Kan i se fejlen?
Hejsa.Nu har jeg sat og stirret mig blind på disse linier... er der en der kan finde fejlen?
jeg får denne fejl:
Parse error: parse error in /home/dan10466/public_html/online/includes/languages/english/define_mainpage.php on line 5
Her er noget af koden fra toppen:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border=0>
<td class="main" width=50% valign="top" align="right">
$mainpage_title = "We've just installed the "Define Mainpage" module!";
$mainpage_info = "
"Define Mainpage" module v1.3 by Matthijs (mattice@xs4all.nl)
This module demonstrates how easy it can be to adapt existing code in OSC.<br>
All I had to do was add one single line to define_languages.php (admin) to make
sure it always looks for the mainpage.php file. Obviously I had to then implement it
in the Admin & Catalog side, but that's not a big deal as you've just found out.<p>
You can edit the contents of this file from within the Admin ( -> CATALOG -> DEFINE MAINPAGE)<br>
For other, less advanced layouts choose either German or Spanish from the language menu. (Provided you've installed
those languages)<p>If you can't open/edit the /[language]/mainpage.php file you should probably set the right permissions. You'll get a warning anyway.
<p>Todo? Future plans? World peace through superior fire power... ehmm.. <br>no I mean a preview option ;)<br>
And perhaps make a few templates for the layout...<p>
I'd appreciate an e-mail if you use this, I'm curious...<br>
på forhånd tak!