Avatar billede kakkak Nybegynder
06. december 2003 - 20:10 Der er 4 kommentarer

Indlæse harddisk kopi i XP pro. kopi lavet med NERO

Jeg har lavet en kopi af min harddisk med NERO
og vil nu gerne installere den igen, jeg kører XP pro.
Jeg kan bare ik find u a et.
på forhånd TAK
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. december 2003 - 20:28 #1
Åbn "Nero Help"
Vælg "Burning harddisk backups with Nero"
Vælg "Restoring of hard disk backups"
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. december 2003 - 20:29 #2

Restoring Nero hard disk backups is possible only from DOS mode. Actually, under the DOS system, all parts of the operating system are resident in the PC memory. That is why the entire hard disk can be overwritten without crashing the current operating system. It would never be possible to overwrite an active Windows system.
Of course the CD ROM drive must be accessible under DOS, so that the Nero restoration program “NRESTORE.EXE" can read the backup CDs. So you will probably have to boot either from a bootable floppy disk or a bootable CD and make sure that you have the correct DOS drivers for your CD ROM drive in the config.sys and a MSCDEX call in your autoexec.bat file. Hint: You can use the Windows 98 boot disk on most systems, because it contains drivers for all ATAPI CD ROM drives and drivers for many SCSI CD ROM drives.

Now you can run the program “NRESTORE.EXE" from the MS DOS prompt. At this time you should insert the first backup CD in your CD ROM drive. Please select the drive letter of your CD ROM drive by using the cursor keys and then pressing the return key. You can jump from one control element to the next by using the tab key.
You can now select the destination hard disk and partition and begin the hard disk restoration. During that time you will see the current progress in percent in the lower part of the screen. You will have to restart your PC after the restoration process is finished.
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. december 2003 - 20:29 #3
OK ?
Avatar billede kakkak Nybegynder
07. december 2003 - 10:35 #4
Ved ikke endnu, det var ikke mere end jeg vidste, håbede der var hjælp at få step by step, da jeg ikke er EDB kyndig.
men tak aligevel
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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