Public Sub test() Dim Q As String strdata = "20 46 72 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 54 69 6C 00 00 00" Q = "" a = Len(strdata) For i = 1 To a Step 3 If Mid(strdata, i, 2) = "00" Then GoTo Næste F = Chr(Val("&h" & Mid(strdata, i, 2))), det er her det oversættes "&h" fortæller Val at det er hex Q = Q & F
Public Sub Hent_Hex_fil() Dim strdata As String FilogSti = "C:\test.dat"
Open FilogSti For Input As #2 Do Input #2, strdata a = Len(strdata) For i = 1 To a Step 3 If Mid(strdata, i, 2) = "00" Then F = " " GoTo Næste End If F = Chr(Val("&h" & Mid(strdata, i, 2))) ' det er her det oversættes "&h" fortæller Val at det er hex Næste: tekst = tekst & F Next Loop Until EOF(2) Close #2
open "Filnavn,ext" for binary as #Filnr Do: ' Hent AntalByteInd bytes I = I + 1 Ind = Ind & Input(1, #FilNr)' henter 1 byte. Loop Until EOF(FilNr) close #Filnr
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