applet Textarea problem
import java.awt.*;public class TextfieldTest extends java.applet.Applet
String letter = "Dear Readers: \n" +
"We are learning about Java AWT. \n" +
"Some of you might find it all exciting, while a few are still not very sure \n" +
"For those cat on the wall folks \n" +
"My advice is read it again and practice some codes. \n \n" +
"So brewing a cup of Java? Isn’t so hard as it looked…is it! " ;
TextArea ltArea;
public void init(){
ltArea = new TextArea(letter, 10, 50);
<Applet code="TextAreaTest.class" Width = 250 Height = 450></Applet>
spørgsmålet er:
hvorfor sker der ingenting går jeg kører mit applet i browseren?