<undskyldning> Det er fredag, jeg er træt, småsyg, og min far vil have jeg skal komme og hjælpe ham med at fylde hans have med sand... pyha :-( </undskyldning>
A menu list must begin with a <MENU> element which is immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element:
E.g :
<MENU> <LI>First item in the list. <LI>Second item in the list. <LI>Third item in the list. </MENU> Would render as:
First item in the list. Second item in the list. Third item in the list. TITLE="informational ToolTip" The Internet Explorer 4.0 (and above) specific TITLE attribute is used for informational purposes. If present, the value of the TITLE attribute is presented as a ToolTip when the users mouse hovers over the <MENU> section. Note that <LI> element also support use of the TITLE attribute. The ToolTip presented to the user will be that set in the <MENU> element, if no <LI> element has a TITLE attribute.
LANG="language setting" The LANG attribute can be used to specify what language the <MENU> (or <LI>) element is using. It accepts any valid ISO standard language abbreviation (for example "en" for English, "de" for German etc.)
LANGUAGE="Scripting language" The LANGUAGE attribute can be used to expressly specify which scripting language Internet Explorer 4.0 uses to interpret any scripting information used in the <MENU> (or <LI>) element. It can accept values of vbscript, vbs, javascript or jscript. The first two specify the scripting language as Visual Basic Script, the latter two specify it as using Javascript (the default scripting language used if no LANGUAGE attribute is set.
CLASS="Style Sheet class name" The CLASS attribute is used to specify the <MENU> (or <LI>) element as using a particular style sheet class.
STYLE="In line style setting" As well as using previously defined style sheet settings, the <MENU> (or <LI>) element can have in-line stylings attached to it.
ID="Unique element identifier" The ID attribute can be used to either reference a unique style sheet identifier, or to provide a unique name for the <MENU> (or <LI>) element for scripting purposes. Any <MENU> (or <LI>) element with an ID attribute can be directly manipulated in script by referencing its ID attribute, rather than working through the All collection to determine the element.
The Ordered List element is used to present a numbered list of items, sorted by sequence or order of importance and is typically rendered as a numbered list, but this is as the discretion of individual browsers. (NOTE : The list elements are not sorted by the browser when displaying the list. This sorting should be done manually when adding the HTML elements to the desired list text.) Ordered lists can be nested.
An ordered list must begin with the <OL> element which is immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element:
E.g. :
<OL> <LI>Click on the desired file to download. <LI>In the presented dialog box, enter a name to save the file with. <LI>Click 'OK' to download the file to your local drive. </OL> Would render as:
Click on the desired file to download. 1 In the presented dialog box, enter a name to save the file with. 2 Click 'OK' to download the file to your local drive. 3 The Ordered List element can take the COMPACT attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used.
As mentioned above, the average ordered list counts 1, 2, 3, ... etc. The TYPE attribute allows authors to specify whether the list items should be marked with:
(TYPE=A) - capital letters. e.g. A, B, C ... (TYPE=a) - small letters. e.g. a, b, c ... (TYPE=I) - large roman numerals. e.g. I, II, III ... (TYPE=i) - small roman numerals. e.g. i, ii, iii ... (TYPE=1) - or the default numbers. e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...
For lists that wish to start at values other than 1 the new attribute START is available.
START is always specified in the default numbers, and will be converted based on TYPE before display. Thus START=5 would display either an 'E', 'e', 'V', 'v', or '5' based on the TYPE attribute.
E.g., changing the above example to :
<OL TYPE=a START=3> <LI>Click on the desired file to download. <LI>In the presented dialog box, enter a name to save the file with. <LI>Click 'OK' to download the file to your local drive. </OL> would present the list as using lower case letters, starting at 'c'.
Click on the desired file to download. In the presented dialog box, enter a name to save the file with. Click 'OK' to download the file to your local drive. To give even more flexibility to lists, the TYPE attribute can be used with the <LI> element. It takes the same values as <OL> and it changes the list type for that item, and all subsequent items. For ordered lists the VALUE attribute is also allowed, which can be used to set the count, for that list item and all subsequent items.
NOTE : The TYPE attribute used in the <OL> Element and the <LI> Element and the START attribute in the <OL> Element are supported only by Netscape and the Internet Explorer.
TITLE="informational ToolTip" The Internet Explorer 4.0 (and above) specific TITLE attribute is used for informational purposes. If present, the value of the TITLE attribute is presented as a ToolTip when the users mouse hovers over the <OL> section. Note that <LI> element also support use of the TITLE attribute. The ToolTip presented to the user will be that set in the <OL> element, if no <LI> element has a TITLE attribute.
LANG="language setting" The LANG attribute can be used to specify what language the <OL> (or <LI>) element is using. It accepts any valid ISO standard language abbreviation (for example "en" for English, "de" for German etc.)
LANGUAGE="Scripting language" The LANGUAGE attribute can be used to expressly specify which scripting language Internet Explorer 4.0 uses to interpret any scripting information used in the <OL> (or <LI>) element. It can accept values of vbscript, vbs, javascript or jscript. The first two specify the scripting language as Visual Basic Script, the latter two specify it as using Javascript (the default scripting language used if no LANGUAGE attribute is set.
CLASS="Style Sheet class name" The CLASS attribute is used to specify the <OL> (or <LI>) element as using a particular style sheet class.
STYLE="In line style setting" As well as using previously defined style sheet settings, the <OL> (or <LI>) element can have in-line stylings attached to it.
ID="Unique element identifier" The ID attribute can be used to either reference a unique style sheet identifier, or to provide a unique name for the <OL> (or <LI>) element for scripting purposes. Any <OL> (or <LI>) element with an ID attribute can be directly manipulated in script by referencing its ID attribute, rather than working through the All collection to determine the element.
The Unordered List element is used to present a list of items which is typically separated by white space and/or marked by bullets, but this is as the discretion of individual browsers.
An unordered list must begin with the <UL> element which is immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element. Unordered lists can be nested.
<UL> <LI>First list item <LI>Second list item <LI>Third list item </UL>
Would render as:
* First list item * Second list item * Third list item
The Unordered List element can take the COMPACT attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used.
The basic bulleted list has a default progression of bullet types that changes as you move through indented levels. From a solid disc, to a circle to a square. The TYPE attribute can be used in the <UL> element so that no matter what the indent level the bullet type can be specified thus :
TYPE=disc TYPE=circle TYPE=square
To give even more flexibility to lists, the TYPE attribute to the <LI> element is also allowed. It takes the same values as <UL> and it changes the list type for that item, and all subsequent items.
NOTE : The TYPE attribute when used in the <UL> and <LI> elements is supported by Netscape only.
TITLE="informational ToolTip" The Internet Explorer 4.0 (and above) specific TITLE attribute is used for informational purposes. If present, the value of the TITLE attribute is presented as a ToolTip when the users mouse hovers over the <UL> section. Note that <LI> element also support use of the TITLE attribute. The ToolTip presented to the user will be that set in the <UL> element, if no <LI> element has a TITLE attribute.
LANG="language setting" The LANG attribute can be used to specify what language the <UL> (or <LI>) element is using. It accepts any valid ISO standard language abbreviation (for example "en" for English, "de" for German etc.)
LANGUAGE="Scripting language" The LANGUAGE attribute can be used to expressly specify which scripting language Internet Explorer 4.0 uses to interpret any scripting information used in the <UL> (or <LI>) element. It can accept values of vbscript, vbs, javascript or jscript. The first two specify the scripting language as Visual Basic Script, the latter two specify it as using Javascript (the default scripting language used if no LANGUAGE attribute is set.
CLASS="Style Sheet class name" The CLASS attribute is used to specify the <UL> (or <LI>) element as using a particular style sheet class.
STYLE="In line style setting" As well as using previously defined style sheet settings, the <UL> (or <LI>) element can have in-line stylings attached to it.
ID="Unique element identifier" The ID attribute can be used to either reference a unique style sheet identifier, or to provide a unique name for the <UL> (or <LI>) element for scripting purposes. Any <UL> (or <LI>) element with an ID attribute can be directly manipulated in script by referencing its ID attribute, rather than working through the All collection to determine the element.
<UL...> and <LI> Properties The <UL...> elements support all of the standard Dynamic HTML properties (i.e. className, document, id, innerHTML, innerText, isTextEdit, lang, language, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerHTML, outerText, parentElement, parentTextEdit, sourceIndex, style, tagName and title).
The <UL> (and <LI> when used in a <UL> element) also supports the type property, which reflect any settings of the TYPE attribute (see above).
<UL...> and <LI> Methods The <UL...> elements support all of the standard Dynamic HTML methods (i.e. click, contains, getAttribute, insertAdjacentHTML, insertAdjacentText, removeAttribute, scrollIntoView and setAttribute).
<UL...> and <LI> Events The <UL...> elements support all of the standard Dynamic HTML events (i.e. onclick, ondblclick, ondragstart, onfilterchange, onhelp, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup and onselectstart).
Den sidste med Properties, Methods og Events ligger vist til både UL og LI og ser ud til at være ens til UL, OL og MENU.....så dem poster jeg kun en gang.....
Hvis det har interesse så er der også en der hedder <DIR> som kan bruges sammen med LI
Hmmm - nu har jeg prøvet en del ting (baseret på svarene ovenfor), som tilsyneladende ikke rigtig virker i den preview, som jeg får frem.
Min tekst ser som udgangspunkt således ud: Gratis seminar om sikker WLAN løsning <LI>Roaming: Sikker uafhængig roaming mellem 802.11a og 802.11b <LI>Management: Standard baseret implementering og central management <LI>Security: Supporterer SSL og IPSec kryptering samt Mobil tilpasset tunnelling.</LI> <LINK><FONT FACE="Verdana" COLOR="FFFFFF">Klik her</FONT></LINK> for mere information om dagens program samt tilmelding</FONT>
Og det er altså under mine bullet points, at jeg ikke kan komme af med en blank linie. Flere gode bud?
Gratis seminar om sikker WLAN løsning <ul style="margin:0px 0px 0px 20px;background:brown;"> <li>Roaming: Sikker uafhængig roaming mellem 802.11a og 802.11b</li> <li>Management: Standard baseret implementering og central management</li> <li>Security: Supporterer SSL og IPSec kryptering samt Mobil tilpasset tunnelling.</li> </ul>
<a href="#">Klik her</a> for mere information om dagens program samt tilmelding
Gratis seminar om sikker WLAN løsning <ul style="margin:0px 0px 0px 20px;"> <li>Roaming: Sikker uafhængig roaming mellem 802.11a og 802.11b</li> <li>Management: Standard baseret implementering og central management</li> <li>Security: Supporterer SSL og IPSec kryptering samt Mobil tilpasset tunnelling.</li> </ul>
<a href="#">Klik her</a> for mere information om dagens program samt tilmelding
Hmmm - den mulighed sørgede for, at der nu også er mellemrum imellem hvert bullet point...! Sandsynligvis fordi du afslutter "opremsningen" efter hver linie. Måske er det den formular, som jeg indtaster i, der gør et eller andet, som jeg ikke kan styre...
Har lige lavet en lille side med de forskellige "udformninger" med LI, Vil tro det er det sidste du skal bruge, altså uden specificering af din LI med OL eller UL
Som det ses så er det nødvendigt med et <BR> efter den Sidste LI hvis der ikke er en OL eller noget, da LI indeholder linieskiftet før den givne bullit....
jeg kan da så røbe at i min mozilla firebird 0.6.1 samt min IE 6.0 SP1 er alle punkter på nær de to nederste fuldstændig ens.
På de to nederste er prikkerne rykket helt ud til venstre, og i IE er der ikke linieskift efter det sidste punkt i andensidste punktopstilling:
Her er en LI uden OL/UL/MENU/DIR og afsluttende LI: . PUNKT 1 . PUNKT 2 . PUNKT 3 Her er en LI uden OL/UL/MENU/DIR uden afsluttende LI: . PUNKT 1 . PUNKT 2 . PUNKT 3
exp: jeg ved godt der ikke er linieskift...... det er med vilje jeg ikke har sat breaks ind, da det dermed vises at der ikke er breaks efter sidste li hvis der ikke er en ul eller ol....
Jeg ved ikke hvad forskellen på UL, MENU og DIR er, men de er beskrevet som det jeg har lavet og pastet oven over (der er dir ikke med)........
Lavede så lige en hurtig side hvor det kunne ses......
Det kan styles og meget andet hvis det bliver kombineret med lidt javascript osv.
Jeg har lavet en skabelon til en menu, den smidder jeg også lige på så det kan ses.....
<ul style="display:inline">Gratis seminar om sikker WLAN løsning <LI>Roaming: Sikker uafhængig roaming mellem 802.11a og 802.11b <LI>Management: Standard baseret implementering og central management <LI>Security: Supporterer SSL og IPSec kryptering samt Mobil tilpasset tunnelling.</LI></ul> <a href="#" style="font-family:Verdana,sans-serif;color:#ccc">Klik her</FONT></a> for mere information om dagens program samt tilmelding</FONT>
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