Avatar billede koxxxx Nybegynder
15. januar 2001 - 23:34 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning


Hej hvordan opdaterer man sin BIOS?
Avatar billede koxxxx Nybegynder
15. januar 2001 - 23:34 #1
Også på sit Grafikkort (ASUS Geforce 256 32 Ram)?
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
15. januar 2001 - 23:39 #2
Abit BIOS update

To flash your BIOS you\'ll need a) a flasher, and b) a data-file. The flasher programs the data-file into the BIOS chip.
Boot to the DOS prompt, either using a CLEAN boot disk or Safe Mode DOS Prompt.
Type the following at the DOS prompt, where xxx is the name of the BIOS file you downloaded:
awdflash xxx.bin (for Award BIOSs)
amiflash xxx.bin (for AMI BIOSs)
mrflash xxx.bin (for MRBIOSs)


Most flashers will ask you to save the current BIOS. Choose Yes, so that you can always flash back to the original version if you\'re having problems with the new one.
Some manufacturers may use their own utilities to upgrade the BIOS (mostly non-clones)
Disable the System BIOS Cacheable option in the BIOS before flashing.
Do NOT flash under Windows or any OS other than plain DOS.
By using the switch /? (eg. awdflash /?) the flasher will display all available switches.

Mere info på http://www.ping.be/bios

Xtom` =)
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
15. januar 2001 - 23:44 #3
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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