Her har du hvad du søger (Håber jeg)
1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the onLoad event handler into the BODY tag
3. Put the last coding into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!!
http://javascript.internet.com -->
<!-- Original: KK Chan -->
<!-- Begin
var timerID ;
function tzone(tz, os, ds, cl)
this.ct = new Date(0) ; // datetime
this.tz = tz ; // code
this.os = os ; // GMT offset
this.ds = ds ; // has daylight savings
this.cl = cl ; // font color
function UpdateClocks()
www.timeanddate.com/worldclock var ct = new Array(
new tzone('SFO: ', -8, 1, 'lime'),
new tzone('TYO: ', +9, 0, 'violet'),
new tzone('HKG: ', +8, 0, 'cyan'),
new tzone('BKK: ', +7, 0, 'yellow'),
new tzone('NYC: ', -5, 1, '#FFAA00'),
new tzone('LON: ', 0, 1, 'silver'),
new tzone('SVO: ', +3, 0, 'pink'),
new tzone('KTM: ', +5.75, 0, 'red')
) ;
var dt = new Date() ; // [GMT] time according to machine clock
var startDST = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), 3, 1) ;
while (startDST.getDay() != 0)
startDST.setDate(startDST.getDate() + 1) ;
var endDST = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), 9, 31) ;
while (endDST.getDay() != 0)
endDST.setDate(endDST.getDate() - 1) ;
var ds_active ; // DS currently active
if (startDST < dt && dt < endDST)
ds_active = 1 ;
ds_active = 0 ;
// Adjust each clock offset if that clock has DS and in DS.
for(n=0 ; n<ct.length ; n++)
if (ct[n].ds == 1 && ds_active == 1) ct[n].os++ ;
// compensate time zones
gmdt = new Date() ;
for (n=0 ; n<ct.length ; n++)
ct[n].ct = new Date(gmdt.getTime() + ct[n].os * 3600 * 1000) ;
document.all.Clock0.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[0].cl + '">' + ct[0].tz + ClockString(ct[0].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock1.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[1].cl + '">' + ct[1].tz + ClockString(ct[1].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock2.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[2].cl + '">' + ct[2].tz + ClockString(ct[2].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock3.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[3].cl + '">' + ct[3].tz + ClockString(ct[3].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock4.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[4].cl + '">' + ct[4].tz + ClockString(ct[4].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock5.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[5].cl + '">' + ct[5].tz + ClockString(ct[5].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock6.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[6].cl + '">' + ct[6].tz + ClockString(ct[6].ct) + '</font>' ;
document.all.Clock7.innerHTML =
'<font color="' + ct[7].cl + '">' + ct[7].tz + ClockString(ct[7].ct) + '</font>' ;
timerID = window.setTimeout("UpdateClocks()", 1001) ;
function ClockString(dt)
var stemp, ampm ;
var dt_year = dt.getUTCFullYear() ;
var dt_month = dt.getUTCMonth() + 1 ;
var dt_day = dt.getUTCDate() ;
var dt_hour = dt.getUTCHours() ;
var dt_minute = dt.getUTCMinutes() ;
var dt_second = dt.getUTCSeconds() ;
dt_year = dt_year.toString() ;
if (0 <= dt_hour && dt_hour < 12)
ampm = 'AM' ;
if (dt_hour == 0) dt_hour = 12 ;
} else {
ampm = 'PM' ;
dt_hour = dt_hour - 12 ;
if (dt_hour == 0) dt_hour = 12 ;
if (dt_minute < 10)
dt_minute = '0' + dt_minute ;
if (dt_second < 10)
dt_second = '0' + dt_second ;
stemp = dt_month + '/' + dt_day + '/' + dt_year.substr(2,2) ;
stemp = stemp + ' ' + dt_hour + ":" + dt_minute + ":" + dt_second + ' ' + ampm ;
return stemp ;
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag -->
<BODY onLoad="UpdateClocks()">
<!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#000000" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: x-small">
<td ID="Clock0" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock1" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock2" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock3" width="25%" > </td>
<tr bgcolor="#000000" style="font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: x-small">
<td ID="Clock4" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock5" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock6" width="25%" > </td>
<td ID="Clock7" width="25%" > </td>
<font face="arial, helvetica" size"-2">Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href="
http://javascriptsource.com">The JavaScript Source</a></font>
<!-- Script Size: 4.83 KB -->