*HEHE* Ej han vil nok gerne se et eksempel... har ikke kunnet finde noget endnu, men her er en, synes jeg, pæn menu der kan det du beder om bare ikke lukke den man var inde på før:
Script navn: JavaScript Menu
Version: 1.0 beta
Implementeret af: Henrik Nielsen <henrik@script.dk>
Færdiggjort: 25/02/99 23:41
Beskrivelse: Dette script kom til verden, da jeg en sen eftermiddag besluttede mig
for at lære objekt-orienteret JavaScript. Jeg har længe villet lave en
menu, så jeg valgte at slå de to ting sammen, og her ser i resultatet.
Information: Dette er et af mange scripts der kan downloades gratis fra
www.script.dkTak til: Min studiegruppe - for idéen, motivation og test.
Script.dk - for at have rykket for færdiggørelsen af scriptet. Ellers
havde det stadig været inkomplet.
Kommentarer, idéer og lignende kan rettes til: henrik@script.dk
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>JavaScript Menu 1.0</TITLE><SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.2\"><!--
if (document.layers) NS4 = 1; else NS4 = 0; if (document.all) IE4 = 1; else IE4 = 0; function display(id, str) { if (NS4) { with (document[id].document) { open(); write(str); close(); } } else { document.all[id].innerHTML = str; } }; function repstr(_in,_rep) { out = \"\"; for(_c=0; _c<_rep; _c++) out = out + _in; return out }; function showtree(node,level,str,expand) { if ( node.childs() == 0 ) { str = str + repstr(\" \",level*4) + \"<A HREF=\\\"\" + node.url + \"\\\" TARGET=\" + menu_frame + \" onMouseOver=\\\"window.status=\'\" + node.text + \"\';return true\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"window.status=\'\';return true\\\">-\" + node.text + \"</A><BR>\"; } else { if ( expand == 0 ) { str = str + repstr(\" \",level*4) + \"<A HREF=\\\"java script:toggle(\'\" + node.name + \"\')\\\" onMouseOver=\\\"window.status=\'\" + node.text + \"\';return true\\\" onMouseOut=\\\"window.status=\'\';return true\\\">\" + node.text + \"</A><BR>\"; } if ( expand == 1 ) { str = str + repstr(\" \",level*4) + node.text + \"<BR>\"; } } if ( ( ( node.unfold == 1 ) || ( expand == 1 ) ) && ( node.childs() > 0 ) ) { for (node.movefirst() ; node.notlastchild() ; node.movenext() ) { str = showtree(node.getchild(),level + 1,str,expand); } } return str; }; function toggle(name) { node = findnode(MyNode,eval(name)); if ( node.unfold == 0 ) { node.unfold = 1; } else { node.unfold = 0; } updatemenu(); }; function updatemenu() { str = \'<P><A HREF=\"java script:showhelp()\">?</A> \'; display(\"menu\",showtree(MyNode,0,str,0) + \"</P>\"); }; function showhelp() { str = \'<P><A HREF=\"java script:updatemenu()\">!</A> <A HREF=\"java script:updatemenu()\">menu</A><BR><BR>Click in the menu, to view the submenu and links.</P>\'; display(\"menu\",str); }; function Node_childs() { return this.child.length; }; function Node_movefirst() { this.cchild = 0; }; function Node_movenext() { this.cchild++; }; function Node_notlastchild() { if ( this.cchild < this.childs() ) return 1; else return 0; }; function Node_getchild() { return this.child[this.cchild]; }; function Node(_text,_url) { this.text = _text; this.url = _url; this.unfold = 0; this.child = []; this.cchild = 0; this.childs = Node_childs; this.notlastchild = Node_notlastchild; this.movefirst = Node_movefirst; this.movenext = Node_movenext; this.getchild = Node_getchild; this.name = Math.random(); return this; }; function findnode(node,name) { if ( node.name == name ) return node; if ( node.childs() > 0 ) { for (node.movefirst(); node.notlastchild() ; node.movenext() ) { temp = findnode(node.getchild(),name); if ( temp != null ) return temp; } } return null; }
var menu_title = \"JavaScript Menu\";
var menu_frame = \"main\";
var MyNode = new Node(\"menu\",\"\");
MyNode.child[0] = new Node(\"søgemaskiner\",\"\");
MyNode.child[0].child[0] = new Node(\"danske\",\"\");
MyNode.child[0].child[0].child[0] = new Node(\"jubii\",\"
MyNode.child[0].child[0].child[1] = new Node(\"yahoo\",\"
MyNode.child[0].child[1] = new Node(\"internationale\",\"\");
MyNode.child[0].child[1].child[0] = new Node(\"altavista\",\"
MyNode.child[0].child[1].child[1] = new Node(\"yahoo\",\"
MyNode.child[1] = new Node(\"e-mails\",\"\");
MyNode.child[1].child[0] = new Node(\"hotmail\",\"
MyNode.child[2] = new Node(\"javascript\",\"\");
MyNode.child[2].child[0] = new Node(\"script.dk\",\"
a {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
p {text-decoration: none; color: black;}
</STYLE></HEAD><BODY onLoad=\"if ( ( NS4 == 1 ) || ( IE4 == 1 ) ) setTimeout(\'updatemenu()\',1)\"><SCRIPT>document.write(menu_title);</SCRIPT><P><DIV ID=\"menu\" STYLE=\"position: absolute;\"><SCRIPT>if ( ( NS4 != 1 ) && ( IE4 != 1 ) ) document.write(showtree(MyNode,0,\'\',1))</SCRIPT><NOSCRIPT>Dette er en javascript menu. Din browser understøtter desværre ikke javascript</NOSCRIPT></DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><br><hr><center>Downloaded from: <a href=\"