Avatar billede fredand Forsker
15. december 2003 - 14:51 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Performance loss with 3DS-objects


I use objects created in 3D Studio Max and import them to a app that I develop with Java3D.

But I experience a great performance loss with the rendering when I add a object from a 3DS-file.

I got some hints from Java3D-mailinglist that 3D Studio (and other 3D-programs as well) generate a lot of unnecessary polygons. I also got that the best way to avoid them is during construction of the 3D-object.

So now is my question how do I avoid them in 3D Studio. I just know how to create them. ;-)

Best regards

Below is the replies from the mailinglist

is it possible that your 3d-model uses very much polygons?

3D-modelers create their objects by default with more polygons than
necessary to make further editing easier (e.g. a cylinder would be
possible with a resolution of 1 in its height, this kind of software
creates them with more). That method is ok when these models have to be
used for raytracing afterwards but not in case of real time rendering.

So it looks for me that this isn't a problem of J3D but of thedata you use.


And when I asked how to avoid unnecessary polygons created by 3D-studio? I got this hint:


the best way is to avoid them during construction. Elsewhere I'd recommend
AccuTrans3D ( http://www.micromouse.ca ), it is able to remove edges which
are close enough to each other and to create quads out of trinagles. Of
course this results in a loss of quality.


Avatar billede fredand Forsker
16. december 2003 - 08:45 #1
Hello again!

I just add a link to a 3ds-file that I am testing with. Perhaps some one thats good with 3D-studio could give some hints whats can be better with it to reduce ploygons.


Best regards
Avatar billede michael-k Nybegynder
16. december 2003 - 15:17 #2
Sorry cant help. I have never optimized my 3d before :( 

But you can try this site www.3dmaxer.dk  A danish 3dsmax community, pretty nice indeed.

Avatar billede fredand Forsker
16. december 2003 - 16:34 #3
Thanks mate. I move this topic into that forum.
Best regards
Avatar billede michael-k Nybegynder
16. december 2003 - 16:39 #4
anytime :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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