Avatar billede thome Nybegynder
21. marts 2004 - 15:59 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning

Ventrilo Server som service på server

Hej, jeg har et problem...
Jeg logger ind på min server (Som står hos en ven!)
Så starter jeg min ventrilo server !
det kører fint, og jeg kan logge ind og alt det der !
så når jeg logger ud.. så lukker ventrilo serveren ned !

Nogen der kan hjælpe mig med det ?

Mvh. Tommy Thomsen
Avatar billede tracert Nybegynder
23. marts 2004 - 01:32 #1
Du skal have Ventrilo til at køre som en service:

Fra "ventrilo_srv.htm"

NT Service program - How to configure and setup the NT Service.

5) NT Service program
When running the server on a Windows NT/2000/XP platform you also have the option of executing it as an NT Service that will run in the background and can be started up automatically when the computer is started.

The Ventrilo server doesn’t actually run as a service, instead there is another program called "ventrilo_svc.exe" that is the real service program. This service program is responsible for starting up the "ventrilo_srv.exe" server program after the service is loaded.

One advantage to doing it this way is that the service program will restart the server if an admin shuts it down or if the program were to crash due to a bug.

Another advantage to this technique is that the service program can launch multiple copies of the server with each one running a different port number and configuration or even different versions.

To register the Service program with the Service Control Manager simply open a command prompt window and change directories to where you installed the files. Now type the following command:

ventrilo_svc -i

This will install the service and mark it for automatic startup the next time you reboot your system. To start the service program after it's registered you can type "net start ventrilo" or simply reboot your machine. That's all you have to do to get the service installed.

If you want to uninstall the service from your system or want to install a new version, simply perform the following commands in this order.

net stop ventrilo
ventrilo_svc -u

The "-u" option will tell the service program to uninstall it self from the systems Service Control Manager.

Avatar billede thome Nybegynder
28. marts 2004 - 17:57 #2
Fandt selv ud af det !
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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