Avatar billede laumann Nybegynder
25. januar 2004 - 23:56 Der er 1 løsning

Skift fra PC til Mac

Jeg skal til at skifte fra XP pro til Mac OSX 10.3 pga jobskifte.

Men er i den forbindelse blevet i tvivl om hvorvidt det kan lade sig gøre at få alle mine gamle mails fra Outlook med over i Outlook til Mac??? Jeg går ud fra at jeg ikke kan bruge *.pst filen?
Avatar billede egonspock Seniormester
26. januar 2004 - 02:57 #1
Tillykke med jobbet!. Overførslen fra Outlook til MS Entourage eller Apple Mail, som nok er de to valg du har, gøres nemmest ved at lave din .pst-fil om til mbox-format, og så importere dem derfra. Lær http://www.macosxhints.com at kende. Der fandt jeg denne metode, som jeg selv har brugt med succes:
Here is a quick how-to for those of you that need to bring over e-mail from a Windows PC running Outlook to Mail on Mac OS X.

I have only tried this with the source mailbox being Outlook 2002 SP2, with Outlook Express 6 (build 2800) being used in the conversion process (on Windows 2000 Pro SP3), and the target being Mail 1.2.5 on the Mac (10.2.5). It will most likely work on earlier versions, so try it out.

Steps on Windows PC:
Open Outlook Express, click File on the menu bar, select Import, choose Messages.
Select Microsoft Outlook from the list, click Next
Choose the Outlook profile you wish to import from, click OK.
Verify the import worked, then close Outlook Express
Download a free tool called DbxConv and extract it to a temp folder http://people.freenet.de/ukrebs/dbxconv.htmlOpen Windows explorer and browse to: C:Documents and Settings -> username -> Local Settings -> Application Data -> Identities -> -> Microsoft -> Outlook Express, and copy the .dbx files that contain your e- mail (should be same name as folder in Outlook Express) to the temp directory with DbxConv in it.
Open a command prompt, change to your temp directory, and type dbxconv *.dbx.
The resulting files will be filename.mbx, rename these tofilename.mbox.
Transfer these .mbox files to your Mac.
Steps on Mac PC:
Launch Mail, create your folder structure to match Outlook if you want it that way.
Click File on the menu bar, select Import Mailboxes.
Choose Standard mbox files, click the next arrow.
Browse to the location of the mbox files, click Choose, the mailboxes should be selected.
A folder will appear in Mail called Imported Messages (expand this), drag the e-mail from these folders to your desired folders in Mail.
This method will bring over the e-mail messages with attachments, and only these headers: From, Date, To, Subject, Mime-Version, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, X-Priority, X-Msmail- Priority, and X-Mimeole. This should be acceptable for most people, as I figured e-mail that you are importing usually would be considered old or 'archived' e-mail where only the content is important.
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