Der findes i windows xp en skjult util der kan kontrollere alle installationsfiler i styresystemet. Her tænkes ikke på SFC, MMC & div Tweak util. Programmet er en del af operativsystemet og navnet består vist nok af 3 bogstaver.
PS. Jeg har læst om programmet i et af de danske pc blade for omkring 1 års tid siden.
PPS. Programmet startes fra programmet kør hvorefter en lille boks åbner og her kan man indstille om den skal lave en scan eller en reparer.
8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).
9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).
10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)
11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).
12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )
13) Program Manager = progman.exe (something to do with starting programs from groups, has help files).
14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).
15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).
18) Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).
19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).
20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).
21) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe
22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).
23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).
bootcfg View your boot loader settings, such as your default OS and selection timeout, as well as your boot entries and load options.
defrag You probably already guessed that this defrags your hard drive. Type only "defrag" into your command prompt to get a list of possible arguments, such as the drive letter and the type of output.
diskpart Manages your disk partitions. After you type "diskpart" into your command prompt, your prompt will become "DISKPART." Type a question mark to get a list of possible arguments. Type exit to leave diskpart.
driverquery Will get you a nice list of your drivers and their properties.
fsutil This is a handy command. You can do everything from managing your hardlinks to querying the free space in a volume. Type "fsutil" into your command prompt, and you'll see a list of options. I choose "fsinfo" from the list, so I type "fsutil fsinfo" into the prompt. Now I get even more options, but I choose drives by typing "fsutil fsinfo drives." It's fun, it's easy, and you'll get the hang of it. Explore this utility. There are a lot of cool features and hidden twists.
getmac This gets the MAC (Media Access Control) address.
gpresult Get the RSoP, user settings, and computer group policy settings.
netsh A network configuration tool. Type "netsh" to enter the tool, or "netsh /?" to learn more about it. To exit this tool, type "exit" at the "netsh>" prompt.
openfiles Allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files in XP professional. Type "openfiles /?" for a list of possible parameters.
recover This command attempts to recover readable information from a damaged disk. Type "recover" to get the syntax.
reg The console registry tool. Get syntax help when you type "reg" into the prompt. You can export the registry, copy, restore, compare, and more.
schtasks The administrator can schedule, run, change, or delete tasks on a local or remote machine. Type "schtasks /?" without the quotes for a list of options.
sfc The system file checker scans protected system files and replaces the ones you (or your applications) hacked beyond repair with the real, official Microsoft versions. Type "sfc" into the command prompt to get a list of options.
shutdown You can shut down or restart your own computer, or an administrator can shut down or restart a remote computer. Type "shutdown" into your command prompt to see a list of possible arguments.
systeminfo Basic system configuration information, such as the system type, the processor type, your time zone, your virtual memory settings, and much more.
tasklist Want to know what's going on behind the scenes? Type "tasklist" into the command prompt, and get a list of current processes.
taskkill Now that you know what's going on behind the scenes, maybe you want to shut a few of these extraneous tasks down. That's where taskkill comes in. Type "taskkill /?" for a quick lesson in the syntax of the command, then shut down all those random processes. I just killed my MS messenger by typing "taskkill /PID 1680." I got the PID from running tasklist, above.
Her er et eksempel på en skjult funktion i windows. Denne "funktion" giver dig mulighed for at til føje en printer via et script/bat fil rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\SERVER01\PRINTER-4050-B3-433 Denne rutine er hverken en exe eller msc fil - om det program jeg søger er en dll, exe, msc eller andet husker jeg ikke. eksemplet er givet for at vise at programmet ikke nødvendigvis et et "normalt" program.
Den funktion som jeg søger er næsten det samme som SFC, men kommandoen åbner en "popup boks". I denne boks kan man indstille hvorvidt den kun skal køre en kontrol af installerede filer, eller om den skal gendanne disse.
SFC kører i en dos promt og kontrollerer kun SYS files, det gør den efterlyste funktion ikke.
Jeg læste i et PC blad om denne funktion om det var "10 tips til win XP" eller hvad artiklen hedder, kan jeg ikke huske. PC-WORLD, ALT om data, Datatid for at nævne nogle.
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