Avatar billede nvr Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 13:03 Der er 5 kommentarer og
3 løsninger

Indfatte param-data i kode

Jeg har fulgt med i NewsTicker-spørgsmålet (http://www.eksperten.dk/spm/39844), og kunne egentlig godt bruge den selv.

Nu vil jeg imidlertid gerne have fikset lidt ved den...

For at afvikle applet\'en skal man eks. skrive:

    height=30 >
    <param name=newsfile value=\"news.txt\">
    <param name=x value=70>
    <param name=y value=6>
    <param name=cx value=396>
    <param name=cy value=30>
    <param name=background value=\"top.gif\">
    <param name=bgcolor value=\"102,102,153\">
    <param name=pause value=\"true\">

Men jeg ville meget gerne have integreret de data i selve koden, så de IKKE kan ændres på, og man derfor blot kan skrive:

    height=30 >

Jeg har selv haft kigget lidt på kildekoden, men jeg kan ikke rigtig få det til at du.

Jeg TROR, at det er i denne bid af koden, man skal ændre tingene, men selvom jeg har skiftet værdierne ud, sker der ikke noget.

Specielt stien til baggrundsbilledet vil jeg meget gerne have ændret, så man kan benytte en URL.

// Members for applet parameters
    // <type>      <MemberVar>    = <Default Value>
    private String m_newsfile = \"news.txt\";
    private int m_x = 0;
    private int m_y = 0;
    private int m_cx = 0;
    private int m_cy = 0;
    private String m_background = \"\";
    private Color m_bgcolor;
    private Color m_textcolor;
    private Color m_hilitecolor;
    private String m_frame = null;

Jeg copy \'n\' paster lige kildekoden her:

// NewsTicker.java:    Applet
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

// Main Class for applet NewsTicker
public class NewsTicker extends bApplet implements Runnable
    // General data members
    private Vector m_headers = new Vector();
    private Vector m_urls = new Vector();
    private int m_sel = -1;
    private int m_headerCount = 0;
    private int m_currHeader = 0;
    private Thread m_thread;
    private Image m_imgBuffer = null;
    private int m_scrollPos = 14;
    private boolean m_over = false;
    private boolean m_pause = false;
    private int m_cursory;
    private boolean m_activatepause = false;
    private boolean m_firstrender = true;

    //        Parameters allow an HTML author to pass information to the applet;
    // the HTML author specifies them using the <PARAM> tag within the <APPLET>
    // tag.  The following variables are used to store the values of the
    // parameters.

    // Members for applet parameters
    // <type>      <MemberVar>    = <Default Value>
    private String m_newsfile = \"news.txt\";
    private int m_x = 0;
    private int m_y = 0;
    private int m_cx = 0;
    private int m_cy = 0;
    private String m_background = \"\";
    private Color m_bgcolor;
    private Color m_textcolor;
    private Color m_hilitecolor;
    private String m_frame = null;

    // Parameter names.  To change a name of a parameter, you need only make
    // a single change.  Simply modify the value of the parameter string below.
    private final String PARAM_newsfile = \"newsfile\";
    private final String PARAM_x = \"x\";
    private final String PARAM_y = \"y\";
    private final String PARAM_cx = \"cx\";
    private final String PARAM_cy = \"cy\";
    private final String PARAM_background = \"background\";
    private final String PARAM_bgcolor = \"bgcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_textcolor = \"textcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_hilitecolor = \"hilitecolor\";
    private final String PARAM_frame = \"frame\";
    private final String PARAM_pause = \"pause\";

    // Variables. 
    private Image m_imgBackground;
    private Font m_font;

    // NewsTicker Class Constructor
    public NewsTicker()
        m_font = new Font(\"Helvetica\", Font.PLAIN, 11);

    //        The getAppletInfo() method returns a string describing the applet\'s
    // author, copyright date, or miscellaneous information.
    public String getAppletInfo()
        return \"Name: NewsTicker\\r\\n\" +
              \"Author: John Mannix\\r\\n\" +
              \"Created with Microsoft Visual J++ Version 1.1\";

    //        The getParameterInfo() method returns an array of strings describing
    // the parameters understood by this applet.
    // NewsTicker Parameter Information:
    //  { \"Name\", \"Type\", \"Description\" },
    public String[][] getParameterInfo()
        String[][] info =
            { PARAM_newsfile, \"String\", \"News text file\" },
            { PARAM_x, \"int\", \"X position of news view\" },
            { PARAM_y, \"int\", \"Y position of news view\" },
            { PARAM_cx, \"int\", \"Width of news view\" },
            { PARAM_cy, \"int\", \"Height of news view\" },
            { PARAM_background, \"String\", \"Background image URL\" },
            { PARAM_bgcolor, \"String\", \"Background colour \'R,G,B\'\" },
            { PARAM_textcolor, \"String\", \"Text colour \'R,G,B\'\" },
            { PARAM_hilitecolor, \"String\", \"Highlight colour \'R,G,B\'\" },
            { PARAM_frame, \"String\", \"Frame used to launch URLs\" },
            { PARAM_pause, \"String\", \"Whether to activate pause\" }
        return info;       

    // The init() method is called by the AWT when an applet is first loaded or
    // reloaded.  Override this method to perform whatever initialization your
    // applet needs, such as initializing data structures, loading images or
    // fonts, creating frame windows, setting the layout manager, or adding UI
    // components.
    public void init()
        //        The following code retrieves the value of each parameter
        // specified with the <PARAM> tag and stores it in a member
        // variable.
        String param;

        // newsfile: News text file
        param = getParameter(PARAM_newsfile);
        if (param != null)
            m_newsfile = param;

        // x: X position of news view
        param = getParameter(PARAM_x);
        if (param != null)
            m_x = Integer.parseInt(param);

        // y: Y position of news view
        param = getParameter(PARAM_y);
        if (param != null)
            m_y = Integer.parseInt(param);

        // cx: Width of news view
        param = getParameter(PARAM_cx);
        if (param != null)
            m_cx = Integer.parseInt(param);

        // cy: Height of news view
        param = getParameter(PARAM_cy);
        if (param != null)
            m_cy = Integer.parseInt(param);

        // background: Background image URL
        param = getParameter(PARAM_background);
        if (param != null)
            m_background = param;

        // pause: Whether to activate pause
        param = getParameter(PARAM_pause);
        if (param != null)
            m_activatepause = true;
            m_scrollPos += m_y + m_cy;

        // bgcolor: Background colour
        StringTokenizer t;
        String bgcolor = getParameter(PARAM_bgcolor);
        if (bgcolor != null)
            t = new StringTokenizer(bgcolor, \",\");
            m_bgcolor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken()),

        // textcolor: Text colour
        String textcolor = getParameter(PARAM_textcolor);
        if (textcolor != null)
            t = new StringTokenizer(textcolor, \",\");
            m_textcolor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken()),
            m_textcolor = Color.black;

        // hilitecolor: Highlight colour
        textcolor = getParameter(PARAM_textcolor);
        if (textcolor != null)
            t = new StringTokenizer(textcolor, \",\");
            m_hilitecolor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken()),
            m_hilitecolor = Color.red;

        // frame: Frame used to launch URLs
        m_frame = getParameter(PARAM_frame);
        // Load the background image and prepare it
        m_imgBackground = getImage(getDocumentBase(), m_background);
        prepareImage(m_imgBackground, this);

        // Read the news file into an array

    // Place additional applet clean up code here.  destroy() is called when
    // when you applet is terminating and being unloaded.
    public void destroy()

    // NewsTicker Paint Handler
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        if (m_imgBuffer == null)
            m_imgBuffer = createImage(size().width, size().height);

        g.drawImage(m_imgBuffer, 0, 0, null);

    public void render()
        if (m_imgBuffer != null)
            Graphics g = m_imgBuffer.getGraphics();
            g.fillRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
            g.drawImage(m_imgBackground, 0, 0, this);
            g.clipRect(m_x, m_y, m_cx, m_cy);
            g.translate(0, m_scrollPos);

            String line;
            int y = m_y, i;
            m_pause = false;
            boolean reset = false;
            m_sel = -1;

            while (y + m_scrollPos < m_y + m_cy + 34)
                for (i = 0; i < m_headerCount; i++)
                    if (m_over)
                        line = (String)m_headers.elementAt(i);
                        int height = 0, index = 0;
                        while (line.indexOf(\'|\', index) > 0)
                            index = line.indexOf(\'|\', index)+1;

                        if (m_cursory+14 > y+m_scrollPos && m_cursory < y+height+m_scrollPos)
                            m_sel = i;

                    if (y + m_scrollPos == m_y + 14) m_pause = true;

                    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer((String)m_headers.elementAt(i), \"|\");
                    while (t.hasMoreTokens())
                        line = t.nextToken();
                        g.drawString(line, m_x, y);
                        y += 14;
                    y += 24;


                if (y + m_scrollPos < m_y) reset = true;

            if (reset) m_scrollPos = 0;

    public void update(Graphics g)

    // The start() method is called when the page containing the applet
    // first appears on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation
    // of this method starts execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void start()
        m_thread = new Thread(this);
    // The stop() method is called when the page containing the applet is
    // no longer on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation of
    // this method stops execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void stop()

    // The run() method is called when by m_thread and implements the
    // header animations between the display of each news item.
    public void run()
            while (true)
                if (m_pause && m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(4000);
                else if (m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(20);
                else m_thread.sleep(100);
                //m_currHeader = (m_currHeader+1) % m_headerCount;
        catch (InterruptedException e)

    // The mouseDown() method is called if the mouse button is pressed
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
        if (m_sel >= 0 && m_sel < m_headerCount)
            if (m_frame == null)
                getAppletContext().showDocument((URL)m_urls.elementAt(m_sel), m_frame);

        return true;

    // The mouseUp() method is called if the mouse button is released
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
        return true;

    public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = true;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = false;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    // Read the news file into m_headers, one line per entry.
    private void readNewsFile()
        String line;
        int count = 0;
            URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), m_newsfile);

                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(url.openStream());
                    line = in.readLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line, \"~\");
                        if (t.hasMoreTokens())
                            m_urls.addElement(new URL(getDocumentBase(), t.nextToken()));
                } while (line != null);
            catch (IOException e)
        catch (MalformedURLException e)
            System.err.println(\"Could not open news feed file.\");
Avatar billede davsclaus Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 13:45 #1
I metoden public void init() aflæses parameterne som appleten startes op med.
Der skal du skippe de parameter som du vil have som faste, og den
tilsvaren m_xxx variabel skal blot instansieres med den ønskede fast værdi.

f.eks. for parameteren: PARAM_x

private int m_x = 0;
  skal erstattes med

private int m_x = 70;
  og i metoden
public void init() {

  param = getParameter(PARAM_x);
  if (param != null)
    m_x = Integer.parseInt(param);

skal ovenstående kode blot slettes.

Avatar billede davsclaus Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 13:48 #2
Det er vel lige lovlig mange point du giver for denne opgave - 900
så for at være fair burde den være på 100 eller som eksperten selv foreslår:
  60 = svær
  30 = middel
  15 = let
Avatar billede stigc Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 14:39 #3
Værsgo heller sourcekoden med mulighed for at skrikve parameterne direkte!

// NewsTicker.java:    Applet
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

// Main Class for applet NewsTicker
public class NewsTicker extends bApplet implements Runnable
    // General data members
    private Vector m_headers = new Vector();
    private Vector m_urls = new Vector();
    private int m_sel = -1;
    private int m_headerCount = 0;
    private int m_currHeader = 0;
    private Thread m_thread;
    private Image m_imgBuffer = null;
    private int m_scrollPos = 14;
    private boolean m_over = false;
    private boolean m_pause = false;
    private int m_cursory;
    private boolean m_activatepause = false;
    private boolean m_firstrender = true;

    //        Parameters allow an HTML author to pass information to the applet;
    // the HTML author specifies them using the <PARAM> tag within the <APPLET>
    // tag.  The following variables are used to store the values of the
    // parameters.

    // Members for applet parameters
    // <type>      <MemberVar>    = <Default Value>
    private String m_newsfile = \"news.txt\";
    private int m_x = 0;
    private int m_y = 0;
    private int m_cx = 0;
    private int m_cy = 0;
    private String m_background = \"\";
    private Color m_bgcolor;
    private Color m_textcolor;
    private Color m_hilitecolor;
    private String m_frame = null;

    // Parameter names.  To change a name of a parameter, you need only make
    // a single change.  Simply modify the value of the parameter string below.
    // Her bestemmer du parameterne
    private final String PARAM_newsfile = \"newsfile\";
    private final String PARAM_x = \"x\";
    private final String PARAM_y = \"y\";
    private final String PARAM_cx = \"cx\";
    private final String PARAM_cy = \"cy\";
    private final String PARAM_background = \"background\";
    private final String PARAM_bgcolor = \"bgcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_textcolor = \"textcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_hilitecolor = \"hilitecolor\";
    private final String PARAM_frame = \"frame\";
    private final String PARAM_pause = \"pause\";

    // Variables. 
    private Image m_imgBackground;
    private Font m_font;

    // NewsTicker Class Constructor
    public NewsTicker()
        m_font = new Font(\"Helvetica\", Font.PLAIN, 11);

    //        The getAppletInfo() method returns a string describing the applet\'s
    // author, copyright date, or miscellaneous information.
    public String getAppletInfo()
        return \"Name: NewsTicker\\r\\n\" +
              \"Author: John Mannix\\r\\n\" +
              \"Created with Microsoft Visual J++ Version 1.1\";

    //        The getParameterInfo() method returns an array of strings describing
    // the parameters understood by this applet.
    // NewsTicker Parameter Information:
    //  { \"Name\", \"Type\", \"Description\" },
    // The init() method is called by the AWT when an applet is first loaded or
    // reloaded.  Override this method to perform whatever initialization your
    // applet needs, such as initializing data structures, loading images or
    // fonts, creating frame windows, setting the layout manager, or adding UI
    // components.
    public void init()
        //        The following code retrieves the value of each parameter
        // specified with the <PARAM> tag and stores it in a member
        // variable.
        String param;

        // newsfile: News text file
            m_newsfile = \"news.txt\":
            m_x = 70
            m_y = 6
            m_cx = 396
            m_cy = 30
            m_background = \"top.gif\"
            m_activatepause = true;
            m_scrollPos += m_y + m_cy;

        String bgcolor = \"102,102,153\"
        if (bgcolor != null)
            t = new StringTokenizer(bgcolor, \",\");
            m_bgcolor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken()),

            m_textcolor = Color.black;
            m_hilitecolor = Color.red;
            m_frame = \"_self\";
          m_imgBackground = getImage(getDocumentBase(), m_background);
          prepareImage(m_imgBackground, this);


    // Place additional applet clean up code here.  destroy() is called when
    // when you applet is terminating and being unloaded.
    public void destroy()

    // NewsTicker Paint Handler
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        if (m_imgBuffer == null)
            m_imgBuffer = createImage(size().width, size().height);

        g.drawImage(m_imgBuffer, 0, 0, null);

    public void render()
        if (m_imgBuffer != null)
            Graphics g = m_imgBuffer.getGraphics();
            g.fillRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
            g.drawImage(m_imgBackground, 0, 0, this);
            g.clipRect(m_x, m_y, m_cx, m_cy);
            g.translate(0, m_scrollPos);

            String line;
            int y = m_y, i;
            m_pause = false;
            boolean reset = false;
            m_sel = -1;

            while (y + m_scrollPos < m_y + m_cy + 34)
                for (i = 0; i < m_headerCount; i++)
                    if (m_over)
                        line = (String)m_headers.elementAt(i);
                        int height = 0, index = 0;
                        while (line.indexOf(\'|\', index) > 0)
                            index = line.indexOf(\'|\', index)+1;

                        if (m_cursory+14 > y+m_scrollPos && m_cursory < y+height+m_scrollPos)
                            m_sel = i;

                    if (y + m_scrollPos == m_y + 14) m_pause = true;

                    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer((String)m_headers.elementAt(i), \"|\");
                    while (t.hasMoreTokens())
                        line = t.nextToken();
                        g.drawString(line, m_x, y);
                        y += 14;
                    y += 24;


                if (y + m_scrollPos < m_y) reset = true;

            if (reset) m_scrollPos = 0;

    public void update(Graphics g)

    // The start() method is called when the page containing the applet
    // first appears on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation
    // of this method starts execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void start()
        m_thread = new Thread(this);
    // The stop() method is called when the page containing the applet is
    // no longer on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation of
    // this method stops execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void stop()

    // The run() method is called when by m_thread and implements the
    // header animations between the display of each news item.
    public void run()
            while (true)
                if (m_pause && m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(4000);
                else if (m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(20);
                else m_thread.sleep(100);
                //m_currHeader = (m_currHeader+1) % m_headerCount;
        catch (InterruptedException e)

    // The mouseDown() method is called if the mouse button is pressed
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
        if (m_sel >= 0 && m_sel < m_headerCount)
            if (m_frame == null)
                getAppletContext().showDocument((URL)m_urls.elementAt(m_sel), m_frame);

        return true;

    // The mouseUp() method is called if the mouse button is released
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
        return true;

    public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = true;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = false;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    // Read the news file into m_headers, one line per entry.
    private void readNewsFile()
        String line;
        int count = 0;
            URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), m_newsfile);

                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(url.openStream());
                    line = in.readLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line, \"~\");
                        if (t.hasMoreTokens())
                            m_urls.addElement(new URL(getDocumentBase(), t.nextToken()));
                } while (line != null);
            catch (IOException e)
        catch (MalformedURLException e)
            System.err.println(\"Could not open news feed file.\");
Avatar billede stigc Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 14:42 #4
Der var et par mindre fejl:

Nu er den kompileret, of tjekket:

// NewsTicker.java:    Applet
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

// Main Class for applet NewsTicker
public class NewsTicker extends bApplet implements Runnable
    // General data members
    private Vector m_headers = new Vector();
    private Vector m_urls = new Vector();
    private int m_sel = -1;
    private int m_headerCount = 0;
    private int m_currHeader = 0;
    private Thread m_thread;
    private Image m_imgBuffer = null;
    private int m_scrollPos = 14;
    private boolean m_over = false;
    private boolean m_pause = false;
    private int m_cursory;
    private boolean m_activatepause = false;
    private boolean m_firstrender = true;

    //        Parameters allow an HTML author to pass information to the applet;
    // the HTML author specifies them using the <PARAM> tag within the <APPLET>
    // tag.  The following variables are used to store the values of the
    // parameters.

    // Members for applet parameters
    // <type>      <MemberVar>    = <Default Value>
    private String m_newsfile = \"news.txt\";
    private int m_x = 0;
    private int m_y = 0;
    private int m_cx = 0;
    private int m_cy = 0;
    private String m_background = \"\";
    private Color m_bgcolor;
    private Color m_textcolor;
    private Color m_hilitecolor;
    private String m_frame = null;

    // Parameter names.  To change a name of a parameter, you need only make
    // a single change.  Simply modify the value of the parameter string below.
    private final String PARAM_newsfile = \"newsfile\";
    private final String PARAM_x = \"x\";
    private final String PARAM_y = \"y\";
    private final String PARAM_cx = \"cx\";
    private final String PARAM_cy = \"cy\";
    private final String PARAM_background = \"background\";
    private final String PARAM_bgcolor = \"bgcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_textcolor = \"textcolor\";
    private final String PARAM_hilitecolor = \"hilitecolor\";
    private final String PARAM_frame = \"frame\";
    private final String PARAM_pause = \"pause\";

    // Variables. 
    private Image m_imgBackground;
    private Font m_font;

    // NewsTicker Class Constructor
    public NewsTicker()
        m_font = new Font(\"Helvetica\", Font.PLAIN, 11);

    //        The getAppletInfo() method returns a string describing the applet\'s
    // author, copyright date, or miscellaneous information.
    public String getAppletInfo()
        return \"Name: NewsTicker\\r\\n\" +
              \"Author: John Mannix\\r\\n\" +
              \"Created with Microsoft Visual J++ Version 1.1\";

    //        The getParameterInfo() method returns an array of strings describing
    // the parameters understood by this applet.
    // NewsTicker Parameter Information:
    //  { \"Name\", \"Type\", \"Description\" },
    // The init() method is called by the AWT when an applet is first loaded or
    // reloaded.  Override this method to perform whatever initialization your
    // applet needs, such as initializing data structures, loading images or
    // fonts, creating frame windows, setting the layout manager, or adding UI
    // components.
    public void init()
        //        The following code retrieves the value of each parameter
        // specified with the <PARAM> tag and stores it in a member
        // variable.
        String param;

        // newsfile: News text file

    // Her bestemmer du parameterne
            m_newsfile = \"news.txt\";
            m_x = 70;
            m_y = 6;
            m_cx = 396;
            m_cy = 30;
            m_background = \"top.gif\";
            m_activatepause = true;
            m_scrollPos += m_y + m_cy;

        String bgcolor = \"102,102,153\";
        if (bgcolor != null)
            t = new StringTokenizer(bgcolor, \",\");
            m_bgcolor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(t.nextToken()),

            m_textcolor = Color.black;
            m_hilitecolor = Color.red;
            m_frame = \"_self\";
          m_imgBackground = getImage(getDocumentBase(), m_background);
          prepareImage(m_imgBackground, this);


    // Place additional applet clean up code here.  destroy() is called when
    // when you applet is terminating and being unloaded.
    public void destroy()

    // NewsTicker Paint Handler
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        if (m_imgBuffer == null)
            m_imgBuffer = createImage(size().width, size().height);

        g.drawImage(m_imgBuffer, 0, 0, null);

    public void render()
        if (m_imgBuffer != null)
            Graphics g = m_imgBuffer.getGraphics();
            g.fillRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
            g.drawImage(m_imgBackground, 0, 0, this);
            g.clipRect(m_x, m_y, m_cx, m_cy);
            g.translate(0, m_scrollPos);

            String line;
            int y = m_y, i;
            m_pause = false;
            boolean reset = false;
            m_sel = -1;

            while (y + m_scrollPos < m_y + m_cy + 34)
                for (i = 0; i < m_headerCount; i++)
                    if (m_over)
                        line = (String)m_headers.elementAt(i);
                        int height = 0, index = 0;
                        while (line.indexOf(\'|\', index) > 0)
                            index = line.indexOf(\'|\', index)+1;

                        if (m_cursory+14 > y+m_scrollPos && m_cursory < y+height+m_scrollPos)
                            m_sel = i;

                    if (y + m_scrollPos == m_y + 14) m_pause = true;

                    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer((String)m_headers.elementAt(i), \"|\");
                    while (t.hasMoreTokens())
                        line = t.nextToken();
                        g.drawString(line, m_x, y);
                        y += 14;
                    y += 24;


                if (y + m_scrollPos < m_y) reset = true;

            if (reset) m_scrollPos = 0;

    public void update(Graphics g)

    // The start() method is called when the page containing the applet
    // first appears on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation
    // of this method starts execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void start()
        m_thread = new Thread(this);
    // The stop() method is called when the page containing the applet is
    // no longer on the screen. The AppletWizard\'s initial implementation of
    // this method stops execution of the applet\'s thread.
    public void stop()

    // The run() method is called when by m_thread and implements the
    // header animations between the display of each news item.
    public void run()
            while (true)
                if (m_pause && m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(4000);
                else if (m_activatepause) m_thread.sleep(20);
                else m_thread.sleep(100);
                //m_currHeader = (m_currHeader+1) % m_headerCount;
        catch (InterruptedException e)

    // The mouseDown() method is called if the mouse button is pressed
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
        if (m_sel >= 0 && m_sel < m_headerCount)
            if (m_frame == null)
                getAppletContext().showDocument((URL)m_urls.elementAt(m_sel), m_frame);

        return true;

    // The mouseUp() method is called if the mouse button is released
    // while the mouse cursor is over the applet\'s portion of the screen.
    public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
        return true;

    public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = true;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseExit(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_over = false;
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
        m_cursory = y;
        return true;

    // Read the news file into m_headers, one line per entry.
    private void readNewsFile()
        String line;
        int count = 0;
            URL url = new URL(getCodeBase(), m_newsfile);

                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(url.openStream());
                    line = in.readLine();
                    if (line != null)
                        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(line, \"~\");
                        if (t.hasMoreTokens())
                            m_urls.addElement(new URL(getDocumentBase(), t.nextToken()));
                } while (line != null);
            catch (IOException e)
        catch (MalformedURLException e)
            System.err.println(\"Could not open news feed file.\");
Avatar billede nvr Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 15:17 #5
davsclaus\' version virker lokalt - men ikke eksternt.

På den hjemmeside hvor class- og news.txt-filerne ligger fungerer den fint (http://www.movieboxen.dk/nyheder/test3.html), men så snart jeg flytter den et andet sted (http://www.a-bjerg.dk/test3.html) hen (og husker at lave en codebase) dur den ikke.

Jeg bruger:

    code=NewsTicker.class codebase=http://www.movieboxen.dk/nyheder/
    height=30 >
    <param name=bgcolor value=\"102,102,153\">
    <param name=pause value=\"true\">

...begge steder. Men den virker som sagt ikke på http://www.a-bjerg.dk/test3.html

Stigc\'s version vil min compiler ikke acceptere...

Den del af kildekoden, jeg har ændret ser nu således ud:

private String m_newsfile = \"http://www.movieboxen.dk/nyheder/news.txt\";
    private int m_x = 70;
    private int m_y = 6;
    private int m_cx = 396;
    private int m_cy = 30;
    private String m_background = \"http://www.movieboxen.dk/nyheder/top.gif\";
    private Color m_bgcolor;
    private Color m_textcolor;
    private Color m_hilitecolor;
    private String m_frame = null;

...og så har jeg naturligvis slettet public void init()-segmenterne.

Jeg har også prøvet uden URL - altså blot med navnet i håb om, at codebase\'en ville kunne fikse det. Det duede heller ikke.

Mht. pointene, så er jeg klar over, at det er mange points, men jeg vil gerne have det fikset asap, og mange points er som regel motiverende! :)
Avatar billede nvr Nybegynder
23. december 2000 - 15:21 #6
HOV for dælen da... nu virker det!?!

Nå jamen, så er det op til dig davsclaus, om du vil dele pointsene med stigc, kun have 100 eller hele bunken! :)
Avatar billede nvr Nybegynder
28. december 2000 - 11:14 #7
Hmmm... der har ikke været så meget respons, så jeg følger davsclaus ønske om de 100 points. Stigc får også 100 points, selvom hans kode og min compiler aldrig kunne blive enige! :)
Avatar billede davsclaus Nybegynder
28. december 2000 - 21:26 #8
til nvr:
Det er fint med de 100 point.

Jeg har været væk fra min computer et stykke tid, så derfor kan jeg først svare nu.

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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