Jeg ved ikke om nogle af jer, der kan bruge dette :
Main link
addMainItem("","Home",100,"left","_top","Home page",0,0,"h","#ffdcab","#ffffcc","#007500","#ff6600");
MI("","Home",100,"left","_top","Home page",0,0,"h","#ffdcab","#ffffcc","#007500","#ff6600");
"" the link URL. If your site is split across multiple folders, I recommend using absolute links, or links which are relative to the base directory. If you define it as "" then the link name will not be an active link, but can still have a submenu associated with it
"Home" the link name. The script is designed for text, but links can also contain simple html; see advanced customising for more information. If you use non-ascii characters then you should always use escape-characters, to avoid potential display problems.
If you don't specify a name then it will default to a single non-breaking space.
100 the width of the containing cell, in pixels. If any of the menu links are too long for their container, then the text will wrap and the cells will go out of sync with the nav stretching. To get proper alignment you need to tell the script where the line breaks should be, and you do this by using <br> tags in the link text. If you're using free alignment then only the applicable cell will increase in height, otherwise the whole navbar will increase to accomodate the tallest link.
"left" text alignment, the options are "left", "right" or "center". If you define this as "" it will default to "left"
"_top" the target for that link. The options are "_self", "_parent", "_top", "_blank" or "framename" where framename is the name of the target frame. The targetting mechanism supports sibling frames in a standard frameset, and iframes. If you define it as "" it will default to "_self"
"Home page" the alt text for that link. The text can be a tooltip or a status bar message, which is defined using altDISPLAY. If you set this to "" then the link will have no alt text.
top and left position. If you're using a standard horizontal navbar then these two values are ignored. However if you've set menuALIGN="free" to break the nav into component cells, then they determine the top and left position of each link cell, relative to absTOP and absLEFT. If you use relative positioning for cells in free alignment, then whatever you define here is overriden by each successive free-anchor image.
"h" specify a key trigger for the attached submenu, if there is one. Available in Internet Explorer 5 and 6 only, this feature allows you to navigate using the keyboard. For more information, see the accessibility guide. If you don't intend to use this feature, you can define it as ""
"#ffdcab" Override the cell background color; specify a hex color value or a color name only (ad-hoc images are not supported)
"#ffffcc" Override the cell rollover color; specify a hex color value or a color name only (ad-hoc images are not supported)
"#007500" Override the link color; specify a hex color value or a color name
"#ff6600" Override the link hover-color; specify a hex color value or a color name