Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. januar 2001 - 13:41 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

hvordan stopper jeg et spil?

Spillet skal redigeres således, at man kan komme over til vindersiden.htm, hvis man gætter indholdet af alle 15 kvadrater.Hjælp!
<!-- STEP ONE: Put the first code into the break out opener page  -->


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!-- Original:  Nick Young (ywing9787@aol.com) -->
<!-- Web Site:  http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/ywing9787 -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var timerID = null;
var INT = 10;
var loadFLG = 0;
var gameFLG = 0;
var missFLG = 0;
var tim = 0;
var blcol = new Array(5); // block color
var blsta = new Array(40); // block status
var blNO = new Array(40); // block No
var blclr = 0; // clear block
var ballX = 0; // ball data
var ballY = 0;
var ballN = 5;
var ballDX = 0;
var ballDY = 0;
var tmpRL = 193;
var X = 0;
blcol[0] = \"#FFFF00\";
blcol[1] = \"#FFCF00\";
blcol[2] = \"#FF7F00\";
blcol[3] = \"#FF3F00\";
blcol[4] = \"#FF0000\";
blcol[5] = \"#000000\";

function mainF() {
tim = tim + 1;
with (Math){ tmptim = floor(tim / 10)};
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
ballX = ballX + ballDX;
ballY = ballY + ballDY;
ball.style.posTop = ballY;
ball.style.posLeft = ballX;
racket.style.posLeft = tmpRL;
if (gameFLG == 01){
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function initG() {
if (blclr >= 40) {
blclr = 0;
tim = 0;
ballN = 3;
with (Math) {
tmptim = floor(tim / 10);
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++){ for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
chc(ib * 8 + ia +1, ib);
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
gameFLG = 1;
loadFLG = 1;
ballX = 209;
ballY = 270;
ballDX =- 8;
ballDY =- 8;
tmpRL = 193;
missFLG = 0;
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function SUP() {
UP.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'DN\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</A></DIV>\";
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 10;
function SDN() {
DN.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'UP\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SUP()\'>SPEED UP</A></DIV>\";
UP.style.posTop = 170;
UP.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 100;
function MouseMv() {
if (loadFLG == 1) {
tmpRL = X - 20;
if (tmpRL < 16) { tmpRL = 16; }
if (tmpRL > 370) { tmpRL = 370; }
function outCHK() {
if (ballX < 16){ ballX = 32 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballX > 401){ ballX = 802 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballY < 16){ ballY = 32 - ballY; ballDY = -ballDY; }
if (ballY >= 272) {
if (missFLG == 0) {
tmpX = (ballDX / ballDY) * (272 - ballY) + ballX;
if (tmpX >= tmpRL - 12) {
if (tmpX <= tmpRL + 42) {
ballY = 272; ballDY = -ballDY;
ballX = tmpX;
ballRD = tmpX - tmpRL;
with (Math){ ballDX = 8 * abs(ballDX) / ballDX; }
if (ballRD < -4){ ballDX = -15; }
if (ballRD > 36){ ballDX = 15; }
if (ballRD >= 14){ if (ballRD <= 16) { ballDX = -2; } }
if (ballRD >= 17){ if (ballRD <= 20) { ballDX = 2; } }
if (ballRD >= 0){ if (ballRD <= 4) { ballDX = -4; } }
if (ballRD >= 28){ if (ballRD <= 32) { ballDX = 4; } }
if (ballRD >= -4){ if (ballRD <= -1) { ballDX = -11; } }
if (ballRD >= 33){ if (ballRD <= 36) { ballDX = 11; } }
if (ballDY > 0){ missFLG = 1; }
} else {
if (ballY > 290){ missFLG = 0; ballN = ballN - 1; gameEnd(); }
function blkCHK() {
tmpY = ballY + 4;
tmpX = ballX + 4;
if (tmpY >= 48) {
if (tmpY <= 147) {
if (tmpX >= 29) {
if (tmpX <= 396) {
with (Math) {
ia = floor((tmpX - 29) / 46);
ib = floor((tmpY - 48) / 20);
ic = ib * 8 + ia;
if (blsta[ic] <= 4) {
tmpbc = blsta[ic] + 1;
blsta[ic] = tmpbc;
chc(ic + 1, tmpbc);
if (tmpbc == 5){ blclr = blclr + 1; }
if (blclr >= 40){ gameEnd(); }
if (ballDX > 0) {
iy=(ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29 + 46 * ia;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
} else {
iy = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29+46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29+46 * ia + 44;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
function gameEnd() {
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
gameFLG = 0;
loadFLG = 0;
starter.style.posTop  =  200;
starter.style.posLeft  =  180;
if (blclr >= 40) {
clrmes.style.posTop = 150;
clrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
if (ballN <= 0) {
ovrmes.style.posTop = 150;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
blclr = 40;
function onLD() {
bgIE.style.posTop = 16;
bgIE.style.posLeft = 16;
ball.style.posTop = 270;
ball.style.posLeft = 209;
racket.style.posTop = 280;
racket.style.posLeft = 193;
info.style.posTop = 16;
info.style.posLeft = 432;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++) {
for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
starter.style.posTop = 200;
starter.style.posLeft = 180;
function chc(bno,bcl) {
tmpbno = \"b\" + (bno-1);
eval(tmpbno).bgColor = blcol[bcl];
//  End -->
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">
<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\">
<meta name=\"ProgId\" content=\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\">
<title>Ny side 8</title>
<!-- STEP FOUR: Insert the event handlers into the BODY tag of break-out.html  -->

<body onLoad=\"onLD();\" onMouseMove=\'X=event.x;MouseMv();\'>

<!-- STEP FIVE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->

<span id=info style=\'position:absolute\'>
<font style=\"font-size:24px\" color=\"#000044\"><i><b></b></i></font>
Ball: <input type=text name=BL size=5 value=5>
Time: <input type=text name=TM size=5 value=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!--  block image write
with (document) {
write(\"<table id=\'bgIE\' width=\'394\' height=\'300\' bgcolor=\'#000000\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b0\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b1\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b2\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b3\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b4\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b5\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b6\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b7\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b8\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b9\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b10\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b11\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b12\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b13\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b14\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b15\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b16\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b17\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b18\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b19\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b20\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b21\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b22\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b23\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b24\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b25\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b26\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b27\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b28\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b29\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b30\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b31\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b32\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b33\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b34\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b35\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b36\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b37\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b38\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b39\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<div id=\'ball\' style=\'position:absolute\'>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'8\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:0\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'8\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:-1; top:2\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#FFFFFF\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:1\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'racket\' width=\'40\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0FF\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<div id=\'starter\' style=\'position:absolute\'><form><input type=\'button\' value=\'START\' ONCLICK=\'initG();blur()\'></form></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'clrmes\'  style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#44CC44\'>ALL CLEAR!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'ovrmes\' style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#CC4444\'>GAME OVER!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'DN\' style=\'position:absolute\'><a href=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</a></div>\");
// End -->

<!-- Script Size:  12.64 KB -->

<form name=\"open-break-out\">
<input type=button value=\"Play Break Out\" onClick=\"window.open(\'break-out.html\',\'break-out\',\'top=100,left=100,width=575,height=400\');\">

<!-- STEP TWO: Create a new document, save it as break-out.html  -->

<!-- STEP THREE: Paste this code into the HEAD of break-out.html  -->


Avatar billede lindrup2000 Nybegynder
05. januar 2001 - 13:45 #1
jeg forstår ikke hvad du mener?????
Avatar billede exe_science Nybegynder
05. januar 2001 - 13:45 #2
hvis det skal laves i java kommer du da til at kunne se hvad vindersiden.htm heder så kan mn lige gå ind i vis kilde funktionen og gå over og skrive sig som vinder.
Avatar billede lindrup2000 Nybegynder
05. januar 2001 - 13:48 #3
nåååååååååå    det kræver du kender til HTML fordi du skal redigere nogle steder i teksten for at komme til vindersiden.htm

DESVÆRRE. håber det hjalp en lille smule
Avatar billede lindrup2000 Nybegynder
05. januar 2001 - 13:50 #4
jamen det kræver du kender til kilder eller HTML
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. januar 2001 - 14:01 #5
Undskyld,jeg har puttet det forkerte spil ind.Den rigtige er:
<!-- STEP ONE: Put the first code into the break out opener page  -->


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!-- Original:  Nick Young (ywing9787@aol.com) -->
<!-- Web Site:  http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/ywing9787 -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var timerID = null;
var INT = 10;
var loadFLG = 0;
var gameFLG = 0;
var missFLG = 0;
var tim = 0;
var blcol = new Array(5); // block color
var blsta = new Array(40); // block status
var blNO = new Array(40); // block No
var blclr = 0; // clear block
var ballX = 0; // ball data
var ballY = 0;
var ballN = 5;
var ballDX = 0;
var ballDY = 0;
var tmpRL = 193;
var X = 0;
blcol[0] = \"#FFFF00\";
blcol[1] = \"#FFCF00\";
blcol[2] = \"#FF7F00\";
blcol[3] = \"#FF3F00\";
blcol[4] = \"#FF0000\";
blcol[5] = \"#000000\";

function mainF() {
tim = tim + 1;
with (Math){ tmptim = floor(tim / 10)};
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
ballX = ballX + ballDX;
ballY = ballY + ballDY;
ball.style.posTop = ballY;
ball.style.posLeft = ballX;
racket.style.posLeft = tmpRL;
if (gameFLG == 01){
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function initG() {
if (blclr >= 40) {
blclr = 0;
tim = 0;
ballN = 3;
with (Math) {
tmptim = floor(tim / 10);
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++){ for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
chc(ib * 8 + ia +1, ib);
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
gameFLG = 1;
loadFLG = 1;
ballX = 209;
ballY = 270;
ballDX =- 8;
ballDY =- 8;
tmpRL = 193;
missFLG = 0;
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function SUP() {
UP.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'DN\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</A></DIV>\";
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 10;
function SDN() {
DN.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'UP\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SUP()\'>SPEED UP</A></DIV>\";
UP.style.posTop = 170;
UP.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 100;
function MouseMv() {
if (loadFLG == 1) {
tmpRL = X - 20;
if (tmpRL < 16) { tmpRL = 16; }
if (tmpRL > 370) { tmpRL = 370; }
function outCHK() {
if (ballX < 16){ ballX = 32 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballX > 401){ ballX = 802 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballY < 16){ ballY = 32 - ballY; ballDY = -ballDY; }
if (ballY >= 272) {
if (missFLG == 0) {
tmpX = (ballDX / ballDY) * (272 - ballY) + ballX;
if (tmpX >= tmpRL - 12) {
if (tmpX <= tmpRL + 42) {
ballY = 272; ballDY = -ballDY;
ballX = tmpX;
ballRD = tmpX - tmpRL;
with (Math){ ballDX = 8 * abs(ballDX) / ballDX; }
if (ballRD < -4){ ballDX = -15; }
if (ballRD > 36){ ballDX = 15; }
if (ballRD >= 14){ if (ballRD <= 16) { ballDX = -2; } }
if (ballRD >= 17){ if (ballRD <= 20) { ballDX = 2; } }
if (ballRD >= 0){ if (ballRD <= 4) { ballDX = -4; } }
if (ballRD >= 28){ if (ballRD <= 32) { ballDX = 4; } }
if (ballRD >= -4){ if (ballRD <= -1) { ballDX = -11; } }
if (ballRD >= 33){ if (ballRD <= 36) { ballDX = 11; } }
if (ballDY > 0){ missFLG = 1; }
} else {
if (ballY > 290){ missFLG = 0; ballN = ballN - 1; gameEnd(); }
function blkCHK() {
tmpY = ballY + 4;
tmpX = ballX + 4;
if (tmpY >= 48) {
if (tmpY <= 147) {
if (tmpX >= 29) {
if (tmpX <= 396) {
with (Math) {
ia = floor((tmpX - 29) / 46);
ib = floor((tmpY - 48) / 20);
ic = ib * 8 + ia;
if (blsta[ic] <= 4) {
tmpbc = blsta[ic] + 1;
blsta[ic] = tmpbc;
chc(ic + 1, tmpbc);
if (tmpbc == 5){ blclr = blclr + 1; }
if (blclr >= 40){ gameEnd(); }
if (ballDX > 0) {
iy=(ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29 + 46 * ia;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
} else {
iy = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29+46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29+46 * ia + 44;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
function gameEnd() {
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
gameFLG = 0;
loadFLG = 0;
starter.style.posTop  =  200;
starter.style.posLeft  =  180;
if (blclr >= 40) {
clrmes.style.posTop = 150;
clrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
if (ballN <= 0) {
ovrmes.style.posTop = 150;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
blclr = 40;
function onLD() {
bgIE.style.posTop = 16;
bgIE.style.posLeft = 16;
ball.style.posTop = 270;
ball.style.posLeft = 209;
racket.style.posTop = 280;
racket.style.posLeft = 193;
info.style.posTop = 16;
info.style.posLeft = 432;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++) {
for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
starter.style.posTop = 200;
starter.style.posLeft = 180;
function chc(bno,bcl) {
tmpbno = \"b\" + (bno-1);
eval(tmpbno).bgColor = blcol[bcl];
//  End -->
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">
<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\">
<meta name=\"ProgId\" content=\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\">
<title>Ny side 8</title>
<!-- STEP FOUR: Insert the event handlers into the BODY tag of break-out.html  -->

<body onLoad=\"onLD();\" onMouseMove=\'X=event.x;MouseMv();\'>

<!-- STEP FIVE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->

<span id=info style=\'position:absolute\'>
<font style=\"font-size:24px\" color=\"#000044\"><i><b></b></i></font>
Ball: <input type=text name=BL size=5 value=5>
Time: <input type=text name=TM size=5 value=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!--  block image write
with (document) {
write(\"<table id=\'bgIE\' width=\'394\' height=\'300\' bgcolor=\'#000000\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b0\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b1\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b2\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b3\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b4\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b5\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b6\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b7\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b8\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b9\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b10\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b11\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b12\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b13\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b14\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b15\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b16\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b17\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b18\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b19\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b20\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b21\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b22\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b23\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b24\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b25\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b26\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b27\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b28\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b29\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b30\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b31\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b32\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b33\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b34\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b35\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b36\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b37\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b38\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b39\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<div id=\'ball\' style=\'position:absolute\'>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'8\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:0\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'8\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:-1; top:2\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#FFFFFF\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:1\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'racket\' width=\'40\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0FF\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<div id=\'starter\' style=\'position:absolute\'><form><input type=\'button\' value=\'START\' ONCLICK=\'initG();blur()\'></form></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'clrmes\'  style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#44CC44\'>ALL CLEAR!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'ovrmes\' style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#CC4444\'>GAME OVER!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'DN\' style=\'position:absolute\'><a href=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</a></div>\");
// End -->

<!-- Script Size:  12.64 KB -->

<form name=\"open-break-out\">
<input type=button value=\"Play Break Out\" onClick=\"window.open(\'break-out.html\',\'break-out\',\'top=100,left=100,width=575,height=400\');\">

<!-- STEP TWO: Create a new document, save it as break-out.html  -->

<!-- STEP THREE: Paste this code into the HEAD of break-out.html  -->


Jeg ved ,man skal skrive:
var vindeside=\'vindeside.htm\'i head og
selv.location.href=vindeside; efter teksten om resultaten men det fungerer ikke.
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
05. januar 2001 - 14:10 #6
Det bearbejdede spil:
<!-- STEP ONE: Put the first code into the break out opener page  -->


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!-- Original:  Nick Young (ywing9787@aol.com) -->
<!-- Web Site:  http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/ywing9787 -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
var timerID = null;
var INT = 10;
var loadFLG = 0;
var gameFLG = 0;
var missFLG = 0;
var tim = 0;
var blcol = new Array(5); // block color
var blsta = new Array(40); // block status
var blNO = new Array(40); // block No
var blclr = 0; // clear block
var ballX = 0; // ball data
var ballY = 0;
var ballN = 5;
var ballDX = 0;
var ballDY = 0;
var tmpRL = 193;
var X = 0;
blcol[0] = \"#FFFF00\";
blcol[1] = \"#FFCF00\";
blcol[2] = \"#FF7F00\";
blcol[3] = \"#FF3F00\";
blcol[4] = \"#FF0000\";
blcol[5] = \"#000000\";

function mainF() {
tim = tim + 1;
with (Math){ tmptim = floor(tim / 10)};
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
ballX = ballX + ballDX;
ballY = ballY + ballDY;
ball.style.posTop = ballY;
ball.style.posLeft = ballX;
racket.style.posLeft = tmpRL;
if (gameFLG == 01){
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function initG() {
if (blclr >= 40) {
blclr = 0;
tim = 0;
ballN = 3;
with (Math) {
tmptim = floor(tim / 10);
document.forms[0].TM.value = tmptim;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++){ for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
chc(ib * 8 + ia +1, ib);
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
gameFLG = 1;
loadFLG = 1;
ballX = 209;
ballY = 270;
ballDX =- 8;
ballDY =- 8;
tmpRL = 193;
missFLG = 0;
timerID = setTimeout(\"mainF()\", INT);
function SUP() {
UP.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'DN\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</A></DIV>\";
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 10;
function SDN() {
DN.outerHTML = \"<DIV ID=\'UP\' STYLE=\'position:absolute\'><A HREF=\'java script:SUP()\'>SPEED UP</A></DIV>\";
UP.style.posTop = 170;
UP.style.posLeft = 432;
INT = 100;
function MouseMv() {
if (loadFLG == 1) {
tmpRL = X - 20;
if (tmpRL < 16) { tmpRL = 16; }
if (tmpRL > 370) { tmpRL = 370; }
function outCHK() {
if (ballX < 16){ ballX = 32 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballX > 401){ ballX = 802 - ballX; ballDX = -ballDX; }
if (ballY < 16){ ballY = 32 - ballY; ballDY = -ballDY; }
if (ballY >= 272) {
if (missFLG == 0) {
tmpX = (ballDX / ballDY) * (272 - ballY) + ballX;
if (tmpX >= tmpRL - 12) {
if (tmpX <= tmpRL + 42) {
ballY = 272; ballDY = -ballDY;
ballX = tmpX;
ballRD = tmpX - tmpRL;
with (Math){ ballDX = 8 * abs(ballDX) / ballDX; }
if (ballRD < -4){ ballDX = -15; }
if (ballRD > 36){ ballDX = 15; }
if (ballRD >= 14){ if (ballRD <= 16) { ballDX = -2; } }
if (ballRD >= 17){ if (ballRD <= 20) { ballDX = 2; } }
if (ballRD >= 0){ if (ballRD <= 4) { ballDX = -4; } }
if (ballRD >= 28){ if (ballRD <= 32) { ballDX = 4; } }
if (ballRD >= -4){ if (ballRD <= -1) { ballDX = -11; } }
if (ballRD >= 33){ if (ballRD <= 36) { ballDX = 11; } }
if (ballDY > 0){ missFLG = 1; }
} else {
if (ballY > 290){ missFLG = 0; ballN = ballN - 1; gameEnd(); }
function blkCHK() {
tmpY = ballY + 4;
tmpX = ballX + 4;
if (tmpY >= 48) {
if (tmpY <= 147) {
if (tmpX >= 29) {
if (tmpX <= 396) {
with (Math) {
ia = floor((tmpX - 29) / 46);
ib = floor((tmpY - 48) / 20);
ic = ib * 8 + ia;
if (blsta[ic] <= 4) {
tmpbc = blsta[ic] + 1;
blsta[ic] = tmpbc;
chc(ic + 1, tmpbc);
if (tmpbc == 5){ blclr = blclr + 1; }
if (blclr >= 40){ gameEnd(); }
if (ballDX > 0) {
iy=(ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29 + 46 * ia;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
} else {
iy = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29+46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
if (iy > 48 + 20 * ib + 18) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib + 18;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib + 18 - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
if (iy < 44 + 20 * ib) {
tmpY1 = 48 + 20 * ib;
tmpX1 = (ballDX / ballDY) * (48 + 20 * ib - tmpY) + tmpX;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDY = -ballDY;
} else {
tmpX1 = 29+46 * ia + 44;
tmpY1 = (ballDY / ballDX) * (29 + 46 * ia + 44 - tmpX) + tmpY;
ballX = tmpX1 - 4;
ballY = tmpY1 - 4;
ballDX = -ballDX;
function gameEnd() {
document.forms[0].BL.value = ballN;
gameFLG = 0;
loadFLG = 0;
starter.style.posTop  =  200;
starter.style.posLeft  =  180;
if (blclr >= 40) {
clrmes.style.posTop = 150;
clrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
if (ballN <= 0) {
ovrmes.style.posTop = 150;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = 160;
blclr = 40;
function onLD() {
bgIE.style.posTop = 16;
bgIE.style.posLeft = 16;
ball.style.posTop = 270;
ball.style.posLeft = 209;
racket.style.posTop = 280;
racket.style.posLeft = 193;
info.style.posTop = 16;
info.style.posLeft = 432;
starter.style.posTop = -1000;
starter.style.posLeft = -1000;
clrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
clrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posTop = -1000;
ovrmes.style.posLeft = -1000;
DN.style.posTop = 170;
DN.style.posLeft = 432;
for (ib = 0; ib < 5; ib++) {
for (ia = 0; ia < 8; ia++) {
blsta[ib * 8 + ia] = ib;
starter.style.posTop = 200;
starter.style.posLeft = 180;
function chc(bno,bcl) {
tmpbno = \"b\" + (bno-1);
eval(tmpbno).bgColor = blcol[bcl];
//  End -->
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1252\">
<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0\">
<meta name=\"ProgId\" content=\"FrontPage.Editor.Document\">
<title>Ny side 8</title>
<!-- STEP FOUR: Insert the event handlers into the BODY tag of break-out.html  -->

<body onLoad=\"onLD();\" onMouseMove=\'X=event.x;MouseMv();\'>

<!-- STEP FIVE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document  -->

<span id=info style=\'position:absolute\'>
<font style=\"font-size:24px\" color=\"#000044\"><i><b></b></i></font>
Ball: <input type=text name=BL size=5 value=5>
Time: <input type=text name=TM size=5 value=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!--  block image write
with (document) {
write(\"<table id=\'bgIE\' width=\'394\' height=\'300\' bgcolor=\'#000000\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b0\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b1\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b2\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b3\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b4\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b5\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b6\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b7\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFFF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:48; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b8\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b9\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b10\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b11\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b12\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b13\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b14\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b15\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FFCF00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:68; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b16\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b17\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b18\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b19\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b20\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b21\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b22\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b23\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF7F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:88; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b24\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b25\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b26\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b27\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b28\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b29\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b30\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b31\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF3F00\' style=\'position:absolute; top:108; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<table id=\'b32\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:29\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b33\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:75\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b34\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:121\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b35\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:167\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b36\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:213\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b37\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:259\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b38\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:305\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'b39\' width=\'42\' height=\'16\' bgcolor=\'#FF0000\' style=\'position:absolute; top:128; left:351\'><td></td></table>\");

write(\"<div id=\'ball\' style=\'position:absolute\'>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'8\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:0\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'8\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0B0\' style=\'position:absolute; left:-1; top:2\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table width=\'4\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#FFFFFF\' style=\'position:absolute; left:0; top:1\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<table id=\'racket\' width=\'40\' height=\'4\' bgcolor=\'#B0B0FF\' style=\'position:absolute\'><td></td></table>\");
write(\"<div id=\'starter\' style=\'position:absolute\'><form><input type=\'button\' value=\'START\' ONCLICK=\'initG();blur()\'></form></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'clrmes\'  style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#44CC44\'>ALL CLEAR!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'ovrmes\' style=\'position:absolute\'><font style=\'font-size:24px\' color=\'#CC4444\'>GAME OVER!</font></div>\");
write(\"<div id=\'DN\' style=\'position:absolute\'><a href=\'java script:SDN()\'>SPEED DOWN</a></div>\");
// End -->

<!-- Script Size:  12.64 KB -->

<form name=\"open-break-out\">
<input type=button value=\"Play Break Out\" onClick=\"window.open(\'break-out.html\',\'break-out\',\'top=100,left=100,width=575,height=400\');\">

<!-- STEP TWO: Create a new document, save it as break-out.html  -->

<!-- STEP THREE: Paste this code into the HEAD of break-out.html  -->


men det gider ikke komme over til vindersiden.Hjælp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
08. januar 2001 - 14:00 #7
jeg fandt selv ud af det..................
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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