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29. januar 2001 - 15:45 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Highpoint HTP370 og Windows 2000

Af mystiske årsager, bliver Windows 2000 ved med at gå i stå, når der laves filoverførsler på mine diske, som er tilsluttet min OnBoard HTP370 controller (på et Abit KT7 board).

Jeg har brugt de drivere de ambefaler på www.highpoint-tech.com, men det hjælper ikke.

Nogen der har haft samme problem / har en løsning ?
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 15:48 #1
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 15:52 #2
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 15:55 #3
Tjek evt. lige om du har en IRQ konflikt mellem HighPoint controlleren og PCI Slot 5 eller en anden enhed, der bruger samme IRQ som controlleren.. normalt IRQ5..
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 15:56 #4
How can I increase my disk burst speed?

Slow disk burst speeds have been linked to problems with the network card sharing a hardware interrupt with another card. One user reported an increase in burst speed from 40MB/s to 50MB/s by resolving a conflict with his network card. If your disk burst speed is unacceptably low, it may mean that you have a hardware IRQ conflict between two PCI devices that are not able to share hardware IRQs. Use the FAQ mentioned above to help troubleshoot this.  Note, one user found that the IRQ sharing under ACPI caused his IBM DeskStar DJNA-371350 ATA-66 drive to have a burst speed of only 15MB/s under Windows 2000 , but this increased to 58MB/s when he disabled ACPI.

Significant performance increases can often be achieved by disabling the \"PCI#2 Access #1 Retry\" setting in the BIOS - this is enabled by default.

Try disabling unused COM ports or the LPT port to free up additional IRQs.  This, particularly in a system with many PCI devices, may increase the burst speed.

Note for some CDROM\'s, disabling DMA support can result in a significant speed increase.  One user reports an increase from around 20x speed to nearly 70x speed on his Kenwood TrueX 72 speed CDROM player when DMA is disabled.

Note that some users report a reduction in disk burst speed under Windows 2000 only with the WW and WZ BIOS versions.
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
29. januar 2001 - 16:05 #5
At the present time, the following problems are reported by users to exist. I have included the BIOS/driver version with each issue. Please let me know if you are experiencing problems! Before reporting problems, please ensure you are using the latest version of the BIOS and drivers (see BIOS and drivers sections), have FDISKed and FORMATed the disks on the controller and are using the correct 80-way cables (with the blue end connected to the motherboard). For RAID-0 ensure that the disks are spread over the two IDE channels (Primary and Secondary).

If a large file (greater than about 200MB) is copied onto a RAID-1 array from the network it is corrupted (file integrity checked with md5sum).  Problem noticed under Windows 2000 SP1.  RAID-1 array used two IBM DTLA307030 drives. (Version 1.03b1)

If a second RAID-0 array is added on to the Highpoint controller, when an existing RAID-0 array is already on the controller, Windows 2000 fails to boot.  If the two additional disks are added, but not configured as RAID-0, Windows 2000 works correctly.  (Version 1.0.3b1)

If a disk is connected to the Secondary controller then USB devices disconnect.  Also when the FSB is overclocked, data transfer from the IDE3 to IDE1 causes the USB hub to disconnect. (Version 1.03)

One user discovered that with two \"identical\" Maxtor 40GB drives, data from his RAID-0 configuration would periodically just disappear.  He eventually identified that one disk used Samsung memory and the other used Micron.  When he used two disks of the same RAM type, his problems disappeared.  (Version 1.03)

One user reports random system hangs with a RAID-0 configuration with Maxtor 15GB DiamondMax Plus 40s drives when installed as Master on each controller - if installed as Master and Slave on the Primary controller the problem goes (BIOS versions 1.0062, 1.02 and 1.03).  He also reported drives on the Secondary controller are visible under DOS with BIOS versions 1.02 and 1.03, and the system will not boot from the Secondary controller.  (Version 1.0062, 1.02 and 1.03)

Possibly related to 5 above, several users report system hangs when copying data between a disk as Master on IDE3 and a disk as Master on IDE4.  Solution is to put both disks on IDE3 as Master and Slave. (BIOS UZ103b1) or to set drives as PIO Mode 4.

FDISK is incredibly slow (3% complete after several hours) with Samsung SV4080H 40GB ATA/100 disks when configured as RAID-0 or RAID-1, although works fine when the disks are spanned. (Version 1.03b1)

The Hollywood DVD decoder can seem to cause stability problems when installed in conjunction with disks on the Highpoint controller.  This has been reported by several people, but others have reported no problem.  Make sure the Hollywood DVD decoder is not sharing an IRQ with the Highpoint controller - this may help.

Fixed with Highpoint BIOS 1.03b1  Under WindowsMe in the Device Manager, one of the Hard Drives attached to the Highpoint controller is not shown. It exists and can be read and written to, and there seems to be no problems with it - it just isn\'t shown.  (Version 1.03)

Fixed with Highpoint BIOS 1.03b1  Copying a file from a RAID-0 array to a non-RAID disk also on the Highpoint controller can cause the system to hang (Windows 2000, Version 1.03 of drivers and BIOS) (Version 1.03)

Fixed with Highpoint BIOS 1.03b1  IBM Deskstar 75GXP drives may be incompatible with the Highpoint controller - see \"Why doesn\'t my IBM Deskstar 75GXP drive work on the Highpoint controller?\" below.  (Version 1.03)

Fixed with Highpoint BIOS 1.03b1  System would only boot from the Master disk installed on Highpoint Primary controller. (Version 1.02 and 1.03)

Fixed with Highpoint BIOS 1.03b1 Some Maxtor disk drives are not reported as corrupted or not recognized with BIOS version 1.03 - returning to BIOS version 1.02 solves this issue.  Version 1.03 of the drivers/BIOS can also cause problems with the installation of Windows2000 with Maxtor drivers - this again is solved by using version 1.02.  (Version 1.03)
Avatar billede birkis Nybegynder
07. februar 2001 - 18:09 #6
xtom` >>  Jeg opplever litt det samme problemet med min HPT366 UDMA66 controller (sitter på et Abit BE6).  Etter å ha kikket i Device Manager ser jeg at HPT controlleren deler IRQ med et modem jeg har stående i maskinen.  Kan dette være årsaken til problemet?

(OS er Win2k.)
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
15. februar 2001 - 13:15 #7
birkis, yes.. det kunne sagtens være problemet.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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