Avatar billede abe_hat Nybegynder
20. januar 2001 - 10:16 Der er 2 kommentarer

Resourcer exe->HDD

hvordan kan jeg fx pakke en BMP fil ud fra mit program når den er lagt i resourcer.

compiler: msvc6
Avatar billede borrisholt Novice
22. januar 2001 - 08:19 #1
brug funktionen LoadResourse()

Jens B
Avatar billede borrisholt Novice
23. januar 2001 - 09:01 #2
hov undskyld jeg har nosset i det .....

Vi Prøver lige igen :

Brug LoadBitmap()


The LoadBitmap function loads the specified bitmap resource from a module\'s executable file. This function has been superseded by the LoadImage function.

HBITMAP LoadBitmap(
  HINSTANCE hInstance,  // handle to application instance
  LPCTSTR lpBitmapName  // name of bitmap resource
[in] Handle to the instance of the module whose executable file contains the bitmap to be loaded.
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the bitmap resource to be loaded. Alternatively, this parameter can consist of the resource identifier in the low-order word and zero in the high-order word. The MAKEINTRESOURCE macro can be used to create this value.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the specified bitmap.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL.

Windows NT/ 2000: To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

Jens B
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