lukke dette spørgsmål på et eller andet tidspunkt
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
13. februar 2001 - 18:59 #10
Ja fcs, men stormen er ikke overstået endnu ;o)
Avatar billede bubel Nybegynder
14. februar 2001 - 07:46 #11
Men det er tider som nu at man klasker sig over låret af grin over at f.eks. Indkøbschefen uden at blinke har åbnet mailen fordi den kom fra en tysk leverandør og undret sig over indholdet.
Hvorefter han har hørt om den i går i Nyhederne.
Gud ske tak og lov at vi kører Lotus Notes, selv om jeg er nybegynder-administrator i det... ;)
Avatar billede fcs Novice
14. februar 2001 - 13:27 #12
kharder>> Helt OK, vi venter til den er nede i vindstyrke 5 ;-)
Avatar billede fcs Novice
14. februar 2001 - 14:30 #13
Så har manden bag \"Kournikova-virussen\" officielt undskyldt på sin hjemmeside. Her er brevet:

\"Welcome to OnTheFly!

After receiving several e-mails from news-papers and news-channels I decided to write this letter.
The Netherlands, 13 februari 2001

Dear Sir/Madam,

I admit writing the virus.

In this letter I’d like you to know that I didn’t do it for fun. Let me first tell you how I made this.

As I have been reading on the internet all the time, I have made this virus with a Visual Basic Worm Generator, written by [K]Alamar. K. is NOT involved with this worm!
I have been using this programm because I don’t know any programming languages.

About the targets

Anna Kournikova:

Just because I am a big fan of her. She deserves some attention, doesn’t she??

www.DynaByte.nl: Just because I needed a site. A couple of days ago I bought something in that Dutch Ccomputershop and at the moment of writing that virus I had the receipt in front of me, on my desk. I never meant to harm the site (tell me if I did). That’s why I put the 29th of januari as the date of downloading the site. I’m sure that the VBS/OnTheFly.a-virus is already stopped by then..

Some reasons

Ok. This is the most important part of this “press-letter”. Last week I read an artikle about some research (www.idc.com) about the impact of the LoveLetter-virus. The title of that artikle says enough: IDC: internetters hebben niets geleerd van I Love You (wich means in English: Surfing people haven’t learned anything from the I Love You-virus)

I think IDC is right. I also think that you agree with me, according to the rate of spreading….Maybe this is also Anna’s blame, she is so pretty..J

Last thing I’d like to say is that I never wanted to harm the people you opened the attachment. But after all: it’s their own fault they got infected with the AnnaKournikova virus, OnTheFly virus or watever they call it.

To get rid of that virus, please visit the regular anti-virus sites. They all have some antdote right now.


The Netherlands\"

Hans hjemmeside findes på http://members.tripodnet.nl/on_the_fly/ men den indeholder ikke andet end ovenstående brev.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
14. februar 2001 - 16:49 #14
Ja så tyder meget på at spørgsmålet godt kan lukkes.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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