Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 09:56 Der er 13 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Search and Replace with Regular Expressions

I have a string that contains text and custom tags for pictures. the custom tag looks like this: <picture_x#al>

is it possible via regexp to replace the custom tags with ordinary imagetags where src=picture_x and align=al? there will be no more than 5 custom tags per string and the imagenames will be img1, img2 and so on.
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 10:10 #1
You don't have to use Reg. Exp. for this... You can use this function insted:

Function ReplaceThis(strTxt)
  arrAlign = Split(arrAlign, "#")
  strTxt = Replace(strTxt, "<picture_x#al>", "<img src=""" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & """ align=""" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & """ >")
End Function


Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 11:54 #2
Error Type:
Kompileringsfel i Microsoft VBScript (0x800A03EE)
')' förväntas.
/axelsons/nyhetstest.asp, line 7, column 138
strTxt = Replace(strTxt, "<picture_x#al>", "<img src=""" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & """ align=""" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & """ >")
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:00 #3
Function ReplaceThis(strTxt)
  arrAlign = Split(arrAlign, "#")
  strTxt = Replace(strTxt, "<picture_x#al>", "<img src='" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & " align='" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & "'>")
End Function

Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:02 #4
Error Type:
Kompileringsfel i Microsoft VBScript (0x800A03EE)
')' förväntas.
/axelsons/nyhetstest.asp, line 7, column 132
strTxt = Replace(strTxt, "<picture_x#al>", "<img src='" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & " align='" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & "'>")
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:06 #5
Hmm måske:

Function ReplaceThis(strTxt)
  arrAlign = Split(arrAlign, "#")
  strReplace = "<img src='" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & " align='" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & "'>"
  strTxt = Replace(strTxt, "<picture_x#al>", strReplace)
End Function


Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:36 #6
Error Type:
Kompileringsfel i Microsoft VBScript (0x800A03EE)
')' förväntas.
/axelsons/nyhetstest.asp, line 7, column 101
strReplace = "<img src='" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign) & " align='" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign) & "'>"
Avatar billede medions Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:40 #7
strReplace = "<img src='" & arrAlign(LBound(arrAlign)) & "' align='" & arrAlign(UBound(arrAlign)) & "'>"

Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:43 #8
am i supposed to run this function 5 times if i have 5 custom tags with img1, img2, img3, img4 and img5?

thats why i thought regExo should be the solution...
Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
12. november 2003 - 12:46 #9
i'm supposed to use this in a news managementsystem... in every article there can be up to 5 images in custom tags mixed in with the articletext like this: word word word word word word word word <bild1#left> word word word word word word word word word word <bild2#right>word word word word word word word word <bild3#left>word word word word word word word word <bild4#center>word word word word word word  <bild5#right>.
Avatar billede eagleeye Praktikant
12. november 2003 - 23:19 #10
benkebus your right, the solution would be a regular expressition to do the replace as it support variables, which is needed to find the number and align text.

Try this, it will replace <bildX#vvv> with <img src="picture_X.jpg" align="vvv">


str = "i'm supposed to use this in a news managementsystem... in every article there can be up to 5 images in custom tags mixed in with the articletext like this: word word word word word word word word <bild1#left> word word word word word word word word word word <bild2#right>word word word word word word word word <bild3#left>word word word word word word word word <bild4#center>word word word word word word  <bild5#right>."
response.Write "Test String:<br>" & str

Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = true
regEx.IgnoreCase = true
regEx.Pattern = "<bild(\d)#([a-z]*)>"
RegEx.Global = true
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<img src=""picture_$1.jpg"" align=""$2"">")
Set RegEx = Nothing

Response.Write "<br><br>Test Result:<br>"
Response.Write str
Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
13. november 2003 - 07:23 #11
That worked fine... if i'd like to reverse the process and replace the <img src="picture_x.jpg" align="align"> back to the original custom tag, how would the regEx.pattern look like then?
Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
13. november 2003 - 14:46 #12
if "$2"="center" then
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<div align=""$2""><img src=""bilder/upload/bild$1.jpg""></div>")
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<img src=""bilder/upload/bild$1.jpg"" align=""$2"">")
end if

this doesn't work... how should i do it... if a image is centred in the customtag it must be written with <div align=></div>?????
Avatar billede eagleeye Praktikant
13. november 2003 - 18:57 #13
if i'd like to reverse the process and replace the <img src="picture_x.jpg" align="align"> back to the original custom tag, how would the regEx.pattern look like then?

regEx.Pattern = "<img src=""picture_(\d).jpg"" align=""([a-z])*"">"
RegEx.Global = true
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<bild$1#$2>")
Avatar billede benkebus Nybegynder
14. november 2003 - 07:17 #14
if "$2"="center" then
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<div align=""$2""><img src=""bilder/upload/bild$1.jpg""></div>")
str = RegEx.Replace(str,"<img src=""bilder/upload/bild$1.jpg"" align=""$2"">")
end if

this doesn't work... how should i do it... if a image is centred in the customtag it must be written with <div align=></div>?????
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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