Avatar billede lynet Nybegynder
03. marts 2004 - 10:48 Der er 1 kommentar

"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ilobject in" mm.

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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ilobject in /opt/ilias/lib/pear/class.ilObject.php on line 36

class.ilObejct følger:

    | ILIAS open source                                                          |
    | Copyright (c) 1998-2001 ILIAS open source, University of Cologne            |
    |                                                                            |
    | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or              |
    | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                |
    | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2              |
    | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                      |
    |                                                                            |
    | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            |
    | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
    | GNU General Public License for more details.                                |
    |                                                                            |
    | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          |
    | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                |
    | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. |

* Class ilObject
* Basic functions for all objects
* @author Stefan Meyer <smeyer@databay.de>
* @author Alex Killing <alex.killing@gmx.de>
* @version $Id: class.ilObject.php,v 1.65 2004/01/20 10:47:40 shofmann Exp $
* @package ilias-core
class ilObject
    * ilias object
    * @var        object ilias
    * @access    private
    var $ilias;

    * lng object
    * @var        object language
    * @access    private
    var $lng;

    * object id
    * @var        integer object id of object itself
    * @access    private
    var $id;    // true object_id!!!!
    var $ref_id;// reference_id
    var $type;
    var $title;
    var $desc;
    var $owner;
    var $create_date;
    var $last_update;
    var $import_id;

    * indicates if object is a referenced object
    * @var        boolean
    * @access    private
    var $referenced;

    * object list
    * @var        array    contains all child objects of current object
    * @access    private
    var $objectList;

    * max title length
    * @var integer
    var $max_title;

    * max description length
    * @var integer
    var $max_desc;

    * add dots to shortened titles and descriptions
    * @var boolean
    var $add_dots;

    * object_data record
    var $obj_data_record;

    * Constructor
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    reference_id or object_id
    * @param    boolean    treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false)
    function ilObject($a_id = 0, $a_reference = true)
        global $ilias, $lng;

        if (DEBUG)
            echo "<br/><font color=\"red\">type(".$this->type.") id(".$a_id.") referenced(".$a_reference.")</font>";

        $this->ilias =& $ilias;
        $this->lng =& $lng;

        $this->max_title = MAXLENGTH_OBJ_TITLE;
        $this->max_desc = MAXLENGTH_OBJ_DESC;
        $this->add_dots = true;

        $this->referenced = $a_reference;

        if ($a_id == 0)
            $this->referenced = false;        // newly created objects are never referenced
        }                                    // they will get referenced if createReference() is called

        if ($this->referenced)
            $this->ref_id = $a_id;
            $this->id = $a_id;
        // read object data
        if ($a_id != 0)

    * read object data from db into object
    * @param    boolean
    * @access    public
    function read($a_force_db = false)
        global $objDefinition;
        if (isset($this->obj_data_record) && !$a_force_db)
            $obj = $this->obj_data_record;
        else if ($this->referenced)
            // check reference id
            if (!isset($this->ref_id))
                $message = "ilObject::read(): No ref_id given!";

            // read object data
            $q = "SELECT * FROM object_data ".
                "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_data.obj_id=object_reference.obj_id ".
                "WHERE object_reference.ref_id='".$this->ref_id."'";
            $object_set = $this->ilias->db->query($q);

            // check number of records
            if ($object_set->numRows() == 0)
                $message = "ilObject::read(): Object with ref_id ".$this->ref_id." not found!";

            $obj = $object_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
            // check object id
            if (!isset($this->id))
                $message = "ilObject::read(): No obj_id given!";

            // read object data
            $q = "SELECT * FROM object_data ".
                "WHERE obj_id = '".$this->id."'";
            $object_set = $this->ilias->db->query($q);

            // check number of records
            if ($object_set->numRows() == 0)
                $message = "ilObject::read(): Object with obj_id: ".$this->id." not found!";

            $obj = $object_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);

        $this->id = $obj["obj_id"];
        $this->type = $obj["type"];
        $this->title = $obj["title"];
        $this->desc = $obj["description"];
        $this->owner = $obj["owner"];
        $this->create_date = $obj["create_date"];
        $this->last_update = $obj["last_update"];
        $this->import_id = $obj["import_id"];

        // multilingual support systemobjects (sys) & categories (db)
        $translation_type = $objDefinition->getTranslationType($this->type);

        if ($translation_type == "sys")
            $this->title = $this->lng->txt("obj_".$this->type);
            $this->desc = $this->lng->txt("obj_".$this->type."_desc");
        elseif ($translation_type == "db")
            $q = "SELECT title,description FROM object_translation ".
                "WHERE obj_id = ".$this->id." ".
                "AND lang_code = '".$this->ilias->account->getPref("language")."' ".
                "AND NOT lang_default = 1";
            $r = $this->ilias->db->query($q);
            $row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT);

            if ($row)
                $this->title = $row->title;
                $this->desc = $row->description;

    * get object id
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer    object id
    function getId()
        return $this->id;

    * set object id
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    $a_id        object id
    function setId($a_id)
        $this->id = $a_id;

    * set reference id
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    $a_id        reference id
    function setRefId($a_id)
        $this->ref_id = $a_id;
        $this->referenced = true;

    * get reference id
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer    reference id
    function getRefId()
        return $this->ref_id;

    * get object type
    * @access    public
    * @return    string        object type
    function getType()
        return $this->type;

    * set object type
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    $a_type        object type
    function setType($a_type)
        $this->type = $a_type;

    * get object title
    * @access    public
    * @return    string        object title
    function getTitle()
        return $this->title;

    * set object title
    * @access    public
    * @param    string        $a_title        object title
    function setTitle($a_title)
        if ($a_title == "")
            $a_title = "NO TITLE";

        $this->title = ilUtil::shortenText($a_title, $this->max_title, $this->add_dots);

    * get object description
    * @access    public
    * @return    string        object description
    function getDescription()
        return $this->desc;

    * set object description
    * @access    public
    * @param    string        $a_desc        object description
    function setDescription($a_desc)
        $this->desc = ilUtil::shortenText($a_desc, $this->max_desc, $this->add_dots);

    * get import id
    * @access    public
    * @return    string    import id
    function getImportId()
        return $this->import_id;

    * set import id
    * @access    public
    * @param    string        $a_import_id        import id
    function setImportId($a_import_id)
        $this->import_id = $a_import_id;

    * get object owner
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer    owner id
    function getOwner()
        return $this->owner;

    * get full name of object owner
    * @access    public
    * @return    string    owner name or unknown
    function getOwnerName()
        if ($this->getOwner() != -1)
            $owner = new ilObjUser($this->getOwner());

        if (is_object($owner))
            $own_name = $owner->getFullname();
            $own_name = $this->lng->txt("unknown");

        return $own_name;

    * set object owner
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    $a_owner    owner id
    function setOwner($a_owner)
        $this->owner = $a_owner;

    * get create date
    * @access    public
    * @return    string        creation date
    function getCreateDate()
        return $this->create_date;

    * get last update date
    * @access    public
    * @return    string        date of last update
    function getLastUpdateDate()
        return $this->last_update;

    * set object_data record (note: this method should
    * only be called from the ilObjectFactory class)
    * @param    array    $a_record    assoc. array from table object_data
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer    object id
    function setObjDataRecord($a_record)
        $this->obj_data_record = $a_record;

    * create
    * note: title, description and type should be set when this function is called
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer        object id
    function create()
        if (!isset($this->type))
            $message = get_class($this)."::create(): No object type given!";

        $this->title = ilUtil::shortenText($this->getTitle(), $this->max_title, $this->add_dots);
        $this->desc = ilUtil::shortenText($this->getDescription(), $this->max_desc, $this->add_dots);

        $q = "INSERT INTO object_data ".
            "(type,title,description,owner,create_date,last_update,import_id) ".
            "VALUES ".

        $this->id = getLastInsertId();

        // the line ($this->read();) messes up meta data handling: meta data,
        // that is not saved at this time, gets lost, so we query for the dates alone
        $q = "SELECT last_update, create_date FROM object_data".
            " WHERE obj_id = '".$this->id."'";
        $obj_set = $this->ilias->db->query($q);
        $obj_rec = $obj_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        $this->last_update = $obj_rec["last_update"];
        $this->create_date = $obj_rec["create_date"];

        // set owner for new objects

        return $this->id;

    * update object in db
    * @access    public
    * @return    boolean    true on success
    function update()

        $q = "UPDATE object_data ".
            "SET ".
            "title = '".ilUtil::prepareDBString($this->getTitle())."',".
            "description = '".ilUtil::prepareDBString($this->getDescription())."', ".
            "import_id = '".$this->getImportId()."', ".
            "last_update = now() ".
            "WHERE obj_id = '".$this->getId()."'";

        // the line ($this->read();) messes up meta data handling: meta data,
        // that is not saved at this time, gets lost, so we query for the dates alone
        $q = "SELECT last_update FROM object_data".
            " WHERE obj_id = '".$this->getId()."'";
        $obj_set = $this->ilias->db->query($q);
        $obj_rec = $obj_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
        $this->last_update = $obj_rec["last_update"];

        return true;

    * get current object id for import id (static)
    * @param    int        $a_import_id        import id
    * @return    int        id
    function _getIdForImportId($a_import_id)
        $q = "SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE import_id = '".$a_import_id."'".
            " ORDER BY create_date DESC LIMIT 1";
        $obj_set = $this->ilias->db->query($q);
        if ($obj_rec = $obj_set->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))
            return $obj_rec["obj_id"];
            return 0;

    * maybe this method should be in tree object!?
    * @todo    role/rbac stuff
    function putInTree($a_parent_ref)
        global $tree;

        $tree->insertNode($this->getRefId(), $a_parent_ref);

    * set permissions of object
    * @param    integer    reference_id of parent object
    * @access    public
    function setPermissions($a_parent_ref)
        global $rbacadmin, $rbacreview;

        $parentRoles = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($a_parent_ref);

        foreach ($parentRoles as $parRol)
            $ops = $rbacreview->getOperationsOfRole($parRol["obj_id"], $this->getType(), $parRol["parent"]);
            $rbacadmin->grantPermission($parRol["obj_id"], $ops, $this->getRefId());

    * creates reference for object
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer    reference_id of object
    function createReference()
        if (!isset($this->id))
            $message = "ilObject::createNewReference(): No obj_id given!";

        $q = "INSERT INTO object_reference ".
            "(obj_id) VALUES ('".$this->id."')";

        $this->ref_id = getLastInsertId();

        return $this->ref_id;

    * count references of object
    * @access    public
    * @return    integer        number of references for this object
    function countReferences()
        if (!isset($this->id))
            $message = "ilObject::countReferences(): No obj_id given!";

        $q = "SELECT COUNT(ref_id) AS num FROM object_reference ".
            "WHERE obj_id = '".$this->id."'";
        $row = $this->ilias->db->getRow($q);

        return $row->num;

    * clone object into tree
    * basic clone function. Register new object in object_data, creates reference and
    * insert reference ID in tree. All object specific data must be copied in the clone function of the appropriate object class.
    * Look in ilObjForum::clone() for example code
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer        $a_parent_ref        ref id of parent object
    * @return    integer        new ref id
    function clone($a_parent_ref)
        $new_obj = new ilObject();
        $new_ref_id = $new_obj->createReference();
        // for group object only!

        // ... and finally always return new reference ID!!
        return $new_ref_id;

    * delete object or referenced object
    * (in the case of a referenced object, object data is only deleted
    * if last reference is deleted)
    * This function removes an object entirely from system!!
    * @access    public
    * @return    boolean    true if object was removed completely; false if only a references was removed
    function delete()
        global $rbacadmin;

        $remove = false;

        // delete object_data entry
        if ((!$this->referenced) || ($this->countReferences() == 1))
            // delete entry in object_data
            $q = "DELETE FROM object_data ".
                "WHERE obj_id = '".$this->getId()."'";
            $remove = true;
        // delete object_reference entry
        if ($this->referenced)
            // delete entry in object_reference
            $q = "DELETE FROM object_reference ".
                "WHERE ref_id = '".$this->getRefId()."'";

            // DONE: method overwritten in ilObjRole & ilObjUser.
            // this call only applies for objects in rbac (not usr,role,rolt)
            // TODO: Do this for role templates too

        return $remove;

    * init default roles settings
    * Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type
    * If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example)
    * @access    public
    * @return    array    empty array
    function initDefaultRoles()
        return array();
    * creates a local role folder
    * @access    public
    * @param    string    rolefolder title
    * @param    string    rolefolder description
    * @param    object    parent object where the rolefolder is attached to
    * @return    object    rolefolder object
    function createRoleFolder()
        global $rbacreview;
        // does a role folder already exists?
        // (this check is only 'to be sure' that no second role folder is created under one object.
        // the if-construct should never return true)
        if ($rolf_data = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderofObject($this->getRefId()))
            $rfoldObj = $this->ilias->obj_factory->getInstanceByRefId($rolf_data["ref_id"]);
            include_once ("classes/class.ilObjRoleFolder.php");
            $rfoldObj = new ilObjRoleFolder();
            $rfoldObj->setDescription(" (ref_id ".$this->getRefId().")");
        return $rfoldObj;

    * checks if an object exists in object_data
    * @static
    * @access    public
    * @param    integer    object id or reference id
    * @param    boolean    ture if id is a reference, else false (default)
    * @return    boolean    true if object exists
    function _exists($a_id, $a_reference = false)
        global $ilias;
        if ($a_reference)
            $q = "SELECT * FROM object_data ".
                "LEFT JOIN object_reference ON object_reference.obj_id=object_data.obj_id ".
                "WHERE object_reference.ref_id='".$a_id."'";
            $q = "SELECT * FROM object_data WHERE obj_id='".$a_id."'";
        $r = $ilias->db->query($q);

        return $r->numRows() ? true : false;

    * notifys an object about an event occured
    * Based on the event passed, each object may decide how it reacts.
    * TODO: add optional array to pass parameters
    * @access    public
    * @param    string    event
    * @param    integer    reference id of object where the event occured
    * @param    integer reference id of node in the tree which is actually notified
    * @param    array    passes optional parameters if required
    * @return    boolean
    function notify($a_event,$a_ref_id,$a_parent_non_rbac_id,$a_node_id,$a_params = 0)
        global $tree;
        $parent_id = (int) $tree->getParentId($a_node_id);
        if ($parent_id != 0)
            $obj_data =& $this->ilias->obj_factory->getInstanceByRefId($a_node_id);
        return true;
    * updates group tree
    * @access    private
    * @param    integer    reference_id    new ref_id of this object, created by clone method
    * @return   
    function updateGroupTree($a_new_ref_id,$a_new_obj_id,$a_parent_ref_id,$a_old_ref_id)
        global $objDefinition,$tree;

        // do nothing if no group was cloned
        if (!isset($_SESSION["copied_group_refs"]))
            return false;
        // do nothing if current object is not a valid subobject of group object
        $subobjects = $objDefinition->getSubObjects("grp");
        if (!array_key_exists($this->getType(),$subobjects))
            return false;
        // get entries in grp_trees (2)
        $q = "SELECT tree FROM grp_tree WHERE child='".$a_old_ref_id."'";
        $r = $this->ilias->db->query($q);
        while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
            $grp_ids[] = $row->tree;
        // fetch correct grp_id
        $grp_id = array_intersect($grp_ids,$_SESSION["copied_group_refs"]);
        $q = "UPDATE grp_tree SET child='".$a_new_ref_id."',parent='".$a_parent_ref_id."',obj_id='".$a_new_obj_id."' ".
            "WHERE tree='".current($grp_id)."' AND child='".$a_old_ref_id."'";

        return true;
} // END class.ilObject
Avatar billede tefcke Nybegynder
03. marts 2004 - 12:11 #1
Der hvor du inkluderer klassen i din fil, der skal du bruge: include_once('class.ilObject.php');

i stedet for: include('class.ilObject.php');
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