ovenstående spørgsmål diskuterede vi actionscriptversioner - jeg ved ikke om du(vi) kan blive klogere af det ;-) Det er nok tvivlsomt!
What effect does the introduction of Actionscript 2.0 have on my code and projects?
Actionscript 2.0 is made up of mostly (about 98%) Actionscript 1.0, but with new additions. Key new elements are strict typing of variables, case sensitivity and class inheritance. These changes allow Actionscript 2.0 to meet the ECMAScript 4 standard.
På macromedias side står der følgende:
In most cases, you can choose to publish your existing Flash MX 2004 projects as either Actionscript 1.0 or Actionscript 2.0 and your code will run as before. In fact, almost all Actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 can be published for, and played back successfully in, Macromedia Flash Player 6 or Macromedia Flash Player 7. You should only run into problems if you did not match case, or capitalization, in your code. Please refer to Errors when publishing for Macromedia Flash Player 7 (TechNote 18870) for more information on specific errors. Of course, if you add other new Flash MX 2004 content, you must target Flash Player 7.
Her kan du finde en technote om fejl i publishing: tror ikke jeg kan hjælpe mere - men vi har vist også bevæget os en del væk fra dit oprindelige spørgsmål!