probs med .tk domæne
Hver gang jeg skriver en bestemt navn i formularen på for at få en hjemmesdie siger den:You have selected a special domain name. Due to the nature or text of this domain name, Dot TK is unable to provide the free registration service.
By paying for this Dot TK domain name you or your company owns the selected Dot TK domain name and it will give you full rights to sell, license or resell this domain name.
The cost of your domain name is USD 9.95 per year.
Paid Dot TK domain names are not subject to the Dot TK traffic analyzer or email forwarding programming. Note that you need to register your domain name with your Domain Name Server before registering your Dot TK domain name.
In order to register your Dot TK domain name, you need:
Your address information
A primary Domain Name Server (with IP address)
A secondary Domain Name Server (with IP address
Den springer over der den 1 side ud af 5 hvor man skal vælge om man vil have et gratis eller man vil have et hvor man betaler.
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