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Voodoo3 overclocking guide
http://www.voodoo.dk/voodoousers/overclocking.htmlModifications to enhance performance
Enabling AGPx2
Although the Voodoo cards do not support AGP multitexturing, you will still gain a little from setting AGP to 2x. Usually this settings is called AGP turbo mode in the BIOS.
AGP Aperture size
Theoretically the AGP Aperture size setting should have absolutely no effect on the cards performance, since it will never be used. It has been proven though, that setting the aperture size as low as possible (usually 4 or 64 MB) will increase performance, probably because this also affects some default memory reservation. Setting it as low as possible will keep the system memory free for normal use. In case of instability, set it to the default setting (usually 64MB) or to the amount of system memory that is installed in your system.
Video BIOS cache/Video BIOS shadowing
There has been a lot of discussion about these settings. Most users have seen a (very) small performance increase by enable-ing these settings. Experiment.
To get the maximum performance from your system and it\'s Voodoo graphics card, try the settings on this page. This page describes the tweaks you can make from within Windows.
Refreshrates, framerates and Vsync explained
If you have set your refreshrate to 60Hz and Vsync is enabled, your card will never go higher than 60fps, because it will wait for a new Vsync signal before displaying a new frame. If it\'s set at 120, it will be able to display 120fps if your processor can handle it. You may not hit 120fps in benchmarks, but you\'ll get the peaks around 80-100 that 60Hz won\'t allow. You can disable Vsync, but the side effect is tearing. Tearing is when the videocard supplies frames before the refreshrate of the monitor is ready for the next frame. The only real reason to disable Vsync is benchmarking. With Vsync enabled, you\'re benchmarking your monitor and not your videocard/processor. To disable Vsync on your Voodoo3, install Gary Peterson\'s V3OC, located at
http://members.aol.com/scottiepippensux/V3oc.zip - Do not use the overclocking abilities of this program, because doing so will void your warrenty.
The Voodoo3\'s 3dfx Tweaks tab
On the advanced display properties page, there are three extra tabs that get installed when you install the 3dfx Tools that come with the display drivers. The third of those tabs is called \"3dfx Tweaks\" which allows advanced users to tweak the visual quality and performance of the system. It allows you to make different settings for the Desktop, Direct3D, Glide & OpenGL and the video overlay.
The Voodoo3\'s 3dfx Tweaks tab Direct3D
For Direct3D the tweaks tab allows you to select the way you want to set Alpha Blending. Alpha blending is used for smoke and glass effects in games. Also, you can select the display quality. In normal mode, you will see the normal 16 bit image quality. When high is selected, it will use the famous 22bit quality.
The Voodoo3\'s 3dfx Tweaks tab Glide/OpenGL
Because the Voodoo3 uses a Glide wrapper for OpenGL, the settings for Glide will also influence OpenGL. Apart from the same settings that are available with Direct3D, you also can make a couple of additional settings:
Disable splash screen
This will determin if the 3dfx logo ise displayed at the startup of an OpenGL/Glide game. I prefer \"enabled\" ;-)
Force mipmapping
Mipmapping is a technique that will enhance the speed of a game. When mipmapping is enabled, the videocard will create multiple textures for each texture, high resolution textures for objects that are closeby and low resolution textures that are further away. The scaled texture maps that are being created are sub-images sized for every inverse power of two, i.e. 1/4, 1/16, 1/32, etc. Objects that are further away will be easier (faster) to render this way, but the extra textures will obviously cost some extra video memory.
Limit texture memory to 2MB
The limit texture memory to 2MB option was provided for compatibility with some old Glide based games which crash if more than 2MB of RAM is detected. Don\'t enable it because most modern games will have serious performance issues with only 2MB of texture memory available.
Force Triple Buffering
In order to understand Triple Buffering you need to know what Double Buffering is. To maintain optimum throughput the video card will render into what\'s called the back buffer, when the image is finalized it\'s flipped into the front buffer and the back buffer is cleared so the video card can start rendering the next frame. Triple buffering adds (obviously) a third buffer to this process, which adds to the memory constraints, but the technique can help to maintain a fluid rendering of the images you\'re seeing on your monitor.
Om Gary Peterson\'s V3OC:
Til at overclocke kortet har jeg brugt Gary Petersons V3OC der er et glimrende program til at overclocke kortet og kan hentes på Voodooextreme. Kortet blev overclocket uden anden køling end standard køleprofilet. Hvor langt nåede jeg så??? Ja, jeg blev overrasket da jeg nåede helt op på 190 Mhz(core/memory) men billedet var helt fyldt med forskelligt farvede striber og crashede efter ca. 30 sekunder, stor skuffelse. Efter flere forsøg på andre hastigheder nåede jeg op på 181 Mhz(core/memory) hvor kortet var rockstable selv efter flere timers Unreal \"fly-by\". Dog udskiftede jeg standard køleprofilet med et nyt med blæser for en sikkerheds skyld. Der er ingen tvivl om at dette kort er suverænt hvis man vil overclocke. Man skal dog tage i betragtning, at ikke alle kort er skabt ens, nogle er bedre at overclocke end andre. 166 Mhz(core/memory) er opnåeligt for alle kort mens hastigheder over handler om ren og skær held. Men HUSK god køling.
Om ekstra køling:
http://www.voodoo.dk/voodoousers/cooling.htmlOg så er der jo alle de af mine links som teknik bare kommer dansende og smider ind! :P
Xtom` =)